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Implementing capital works projects at Victorian government schools A presentation for school communities 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing capital works projects at Victorian government schools A presentation for school communities 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing capital works projects at Victorian government schools A presentation for school communities 1

2 A new approach to capital works 2 There is a new approach to school asset management and how schools will plan to spend their capital works and maintenance funding: – improved training and support for principals and their leadership teams, – new school Asset Management Plans for schools to identify priority facilities projects over the next five years, and – a stronger, evidence-based mechanism for allocating capital works and maintenance funding to schools.

3 Capital works funding for our school We have been allocated funding in this year’s State Budget. We will start by planning our works with the Department over the next few months so that we get the best value for our funding. The funding will be available from 1 July 2014, but exactly when the funding is provided will be determined by our planning and project schedule. 3

4 Capital works process – school view EvaluateEducatePlanImplementReview Our school was evaluated and identified for funding. The school leadership will attend professional training on how to develop a five-year Asset Management Plan. This will help us plan when and how we will spend the funding on our priority projects. We will then implement the plan and building works will take place at the school. At the end, the plan and implementation will be reviewed.

5 Planning our projects We will complete a five-year Asset Management Plan which will: – confirm the educational directions of the school – address any functionality issues – ensure priority is given to any facilities in poor condition – ensure resources are targeted to entitled facilities, and – define project opportunities to be completed in the 5 years of the AMP. 5

6 Next Steps June 2014 – First half-day Bricks & Mortar training workshops begin for school leadership teams to commence planning of the Asset Management Plans July 2014 – AMPs developed by the school August-September 2014 – AMPs finalised by the school, supported by a second half-day Bricks & Mortar training workshop Detailed planning and works commence with architects and the Department 6

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