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Smart and Skilled Western Student Connections - Dubbo Conference 25 November 2014.

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1 Smart and Skilled Western Student Connections - Dubbo Conference 25 November 2014

2 Smart and Skilled a major reform to the NSW training system Smart and Skilled gives students training to gain a job and advance their careers expands the skills of our workforce to meet future demand for jobs ensures high quality, responsive, equitable and efficient training From January 2015, eligible students will be entitled to government subsidised training in priority skills areas.

3 The Entitlement will start from 1 January 2015 Covers Select Foundation Skills courses, full qualifications from Certificate II to III, apprenticeships and selected new entrant traineeships 2015 Skills List defines which qualifications are funded Is delivered by TAFE NSW and approved private and community providers Is consumer-driven Students can choose the approved provider that best meets their needs Funding will follow the student to the provider of their choice The NSW government will fund the ‘Entitlement’ for eligible students to undertake training

4 Funding will also be available for ‘Targeted Priorities’ What is covered? Purchased training in:  full qualifications from Cert IV to Advanced Diploma 2015 Skills List defines funded courses Who delivers it? Places will be purchased from TAFE NSW and approved private and community providers Student choice will be subject to availability of places Under Smart and Skilled the NSW Government will also fund: Skills sets and short courses Pre-vocational training

5 The NSW Skills List defines what courses government will fund and takes account of state priorities The 2015 Skills Lists covers over 700 qualifications and courses, as: Entitlement - full qualifications:. Selected Foundation Skills Courses (I-II). Certificate II and III. Apprenticeships and selected new entree traineeships Targeted Priorities (purchased training). Full qualifications at Certificate IV to Advanced Diploma. Pre-vocational training. Part qualifications for priority occupations and sectors Skills sets and short courses Pre-vocational training courses

6 New student fee arrangements will be introduced Fees will be based on the benefit that students gain from training Smart and Skilled will introduce fairer fees for students 46,000 more students will be able to train in 2015 than under these arrangements Student fees will: be lower for students doing their first post school qualification be lower for lower level qualifications vary by industry, recognising that not all costs are the same be the same for the same qualification regardless of the training provider chosen

7 Exemptions cover all courses and concessions apply to courses up to Certificate IV Outreach 52% Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students will not pay a fee for any government subsidised qualifications that they are eligible for Students with a disability and their dependants will not pay a fee for the first subsidised qualification they commence in a calendar year. A concession will apply for any subsequent course the student commences in the same year up to Certificate IV. Commonwealth welfare recipients and their dependants will be eligible for concessions in government subsidised training up to Certificate IV.

8 Lower fees and concessions for courses up to Certificate IV Qualification level2015 Concession fees Foundation $80 Certificate II $160 Certificate III $240 Certificate IV $240 Diploma/ Advanced Diploma No concession VET FEE-HELP loans will be available for Diploma and Advanced Diploma students Apprentice fees will be capped at $2,000 per qualification

9 Different fees apply to apprenticeships and traineeships, in recognition of their importance to the NSW economy Traineeships (only new entrant traineeships are subsidised under Smart and Skilled) Fees the same as the 1 st qualification fee, regardless of qualifications already held Apprenticeships Fees capped at $2,000 per qualification

10 Smart and Skilled supports disadvantaged students Fee exemption 15% fee loading to providers (needs loading) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students Fee exemption for first qualification in calendar year 15% fee loading to providers (needs loading) Students with a disability 10% fee loading to providers for long term unemployed (needs loading) Commonwealth welfare recipients 10% fee loading to providers for regional students 20% fee loading to providers for remote students Remote and regional location students Needs and location loadings + fee exemption and concessions = extra support for disadvantaged learners ( maximum of one needs loading and one location loading per student)

11 Who is eligible? Different requirements for Entitlement and Targeted Priorities Does NOT hold a Certificate IV or above Holds a Certificate IV or above Eligible for the Entitlement Eligible for Targeted Priorities NOT eligible for the Entitlement except apprenticeships and traineeships Students registered as a NSW apprentice or new entrant trainee are eligible, irrespective of any qualifications previously obtained Qualifications obtained as part of the school programs will not impact on students’ eligibility for training under smart and skilled Meets Smart and Skilled personal eligibility be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or humanitarian visa holder, or New Zealand citizen, and be aged 15 years or older, and no longer be at school, and live or work in NSW

12 School leavers are eligible for Smart and Skilled, irrespective of qualifications achieved at school Fees will be charged at the first post- school qualification rates for: School leavers, regardless of any previous qualification Foundation skills qualifications Apprentices and new entrant trainees VET in Schools programs, including SBATS are outside Smart and Skilled Any qualifications achieved at school are NOT counted as an entitlement – this means school leavers are eligible for both Entitlement and the first qualification fees under Smart and Skilled

13 Smart and Skilled providers and prices apply to SBAT programs  One price applies to qualifications on The NSW Skills List - whether they are delivered as a Smart and Skilled entitlement or SBAT program  Smart and Skilled providers can deliver training under the SBAT program outside of Smart and Skilled

14 Visit the STS website for more information on SBATs From 1 January 2015, a search engine will be available on the STS website to allow students to search for SBAT providers The School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeships Program Fee Administration Policy is available on the STS website:

15 VET FEE-HELP loans now available for Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas and select Certificate IVs Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas on the NSW Skills List A trial of 5 Certificate IV courses in: Disability Aged care Information Technology Networking Agriculture Travel and tourism (trial effective until 31 December 2016 ) From 1 July 2014 VET FEE-HELP in NSW has been extended to:

16 Eligible Smart and Skilled students also need to meet VET FEE-HELP eligibility to get a loan *For information on the FEE-HELP limit, go to: NSW Apprentices and NSW New Entrant trainees are eligible for Smart and Skilled. Of these apprentices and trainees, those who are Australian citizens or humanitarian visa holders are eligible for VET FEE-HELP.

17 Smart and Skilled is now close to the implementation of the Entitlement Dec 2013 Released: Quality Framework Skills List Jan 2014 Roll-over contracts 2014 Skills List Student transition arrangements May 2014 Released: 2015 prices, fees and subsidies 2015 Skills List IPART Final Report Mid 2014 Provider Application Closed on 8 th Aug Oct 2014 Smart & Skilled website launched Information on approved providers and courses Jan 2015 Entitlement with regulated fees

18 A new Smart and Skilled website was launched late October 2014: The website functionality features: Course Finder and Fee Calculator Eligibility Checker Designed for students and employers looking for training or a provider

19 The Course Finder features different search functions Students and employers can: Search for a course across all regions and approved training providers Find a locally-delivered course Find all courses delivered by an approved training provider across all regions or locally.

20 Now what are the steps that students need to take? √ Check student eligibility √ Search for the course √ Find the provider(s) in one or across all regions √ Find the indicative fees √ Make enquiries (e.g. mode of delivery, payment options) with the chosen provider Enrol in the course and commence training

21 For further information go to the STS website and subscribe to receive updates For more information your first point of call is the State Training Services website If you have any additional enquiries write to us at Smart and Skilled Email: Subscribe to Smart and Skilled updates – via Smart and Skilled on the STS website

22 Questions?

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