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View online at: Daily Bulletin March 4, 2014.

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1 View online at: Daily Bulletin March 4, 2014


3 College Prep Family Night Understanding your College Test Results Open to all 9-11 th Grade Students and their families College Prep Family Night Wednesday, March 5, 2014 6:00pm, Room 1103 Pick up your ACT EXPLORE, ACT PLAN and PSAT Results!


5 Boys Soccer Wins Quarter Final

6 Congratulations also to Terry Booker who had a great Masters tournament and finished in the Top 12 at 126 lbs. -- Coach Hoskisson. Kenny becomes the first junior ever from Hoover to qualify Kenny Moore for qualifying for the 2014 CIF state championships by taking 2nd place at 152 lbs in the San Diego Section Masters Championships. Kenny becomes the first junior ever from Hoover to qualify for the state tournament where he will represent Hoover this weekend in Bakersfield.

7 Congratulations Girls Basketball Team

8 Hoover Athletic Events This Week


10 CAHSEE Countdown CAHSEE Exam Tuesday, March 18 ELA and Wednesday, March 19 Math. Tuesday, March 4Day 1 Wednesday, March 5Day 2 Thursday, March 6 Day 3 Friday, March 7 Day 4 Monday, March 10 Day 5 Tuesday, March 11 Day 6 Wednesday, March 12 Day 7 Thursday, March 13 Day 8 Friday, March 14 Day 9 Monday, March 17 Day 10 Tuesday, March 4Day 1 Wednesday, March 5Day 2 Thursday, March 6 Day 3 Friday, March 7 Day 4 Monday, March 10 Day 5 Tuesday, March 11 Day 6 Wednesday, March 12 Day 7 Thursday, March 13 Day 8 Friday, March 14 Day 9 Monday, March 17 Day 10

11 College Wear Wednesdays Wear college shirts, sweaters, or your GEAR UP shirt on Wednesdays Teachers or Students - come by the GEAR UP room 206 to show off your college gear and get a treat!

12 If a student pays for a test but fails to show up to take the test on the respective test date, they will have to pay an additional $13.00 "No Show" fee.


14 Softball Field is behind Baseball Field Come on out to support our Girls Varsity and Junior Varsity Softball Teams! Our Varsity Lady Cardinals play Monte Vista at 3:30 pm on Wednesday, March 5 th. Junior Varsity Lady Cardinals play Clairemont at 3:30 pm on Thursday, March 6 th

15 Updated List: Posted March 3, 2014


17 Saturday School This Saturday March 8, 2014 8:00am-12:00pm March 8, 2014 8:00am-12:00pm 6 hours 4 hour Reminder: You can clear 6 hours of detention in a 4 hour Saturday School! 6 hours 4 hour Reminder: You can clear 6 hours of detention in a 4 hour Saturday School!

18 Detention This Week Detention will be held every day after school in Room 405/Computer Lab. Please tell students to enter through the outside door, not the Library. Detention starts at 2:30 and ends at 3:30. Students must be ON TIME to receive detention credit.


20 Hoover High Reality Changers Come support your fellow Hoover High Reality Changers as they receive their college scholarships at RC's 14th annual scholarship celebration! General admission $20 Guess speaker: the 55th president of Mexico Vincent Fox And remember "tough times never last but tough people always do" Sunday May 18th at 4:30 pm Jenny Craig Pavilion University of San Diego

21 WorkshopsDateTimeLocation Session 1— Introduction and overview of scholarship sessions. Review a sample scholarship application. Wednesday March 5, 2014 1:45-2:45pmLibrary Session 2—Review sample personal statements and get an idea of what a good personal statement looks like. Thursday March 6, 2014 2:45-3:45pmLibrary Session 3—Revise your own personal statement. Get one-on-one assistance and feedback. Wednesday March 12, 2014 1:45-2:45pmLibrary Session 4—Finalize your personal statement and complete a scholarship application. Thursday March 13, 2014 2:45-3:45pmLibrary Optional Session 5—Navigating Naviance: Learn how to search for scholarships Wednesday March 19, 2014 1:45-2:45pm Lab 259 or 405 Optional Session 6—Repurposing personal statements; one-on-one support Wednesday March 26, 2014 1:45-2:45pmLibrary Mock Interviews (all students)Thursday, March 27, 20142:45-3:45pmLibrary Class of 2015 Scholarship Application Workshops Attention Juniors! DO YOU NEED HELP PAYING FOR COLLEGE? Please bring a copy of your most recent personal statement to Session 1! TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THESE WORKSHOPS, IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU ATTEND ALL 4 SESSIONS!! For more information, please see Becky Contreras in GEAR UP room 206. Attend 3 or more workshops and be entered into a raffle to win 2 movie tickets!


23 Attention Juniors Class of 2015 If you are interested in applying to a 4-yr. university, you must take the SAT or ACT Fee waivers will only be distributed: Monday-Friday, During lunch or Afterschool in GEAR UP Room 206 Don’t delay, sign up today! NEWS

24 Attention Juniors! SAT Testing Schedule 2013-14 With Fee Waiver, SAT TEST IS FREE! Go to GEAR UP room 206 during lunch or after school for a fee waiver You must show proof that you created an account or GEAR UP advisors can help you sign up! Test Dates Saturday March 8May 3June 7 Registration Deadlines February 7 April 4 May 9 Late Registration NO fee waivers accepted!! February 21April 18 May 23

25 NEWS Attention Juniors! ACT Testing Schedule 2013-14 With Fee Waiver, ACT TEST IS FREE! Go to GEAR UP room 206 during lunch or after school for a fee waiver You must show proof that you created an account or GEAR UP advisors can help you sign up! Test Dates Saturday April 12June 14 Registration Deadlines March 7 May 9 Late Registration NO fee waivers accepted !! March 21 May 23

26 Be on the committee that will discuss, talk about with others, give information, ideas, and bring attention to the safety issues at Hoover! Contact Interim VP Erik Sullivan: by 3/12/2103 Commitment is once a month after school. Help sort out, solve,solve find a solution to, fix, straighten out, deal with, put right, do something about safety issues at Hoover.fix

27 arch omentum adness Student Wellness Competition You’ve seen your teachers with their pedometers…it’s time to get in on the competition. Use the HealthCorps App, Momentum to earn points, compete, and win prizes!

28 The app is free to download, and easy to use. Sign up for the Student Wellness Competition during lunch on Wednesday, March 6 th in Room 204 with Ms. White. Weekly challenges will be in the bulletin. No smart phone? No problem! You can still participate.

29  9th Grade:  Tues: -- 2:45Room 202  Wed: -- 1:45Room 254  Thurs: --2:45Room A-14  10th Grade:  Tues: -- 2:45A-12  Wed: -- 1:45Room 203  Thurs: -- 2:45Room A-12 Formative #3 RETAKES

30 Memo To: The Class of 2014 From: Mrs. RD, Class Adviser Re: Prom In order for prom to commence, we must have a MINIMUM of 200 senior packages sold. To date, there are far less than 100 sold. If we do not have a MINIMUM of 200 packages sold by March 15 th, prom will either be held on campus or cancelled completely. BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH! GET YOUR SENIOR PACKAGE NOW OR THERE WILL BE NO EVENTS! See Mr. Acosta in Finance TODAY!

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