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New Tariff implementation plan - for the 2017 admissions cycle

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1 New Tariff implementation plan - for the 2017 admissions cycle
September 2014

2 Contents Introduction Implementation timeline – high level overview
Activity plans: UCAS higher education providers (HEPs) teachers and advisers other stakeholders Scope of implementation – products and services in and out of scope New Tariff milestones – visual version of the implementation plan (same content as activity plans)

3 1. Introduction Providing support
This plan is aimed at admissions staff involved in the transition to the new Tariff. The purpose of this plan is to provide a view of the key milestones and activities involved in implementing the new UCAS Tariff, from the perspective of UCAS and higher education providers (HEPs). This plan will be subject to further development at key stages, to ensure it remains relevant to the changing environment the new Tariff will operate in throughout the implementation period. The new Tariff implementation plan will be updated each year and notification will be sent to HEPs whenever the plan is revised. It will be discussed at key UCAS events and forums to get HEP views on progress and feedback on additional activities, information, training and other support that may need to be added to the plan. Providing support UCAS will provide supporting material throughout the new Tariff implementation period. UCAS will draw on customer feedback to refine tools, information and guidance regarding the new Tariff. UCAS teams will be available to support and guide all customers as required – designated regional Relationship Managers and the UCAS Professional Development Team are available to provide advice and training on the new Tariff implementation process.

4 1.2 Key implementation activities
The main objective of the plan is to support HEPs implement the new Tariff for courses starting from September To support this objective, the following key implementation activities are important: the new Tariff points are published and effectively communicated from September 2014 HEPs are supported in ensuring their key stakeholders understand the impact of the switch over to the New Tariff all stakeholders like HEPs, HESA and third party IT suppliers have plans in place to make the required changes for the switchover, as appropriate to their function all change required is completed in advance of the new Tariff switchover and all parties have access to the support or training they need and are well prepared the switchover takes place successfully, in time for the 2017 admissions cycle post switchover, operation of the New Tariff is successful

5 2. New Tariff implementation plan – high level overview
June – Aug 2014 Sep 14 – Aug 15 Sep 15 – Aug 16 Sep 16 – Aug 17 Sep 17 – Aug 18 Jun 2014 Jul 2014 Aug 2014 Sep–Nov 2014 Dec–Feb 2014/15 Mar–May 2015 Jun–Aug 2015/16 2016 2016/17 2017 2017/18 2018 Admission Cycles Key Decision Milestones Operational Milestones Engagement IT Changes 2014 entry cycle 2015 entry cycle 2016 entry cycle 2017 entry cycle UCAS Board approved new Tariff & plan Jun 14 UCAS Board preparedness review April 2016 UCAS begins to process 2017 applications HEPs make decisions /offers using new Tariff from Sep 2016 End of Cycle Report published with new Tariff Jan 2018 Course Collect (entry 2017) opens Oct 2015 UCAS search tool opens (entry 2017) New Tariff Calculator rolled out to HEPs Dec 2014 C&C reporting (new Tariff) Jul/Aug 2017 HEPs publish prospectuses for 2017 Jan-Feb 2016 Feedback Survey published Jul 14 New Tariff published Sep 2014 Apply Opens (entry 2017) HESA publish Performance Indicators (new Tariff) Dec 2018-Mar 2019 Initial support and communications on the new Tariff from August 2014 Regional Training for schools and colleges commences Oct 2014 UCAS HE conventions for applicants Mar 2016 Schools and colleges advise level 3/SCQF level 6 students from Sep 2014 Tariff switchover Regional training for HEPs commences Jan 2015 Continual communications and engagement UCAS IT development Jul 2015– Mar 2016 IT test environment opens IT suppliers commence development and testing Nov 2015 Link products rolled out Oct 2016 IT sign-off for implementation Mar 2016

6 New Tariff goes ‘live’ for courses starting from September 2017
3. Activity plan - UCAS Jul 14 – Aug 14 Sep 14 – Aug 15 Sep 15 – Aug 16 Sep 16 - Aug 17 Sep 17 onwards Findings of feedback survey published (Jul 14) New Tariff tables produced for publication (Sep 14) Ongoing communication with stakeholders on implementation detail and communications planned for key points throughout the year. New Tariff points published on (Sep 14) Initial guidance/information on the new Tariff published for HEPs, schools and stakeholders (Sep 14) Fact sheets produced for parents/carers learners and staff on new Tariff for teachers/advisers and/or HEPs to use (Sep 14) UCAS Progress add new Tariff link into their product (Sep 14) Joint UCAS and HESA communications to HEPs on impact on statutory data returns for qualifications held on entry (Oct/Nov 14) Training rolled out to relevant internal staff at UCAS (Sep 14) External regional Tariff training rolled out to schools, colleges and HEPs (Jan 15 onwards) Annual Review meeting – update on Tariff implementation (Nov 14) New Tariff calculator rolled out for HEPs (Jan 15) Video for applicants launched on new Tariff (Jan 15) Teacher and Adviser Conference (Feb 15) Admissions Conference (Apr 15) Course Collect development / rollover commences: actions needed and guidance for HEPs will be provided through bulletins and (Jul 15) Data Collection, DQA team trained in new Tariff points for Entry Profiles (Aug 15) UCAS website content updated again for HEPs , schools and colleges, advisers, Parents, Applicants on latest developments (Autumn 15) ‘Course Collect’ opens for 2017 Entry. (Oct 15) Annual UCAS publications updated : Parents Guide, Little Guide, qualifications guides, international guides, admissions guides. (Nov 15 – Aug 16) Annual Review meeting – update on Tariff (Nov 15) Test environment rolled out with new Tariff points for IT suppliers and HEPs (Nov 15) Teacher and Adviser Conference (Feb 16) Admissions Conference (Apr 16) Search opens with new Tariff points for Entry 2017 (May/Jun 16) Apply goes live enabled to handle new Tariff (Jun 16) Web content updated for HEPs , schools and colleges, advisers, Parents, Applicants (Autumn 16) Tariff events and stakeholder engagements scheduled throughout the year. Communications scheduled at key points throughout the year UCAS processes applications for Entry 2017 (Sep 16) Topaz reference data tables (including ABL) updated with new Tariff points (Oct 16) Annual Review meeting – update on Tariff (Nov 16) Teacher and Adviser Conference (Feb 17) Admissions Conference (Apr 17) C&C reporting uses new Tariff points (Jul 17) Evaluation and review of the impact of the new Tariff following first admissions (Sep 17 onwards) ‘End of Cycle’ datasets and reports updated with new Tariff (Oct 17 and Jan 18) Annual Review meeting – update on Tariff (Nov 17) Teacher and Adviser Conference (Feb 18) Admissions Conference (April 18) Text here New Tariff goes ‘live’ for courses starting from September 2017

7 New Tariff goes ‘live’ for courses starting from September 2017
3.1 Activity plan - HEPs Sep 14 – Aug 15 Sep 15 – Aug 16 Sep 16 – Aug 17 Sep 17 onwards Planning for Tariff switchover commences i.e. HEPs start internal discussions and consider the impact of the new Tariff on their university and college entry requirements - if Tariff using (Sep 14 onwards) HEP staff (Admissions, Planning, Outreach) are trained /informed about the new Tariff (Sep 14 onwards) Student Record teams start to consider updates required to their systems and appropriate timelines (Sep 14 onwards) Prospectuses start to get updated with new Tariff points if used, for 2017 Entry (Oct 14 to Mar 15) Conversion currency work begins on course details before Course Collect opens (Jan 15) Start planning new web content and other marketing material for 2017 Entry (Mar 15) Course information updated in Course Collect with new Tariff for courses starting from September (Oct 15) Admission policies updated for 2017 Entry if Tariff using (Dec 15) ‘Offer’ codes updated for 2017 Entry using new Tariff if appropriate (please note that UCAS does not anticipate any offer code changes to UCAS systems) (Feb 16) Recruitment activities, e.g. open days, school visits, UCAS conventions (Feb/Mar 16 onwards) HEPs start to receive applications with new Tariff (from Sep 16) HEPs make offers using new Tariff where applicable (Sep 16) Evaluation and review of internal systems and processes following first admissions with new Tariff (Sep 17 onwards) Provide feedback on improvements to enable UCAS to provide further support if needed (Sep 17 onwards) Submit HESA student returns (Oct/Nov 18) Text here New Tariff goes ‘live’ for courses starting from September 2017

8 3.2 Activity plan – teachers and advisers
July 14 – Aug 14 Sep 14 – Aug 15 Sep 15 – Aug 16 Sep 16 – Aug 17 Sep 17 onwards Curriculum planning starts for 2017 Entry (Jul 14) Planning IAG content for applicants, parents/carers starts for learners likely to apply to HE 2017 Entry (Jul 14) Planning new web content on qualifications, live from September 2015 Receive UCAS Comms aimed at schools/advisers to ensure understanding of new Tariff and its impact on Level 3 choices for Year 10/ 11 students (Sep 14) Advise students on Level 3 qualification choices in light of new Tariff (from Sep 14) Advisers can access UCAS training on new Tariff (Oct 14 onwards) Support student Level 3 qualification choices (Sep – July 15) 2017 Entry applicants choose their Level 3 qualifications (Jan – Aug 15) UCAS Teacher and Adviser conferences provide another opportunity for new Tariff information raising and discussion (Feb 15) 2017 Entry applicants receive their results (Aug 15) 2017 Entry Applicants start their Level 3 qualifications such as A Levels (Sep 15) Teachers and advisers discuss progression to HE, need for research and UCAS process for students (Jun – Jul 16) 2017 Entry applicants can begin their applications in ‘Apply’ (Jun 16) 2017 Entry applicants receive their AS results if taken (Aug 16) 2017 Entry applicants continue their application to UCAS (Sep 16) Teachers and advisers support students with application choices to meet the different application deadlines (from Sep 16 – Jun 17) 2017 Entry Applicants receive their results (Jul/Aug 17 ) Teachers and advisers support students receiving their results and through Clearing (Jul/Aug 17) Provide feedback on improvements to enable UCAS to provide further support if needed (Sep 17 onwards) 2017 Entry Applicants begin their university course (from Sep/Oct 17) Text here New Tariff goes ‘live’ Entry 2017

9 3.3 Activity plan - other stakeholders
Sep 13 – Aug 14 Sep 14 – Aug 15 Sep 15 – Aug 16 Sep 16 – Aug 17 Sep 17 onwards UCAS and HESA hold meetings with Planning and Student Record Team representatives to discuss key messages on handling of student record returns and HESA support on qualifications held on entry – (Sep 13/Oct 14) HESA/UCAS communications to HEP Planning and Student Record Teams as and when appropriate/useful Engagement with third party software suppliers and HEPs with in-house IT systems to plan change HEP IT suppliers commence system testing using UCAS test environment (Nov 15) HEP IT suppliers update relevant systems (SITs/Vision, SAP, ODBC refresh, Curriculum system, CAS and CUKAS Decision Forms) (Feb – Aug 16) Provide feedback on improvements to enable UCAS to provide further support if needed (Sep 17 onwards) HESA tariff specification created (Jan 18 – Feb 18) HESA tariff specification communication to HEPs (via operational documentation) (Jun 18 – Nov 18) HESA Data Supply to HEPs (average tariff points and Unistats preview) (Aug 18 – Nov 18) Performance indicator analysis and specification by HESA, UKPITG/UKPISG (Dec 18 – Mar 19) HESA production of ad-hoc data enquiries for league table producers and other Tariff related publications (Jan 19 - Sep 19) Performance indicators (excluding research and employment) published (Mar 19) League tables published by third party producers with new Tariff points (Apr 19 - Sep 19) Performance indicators (research and employment) published (Jul 19) Output file for KIS-Unistats created (Aug 19 – Aug 20) New Tariff goes ‘live’ for courses starting from September 2017 Other stakeholders include key bodies that UCAS has consulted throughout the development of the new Tariff, such as awarding organisations, funding councils, qualification regulators, teacher and student representative bodies. The aim is to ensure all parties are clear about the move to the new Tariff and can help support the transition if appropriate, so that all opportunities to support effective communication on the new Tariff are maximised. UCAS will continue to engage with these stakeholders in the implementation of the new Tariff. This activity page currently focuses on key activities associated with HESA and IT suppliers, whose activities are likely to be of most interest to HEPs at this stage.

10 4. Scope of new Tariff implementation – UCAS products & services
In scope Out of scope System Updates Topaz reference data tables (including ABL reference table) Course Collect Course Collect Reporting Database (snapshot of Course Collect live each day) UCAS test environment to be set up for HEPs and 3rd party IT providers IT Engagement Team To communicate with Software Vendors (Tribal, Capita, CampusIT, Ellucian etc.) and HEP IT contacts Marcomms Communications (weekly and monthly channels, ad hoc, operational) Web content updated for HEPs, schools, colleges, advisers, parents, applicants Social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs) Video clips (update or create new) Engagement via groups and forums (new Tariff on meeting agendas, obtain provider feedback) External meetings and training with HEPs, schools, colleges, advisers (via RM and PD teams) UCAS events i.e. Provider events, Teacher and Adviser events, International events (promotional material and speaker opportunities) UCAS publications which refer to the Tariff (Little guide, Parents guide, Admissions guide, Guide to studying in the UK, International Guide etc) Internal training and communication Internal communication Staff awareness training for all staff Specific training for key staff (Data Collection, Data Quality Assurance, Professional Development, HEP team, Scheme Delivery Team, Education Team, Relationship Managers, Technical Relationship Managers) UCAS Media UCAS Progress – updated link to new Tariff information P&R Updates to analytical services and products using the tariff – (End of Year reports, C&C, SNC reports, intra-cycle reporting etc) UCAS Media product updates - Offers, Competitors, Conversion, Progression products and other bespoke reports QIP updates Updates to UCAS UK and International Qualification Guides These products/services are listed as out of scope because they will be updated to reflect the new Tariff via annual routine system updates and do not need to go through a significant change process: Apply Track Search Provider Course Reports ABL system XAP Netupdate Onyx *J Link Products (xml, odbc, web-link) Link Manuals Application Tracker Decision Tracker Adviser Track Text here

11 4.1 Scope of new Tariff implementation – stakeholder products and services
Schools /colleges HEPs HEP Vendor Suppliers and HEPs with in-house systems HESA Training Internal staff and advisers Planning Curriculum Planning Web Web content updated Publications Material produced for students and parents Training and awareness Internal admissions/student records staff Policy Updates Admission policies Web content Online prospectus Prospectus IAG material System Updates Student Record System Data Reference tables Data / Information Conversion currency work on course details/entry profile Update Course Collect information Tribal Products SITS Vision CAS Unit4 Business Products Data reference tables (offer library) CAS and CUKAS (decision forms) odbc views Curriculum system Capita Products Admissions Application system odbc link Ellucian Products Banner System Oracle Campus Solution system Campus IT Products TBC SAP SAP table updates via UCAS XML HESA Data Outputs/Reports HESA tariff specification Data Supply to HEPs Performance indicator analysis and specification by HESA, UKPITG/UKPISG HESA production of ad-hoc data enquiries for league table producers and other Tariff related publications Performance indicators League Tables Output file for KIS-Unistats Communications Communication to HEPs Text here

12 5. New Tariff implementation milestones – Sep 2014 to Aug 2015
UCAS publishes new Tariff Sep - Dec 14 UCAS New Tariff points published Communication and information launched on the new Tariff, including factsheets for parents/carers and applicants for teachers to use as appropriate UCAS Progress updates link to new Tariff information Joint UCAS and HESA comms to HEPs on impact on collection of qualifications held on entry Jul 15 Decision to allocate points to Access to HE qualifications Jan 15 2017 Entry applicants choose their A Levels Oct 14 UCAS External training rolled out to schools and advisers Aug 15 UCAS ‘Search’ development begins Tariff training on Entry Profiles commences for externally facing teams Web content updated for HEPs, schools/colleges, applicants Jul 15 UCAS Course Collect rollover begins Jan 15 UCAS Tariff video clip launched for students to explain new Tariff points New Tariff calculator rolled out to HEPs External regional Tariff training rolled out to HEPs Nov 14 UCAS Annual Review Conference Feb 15 UCAS Teachers and advisers Conference June 15 UCAS UCAS website content updated again for HEPs, applicants, parents/ advisers for 2017 Entry Dec 14 UCAS Refresher training for HEP team, Data Collection Team April 15 UCAS Admissions Conference 2015 Entry Cycle (Sep 14 – Aug 15) Sep 14 HEPs Planning for Tariff switchover commences Student Record systems updated with new Tariff points for Entry 2017 Oct 14 Schools/colleges Access UCAS training on new Tariff Jan 15 HEPs Start to consider admission policies and updates to 2017 Entry prospectuses HEPs manage staff training/awareness raising on new Tariff across their universities and colleges Schools/colleges Support learners likely to apply to HE for 2017 Entry with their Level 3/SCQF Level 6 qualification choices Aug 15 2017 Entry applicants receive their GCSE results Sep 14 Schools/colleges Curriculum planning for the cohort of learners applying to HE for 2017 Entry

13 5.1 Tariff milestones - September 2015 to August 2016
Entry Cycle 2016 (Sep 15 – Aug 16) Dec 15 UCAS Little Guide updated with new Tariff information for 2017 Entry Jan 16 UCAS Guide for UK, Intl Quals starts to be updated with new Tariff information for 2017 Entry (published Sep 2016) Feb 16 HEPs Update offer codes with new Tariff data for Entry 2017 Nov 15 3rd Party Providers Testing of updated systems commences using UCAS test environment and Tariff data Mar 16 Development commences on Generic Offer Setup, Curriculum system and ODBC refresh Apr 16 Capita commences development on Admissions applications, ODBC Aug 16 2017 Entry applicants receive their AS results Begin to prepare their prospectus for Entry 2017 Admission policies updated for Entry 2017 Preparedness review by UCAS Board Oct 15 ‘Course Collect’ opens for 2017 Entry May 16 UCAS search tool opens with new Course data Annual UCAS publications updated with new Tariff information for Entry 2017 Parent Guide updated with new Tariff information for Entry 2017 Annual Review Meeting New test environment and Tariff data made available to IT suppliers and HEPs Jun 16 HEPs start to publish their prospectus for Entry 2017 Teachers and advisers Conference Admissions Conference Apply goes live for 2017 Entry UCAS web content updated again for HEPs, schools/college, applicants Sep 15 Planning of new web content for Entry 2017 Teachers and advisers discuss progression to HE, need for research and UCAS progress for students HEPs amend their course data in Course Collect using new Tariff points Sep 15 2017 Entry applicants start their A Levels

14 5.2 Tariff milestones - September 2016 to August 2017
New Tariff becomes operational Jul/Aug 17 2017 Entry Students receive their Level 3/SCQF Level 6 qualification results Oct 16 UCAS Topaz reference data tables updated including ABL May 17 UCAS SAS reference tables and coding updated with new Tariff points for 2017 Entry Sep 16 UCAS Applications start to be processed for 2017 Entry Feb 17 UCAS Teacher and Advisers Conference Jul 17 UCAS C&C reporting for Entry 2017 Entry Cycle 2017 (Sep 16 – Aug 17) Nov 16 UCAS Annual Review Meeting Schools and colleges teachers/advisers Support learners with application choices (Sep – Jun 17) Apr 17 UCAS Admissions Conference Aug 17 Schools and colleges Support students receiving their results Sep 16 HEPs start to make offers using new Tariff, if applicable

15 5.3 Tariff milestones - September 2017 to August 2018
Oct 17 UCAS End of cycle datasets and reports updated with new Tariff points for Entry 2017 Jan 18 UCAS End of cycle reports published for Entry 2017 Feb 18 UCAS Teacher and Advisers Conference April 18 UCAS Admissions Conference Entry Cycle 2018 (Sep 17 – Aug 18) Jan - Feb 18 HESA HESA Tariff specification created Aug – Nov 18 HEPs Submit their HESA student returns Nov 17 UCAS Annual Review Meeting Jun - Nov 18 HESA Tariff spec communicated to HEPs via operational documentation Sep/Oct 17 Applicants begin their university course Aug – Nov 18 HESA Data supply to HEPs (average Tariff points and Unistats preview)

16 5.4 Tariff milestones - September 2018 to September 2019
Jan 19 – Sep 19 HESA Manage ad-hoc data enquiries for league table producers and other Tariff related publications Jul 19 HESA Performance Indicators (research and employment) published with new Tariff points Entry Cycle 2019 ( Sep 18 to Sep 19) Dec 18 – Mar 19 HESA Performance Indicator analysis and specification by HESA/UKPITG/UKPISG Mar 19 HESA Performance Indicators (excluding research and employment) Apr 19 – Sep 19 HESA League tables published by producers with new Tariff points Aug 19 – Aug 20 HESA Output file for KIS-Unistats created

17 Further information Margaret Farragher
Head of Policy and Qualifications

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