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BSc (Hons) Pre-Registration Midwifery. A new curriculum will commence in September 2013 for BSc (Hons) Pre-Registration Midwifery Eligibility to apply.

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Presentation on theme: "BSc (Hons) Pre-Registration Midwifery. A new curriculum will commence in September 2013 for BSc (Hons) Pre-Registration Midwifery Eligibility to apply."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSc (Hons) Pre-Registration Midwifery

2 A new curriculum will commence in September 2013 for BSc (Hons) Pre-Registration Midwifery Eligibility to apply for Registration as a Midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Council EXCITING NEWS

3 COURSE STRUCTURE Highly integrated and focused programme Course completed over 156 weeks in 3 years with 7 weeks annual leave per year 45 programmed weeks each year The course will be delivered using both clinical and theoretical elements with a 55/45 weighting respectively Some shared learning will take place in multi- professional groups at appropriate points in the programme

4 COURSE AIMS Safe, competent, confident, compassionate practitioners Accountable and autonomous Life long learning skills Evidenced based/Research ethos Non-judgemental and anti- discriminatory A family centred approach

5 PRACTICE/CLINICAL PLACEMENTS Placements take place throughout the South West, therefore you will be required to travel to and from placements Practice takes place under the direct or indirect supervision of a sign off mentor Some placements will be in non-Midwifery areas DH bursaries, include travel and accommodation for placements

6 You will be required to travel for your practice placements, developing a broader practice experience All theory will be delivered in Plymouth or via blended learning

7 The pattern of the programme will reflect a block structure, with students either in practice or theory/ annual leave The first full practice block will commence before Christmas, with an observation day prior to this PROGRAMME DELIVERY

8 WHAT IS UNIQUE AT PLYMOUTH? Third year students will undertake the theoretical component of the Mentorship course You will also complete the theoretical component of the Neonatal examination course This will enhance your employability

9 WHAT IS IT LIKE BEING ON THE COURSE? Placements Travel The reality of being on the course Assessments Accommodation Money Jobs

10 OUR EXPECTATIONS Professional behaviour The internet and social networking sites Professional body expectations University expectations

11 WHAT ARE WE LOOKING FOR? Good academic profile A clear knowledge of the profession. Transferable skills and work related experience Maturity A willingness to learn The X factor High quality education for high quality care

12 SELECTION DAY Full day process Discussions about Midwifery as a profession and course requirements Morning selection process involving numeracy and written elements One to one interview in the afternoon

13 RECOMMENDED STUDY SKILLS Entry is competitive Students are advised to be positive about study skills as it will enable you to study more effectively. Addressing the following skills is particularly good preparation: Numeracy: Including fractions & decimals Literacy: Including scan reading, academic writing, spelling and grammar IT skills: Word processing, e-mail and the use of the internet including information retrieval

14 AFTER YOUR INTERVIEW Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check Occupational Health screening

15 BSc (Hons) Pre-Registration Midwifery Any Questions?

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