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Learning Programmes Curriculum Network: Hair & Beauty Fran Hopwood 14th June 2013.

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1 Learning Programmes Curriculum Network: Hair & Beauty Fran Hopwood 14th June 2013

2 Programme-based Funding “By moving away from an output based system to one that is focused on outcomes, the new system will have learners at its centre and enable providers to support the outcomes of the learning.” Statement by the Minister 5 th February 2013 “ A programme of learning should equip learners with the necessary skills required for employment or progression into further or higher learning. The key is skills that are valued by employers and the Welsh economy.” DfES Report 2013 2

3 Welsh Government New Programme Based Planning and Funding System Phase 1: DfES project endorsed by Minister Interim Report: February 2013 Final Report: May 2013 Programme Directory (FT) issued June 2013 A list of fundable programmes - not exclusive

4 Welsh Government New Programme Based Planning and Funding System Phase 2 Activities: Model the funding and finalise programmes Two pilot colleges selected for 2013/2014 Issue Programme Directory and Final Report June 2013 – DfES Information Sessions Autumn 2013 - DfES new planning year starts January 2014 - funding allocations to providers September 2014 - programme based delivery starts for providers

5 Welsh Government New Programme Based Planning and Funding System Final Report: May 2013 Move from funding system to a planning and monitoring system Focus on programmes or packages of learning All programmes with a defined purpose and outcome against which it will be monitored so that learners better understand where learning can take them Maintain 3-year funding allocations and uplifts Same planning approach fro FE and LAs

6 Issue WG Planning Guidance Update Planning Guidance Provisional Delivery Plan Submission Commence Monitoring and Next cycle Publish National Allocations Providers Submit Final Plans Planning Guidance: WG Strategic Priorities Programme Directory (April/May) Updated Guidance to include skills sector updates; LMI; and programme Delivery Patterns. (Sept) FEIs and schools submit delivery plans at programme level. (Nov) WG publishes 3 year allocations for each FEI and Local Authority (Jan) FEIs and LAs submit amended plans following recruitment (March) Monitor actual vs proposed enrolments and ensure support for WG priorities. System then reverts to Step 1 (Issue WG Planning Guidance) Schematic of new Funding and Planning System (Final Report) 6

7 Cycle of Reporting Operates within 18 month cycle Mechanism to collect and share information at programme level to facilitate interactions and dialogue Inform and influence planning considerations LMI/Local Engagement Forward thinking Strategic Steer 7

8 Monitoring Milestones November Monitor enrolments against planned provision; March Mid year progress against planned provision July: End year monitoring to check delivery against programme content to check funding values are correct, and check performance against stated outcomes. 8

9 March DfES collate programme delivery information by SSA (historic/current/planned) May-July DfES share with sector skill representatives for comment and review on trends and plans September DfES share with providers Providers consider Programme Delivery Reports in provisional delivery plans Cycle of Reporting – Key Milestones 9

10 Programme Directory produced from historical data 2011/12 supplied by colleges MIS systems Quals list has been coded according to SSA CC team inputted a coding for the LAP components of each programme LAP for the directory (using LAP Booklets) PD will be continually updated; already version 1 issued to pilot colleges; version 2 issued to all Any changes go through a process which is tracked and recorded Unused programmes will drop off the directory Welsh Government Programme Directory

11 Curriculum Area Programmes Programme specification or package of learning developed by the sector through the networks Programme Booklets Design principles and guidance Purpose and outcomes Generic programme model Suggested qualifications Progression 11

12 Programme Booklets Generated by the networks – forward looking All updated to include a generic statement for Purpose and Outcomes at each Level to correspond with the programme directory Networks are free to amend these in booklets if they wish but PD versions will stand All Programme Booklets will be on CC Moodle site shortly following scrutiny exercise by CC team

13 Purpose and Outcomes Entry Level PURPOSE: Development of basic and employability skills to reach their potential to progress to vocational preparation and/or to lead independent and fulfilling lives. OUTCOME: Readiness for further study Level 1: PURPOSE: Development of skills and addressing of skills gaps to the target level; confirmation of the choice of vocational pathway; preparation for progression to further study. A minority may progress to employment with or without further training. OUTCOME: Confirmation of chosen vocational route and progression to Level 2; employment, employment with training or traineeship.

14 Purpose and Outcomes Level 2: PURPOSE: Development of the breadth and depth of essential and employability skills to the target level; preparation for progression to further study; preparation for employment and/or work-based training OUTCOME: Confirmation or refinement of vocational route or career choice; progression to Level 3; employment, employment with training or apprenticeship. Level 3: PURPOSE: Development of the breadth and depth of essential and employability skills to the target level; preparation for progression to further study, foundation degrees or HE; preparation for employment and/or work- based training. OUTCOME: Progression to Level 4 studies or HE; employment, employment with training or an apprenticeship

15 Range of Planning Guidance WG Post-16 planning and funding review: final report WG Programme Directory ColegauCymru & WG Guidance Documents ColegauCymru Dissemination materials WG Information Events June 11 th, 12 th and 13 th WG Lessons from pilots 15

16 ColegauCymru Activity Pilot colleges Part time programmes Welsh Bacc Developments E-ILP Project Planning Cycles Relevance and Value Careers Wales Estyn QEF

17 Challenges for Colleges Planning number of programmes by subject area Populating learning programmes at each level for each subject area matching purpose and intended outcomes Guiding learners to appropriate programmes based on their intended progression Individualising initial action plans based on results of IDA and Viability, Timetabling, Differentiation in T&L Recording of progress on-programme and outputs Exit interviewing and recording of outcomes

18 Earlier Slides

19 Potential Outputs Completion of the programme Learner progress, distance travelled and value added will be tracked through the e-ILP Attainment of main qualification(s) Attainment of defined essential skills Evidence of completion of core –diaries, logs or projects Achievement of the CLIF content – qualification, units and /or non-accredited learning

20 Potential Outcomes Entry to paid employment in the vocational or a related industry Progression to a higher level of full-time learning Employment in another area of work Progression to apprenticeships or WBL Short term contact, seasonal work or short term project work in the vocational or a related industry Self employed or working as a contractor Voluntary work or an internship in the vocational or a related industry Progression to part-time study in the subject area or a related area of study Progression to an alternative subject or vocational area with clear vocational aims Overseas study Entry to armed forces, police, fire service or other public services. Professional practice For students with additional learning needs, social engagement, day service, voluntary placements, community engagement and independent living and functions’

21 Challenges in Implementation Develop the role of the Curriculum Networks to lead the scrutiny process Ensure the rigour and consistency of the scrutiny process Develop the interface between scrutiny and measures of performance by Estyn and DfES Ensure appropriate provider representation in the curriculum networks Deliver training for networks to undertake the scrutiny role effectively

22 The Terms of Reference Enable colleges to raise standards; Consider ways of disseminating and developing good practice; Identify key issues that require a policy response; Disseminate new development relevant to the network; Undertake research or investigations relevant through the network; Maintain links to and receive information or presentations from the appropriate agencies and stakeholders including SSCs, Estyn, DfES, Learndirect, NGfL and Awarding Organisations; Enable networking through establishing appropriate channels of communication; Offer advice and guidance on common issues to ColegauCymru and Provide a forum for the discussion of relevant national and local issues.

23 Network Meetings Networks meet 3 times per year – 2 meetings and a conference Networks that cover multiple subject programmes may require longer meeting to split into subjects or additional meetings Agendas will contain standing items on programme development, scrutiny and sharing of good practice

24 Network Agendas Autumn meeting Review data and performance from the previous year Identify good practice and any issues raised Report to scrutiny panel Spring meeting Review curriculum planning Undertake research Plan conference Summer meeting – conference Disseminate research and good practice Feed-back from scrutiny panel / board

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