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Published byAliyah Harryman Modified over 10 years ago
Postsecondary Education Participants System Training Guide September 2013 Volume V (Visit our webpage @
2 INDEX - Volume V Page Online Queries and Data Extracts: –School Information Queries3 –Accreditation Queries8 –Eligibility and Certification Queries16 –AAA Monitoring Queries35 –Direct Loan Program Queries42 –Program Review Queries54 –Closed School Queries62 –Default Management70 Logoff of PEPS79
3 From the PEPS main menu bar select “School”, from the first drop down box select “School Profile” from the second drop down box select “School Information” and from the third drop down box select “School Information Query”.
4 To prepare an extract of “all schools with an application in-process”, select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon.
5 Select the “Application In-process” check box (i.e. make sure it has a check in it) and then select the “Find” icon.
6 The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” box will display with all schools that have ‘applications in-process’. With your cursor on any one of the schools, select the “OK” button.
7 University of Montevallo's data displays with information that an application with a start date of 15/12/2005 is ‘in-process’. Note, if you wish to create an extract so that you can review the data of all the schools retrieved in this query, in one report, you would select the “Extract File” icon. Instead, let’s begin a new query; select the “Exit” icon to continue.
8 From the PEPS main menu bar select “School”, from the first drop down box select “School Profile” and from the second drop down box select “Accreditation”.
9 To prepare an extract of “all schools that are currently accredited by the Association of Theological Schools in the USA and Canada (ATSUSC)”, select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon to dismiss the current ‘accreditation’ data from the screen. This action will also place the system in a query mode so you can query for ‘ATSUSC’ accredited schools.
10 The screen will clear and you will find that the cursor will be in the ‘Header Block’. Select the “Switch Blocks/Cancel Query” icon to move the cursor to the ‘Lower Block’. Select the “?” button to the right of the “Agency” field.
11 The “Accrediting Agency” data window will display. Find and click on ATSUSC - Association of Theological Schools in the USA and Canada, then select the “OK” button.
12 Enter :ED in the ‘End Date’ field and select the “Find” icon.
13 An “Query/Where” screen will pop up. This is where the statement(s) are written that define the parameters you selected for a query (i.e. here is where you will define what the ‘values’ or ‘ed’ that were used for ‘end date’, is supposed to do). Enter :ed is null. Now what this means is that no end date should exist, that the field in which you keyed in ‘ed’ in this query, should be blank. Select the “OK” button.
14 The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” box will display all schools that are currently accredited by ‘ATSUSC’. In other words, these schools whose accreditation screen in PEPS lists ‘ATSUSC’ as either the primary or secondary accreditor, and there is no ‘end date’. With the cursor on any school, select the “OK” button. This example selects Denver Seminary.
15 Denver Seminar’s accreditation data displays, listing ‘ATSUSC’ as its primary accreditor since 2002, and there is no end date. Should you select another school from the list, it also should list ‘ATSUSC’ as its current accreditor. As mentioned with the conclusion of the last query, if you wish to create an extract you will need to select the “Extract File” icon. Instead, select the “Exit” icon to run a new query.
16 Eligibility Determination - From the main menu bar select “School”, from the first drop down box select “Eligibility Determination” and from the second drop down box select “Eligibility and Certification”.
17 Let’s perform a query to retrieve all “fully certified and/or provisionally certified ‘Main’ schools within the U.S. and Trust Territories”. Select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon. Note: This query is being performed in the ‘Header Block’, hence it will retrieve ‘main’ schools only, no additional locations will be retrieved.
18 The screen will clear. Use the Horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of your screen to the ‘State’ field and click in it. Or, if the cursor is already in any field within the ‘Header Block’, simply use the ‘Tab’ key, and continue to tab until you reach the “St” field. Enter :s in the “St” field.
19 Use the horizontal scroll bar again until you reach the “Elig” field. ‘Click on’ the “Elig” indicator or put a check in this box. Next scroll two (2) fields over and enter :c in the “Certified” field. Select the “Find” icon.
20 The “Query/Where” screen will display. Enter :s is not null and :c <> ‘N’ (in essence, the request is for the ‘state field to be filled’ and the ‘certification status to equal either full certification or provisional certification’). When you have carefully completed entry of the parameters seen below, select the “OK” button.
21 The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” screen will display. Select the “OK” button. Select any of these schools to verify that it meets the criteria as a fully certified or provisionally certified main school within the U.S. and Trust Territories. If you wish to create an extract, select the “Extract File” icon. Otherwise, select the “OK” button now.
22 Let’s perform a query of “all Fully Certified and/or Provisionally Certified, Foreign, ‘Main’ schools”. Select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon to clear the screen.
23 The screen is clear of all school data and the cursor is in the ‘Lower Block’. Select the “Switch Blocks/Cancel Query” icon to move the cursor to the ‘Header Block’ so that only ‘main’ schools are retrieved for the next query.
24 Use the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of your screen to move right within the ‘Header Block’ fields, over to the ‘State’ field. Enter :s in the “St” field.
25 Use the horizontal scroll bar again until you reach the “Elig” field. ‘Click on’ the “Elig” indicator and then enter :c in the “Certified” field. Select the “Find” icon.
26 The “Query/Where” screen will display. Enter :s is null and :c <> ‘N’ as shown in the screen captured below. In essence the request is that the ‘state’ field be blank (as would be for a foreign school having only country and province data), and that the school be certified ( having to be either ‘full’ or ‘provisional’). or that its certification status not be equal to: ‘not certified’. Select the “OK” button to initiate the search.
27 The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” box will display. Select any one that you want to verify that it is in fact either a Fully Certified and/or Provisionally Certified, Foreign, ‘Main’ school, then select the “OK” button.
28 If you wish to create an extract you will need to select the “Extract File” icon. However, to perform a query to find “all currently Eligible, Fully Certified or Provisionally Certified, ‘Main’ schools in the U.S., Trust Territories and Foreign that are no longer certified for FFEL”, select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon.
29 The screen will clear and the cursor will be in the ‘Lower Block’. Select the “Switch Blocks/Cancel Query” icon to move the cursor to the ‘Header Block’.
30 Use the scroll bar to move the ‘Header Block’ to the “Elig” field. ‘Click on’ the “Elig” indicator then enter :c in the “Certified” field.
31 Continue using the scroll bar right to the “FFEL Cert” field and enter :ffel in the “FFEL Cert” field and then select the “Find” icon. This query will find “all currently eligible, certified,‘Main’ schools within the U.S. or Trust Territories and Foreign schools that are not currently certified for FFEL”. Note: ‘Loan Deferment Only’ schools are not included in this query.
32 The “Query/Where” screen will display. Enter :c <> ‘N’ and :ffel <> ‘Certified’ and then select the “OK” button.
33 The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” box will display. Select the “OK” button to continue.
34 If you wish to create an extract you will need to select the “Extract File” icon. Otherwise, select the “Exit” icon to run another query from another module.
35 AAA Monitoring - From the main menu bar select “School” and from the first drop down box select “AAA Monitoring”.
36 The “AAA Administrative Actions Public Query” screen will display. To perform a query to find all schools where the final result is “Termination”, “Termination/Fine” or “Termination (Medical Only)” select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon.
37 The screen will clear and your cursor will be in the header block. Select the “Switch Blocks/Cancel Query” icon to move the cursor to the lower block.
38 Using the horizontal scroll bar, scroll over until you see the “Action Final” column. Enter “:af” in the “Action Final” field and select the “Find” icon.
39 The “Query/Where” screen will display. Enter :af in (‘T’,’TF’,’TM’) and select the “OK” button.
40 The “Schools Matching Selection Criteria” listing screen will display the results of your query. Select the “OK” button to continue.
41 If you wish to create an extract you will need to select the “Extract File” icon. Select the “Exit” icon to continue.
42 From the main menu bar select “School”, from the first drop down box select “Direct Loan Program” and from the second drop down box select “Direct Loan Basic Information”.
43 The “Direct Loan Basic Information” screen will display. Let’s perform a query to find “all schools that are participating in Direct Loans”. Select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon.
44 The screen will clear. Enter :SD in the “Start Date” field and :ED in the “End Date” field. Select the “Find” icon.
45 The “Query/Where” screen will display. Enter “:sd is not null and :ed is null” then select the “OK” button.
46 The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” box will display. Select the “OK” button.
47 If you wish to create an extract you will need to select the “Extract File” icon. Select the “Exit” icon to continue.
48 From the main menu bar select “School”, from the first drop down box select “Direct Loan Program” and from the second drop down box select “Direct Loan Basic Information”.
49 The “Direct Loan Basic Information” screen will display. Let’s perform a query to find “all schools that are no longer participating in Direct Loans and have an end reason code of : 07 (Default Rate), 13 (Voluntarily Withdrawal from Title IV), 50 (Voluntarily Withdrawal from Direct Loan), 51 (Voluntary Deferral of Direct Loan Participation) or 52 (Termination from Direct Loans)”. Select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon.
50 The screen will clear and the cursor will be in the ‘Lower Block’. Enter :SD in the “Start Date” field, :ED in the “End Date” field and :e in the “End Reason” field. Select the “Find” icon.
51 The “Query/Where” screen will display. Accurately enter :sd is not null and :ed is not null and :e in ('07','13','50','51','52'). Then select the “OK” button.
52 The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” box will display to view any one of the schools from the list; it will have end reason code 07, 13, 50, 51 or 52. Select the “OK” button.
53 If you wish to create an extract you will need to select the “Extract File” icon. Instead, select the “Exit” icon to create a new query within the Program Review module.
54 Program Review - From the main menu bar select “School”, from the first drop down box select “Program Review” and from the second drop down box select “Program Review Information”.
55 Page 1 of the “Program Review Information” screen will display. A system’s message indicates that there are no program reviews for this school. Select the “OK” button to dismiss this message.
56 Let’s do a query to find “all ED Program Reviews conducted since 2002 for Case Team 5 (Chicago) that are closed”. Select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon.
57 The screen will clear and the cursor will be in the ‘Header Block’. Select the “Switch Blocks/Cancel Query” icon to move the cursor to the ‘Lower Block’.
58 Enter :y in the ‘Year’ portion of the “PRCN” field, 05 in the ‘Case Team’ portion of the “PRCN” field and :c in the “Closed” data field at the very bottom of the columns on the right of the screen. Select the “Find” icon.
59 The “Query/Where” screen will display. Enter :y in (‘2002’,’2003’,’2004’) and :c is not null, then select the “OK” button.
60 The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” box will display all Chicago School Participation Team program reviews in either 2002, 2003, or 2004 that are closed. Select the “OK” button.
61 If you wish to create an extract you will need to select the “Extract File” icon. Select the “Exit” icon to continue.
62 Closed School - From the main menu bar select “More”, from the first drop down box select “Closed Schools” and from the second drop down box select “Closed Schools”.
63 The “Closed Schools” screen will display the message that this school is not closed. Select the “OK” button to continue.
64 The “Closed Schools” screen will display. To find “all records within the Closed Schools module that have been modified between 02/01/2004 thru 02/29/2004”, clear the screen and select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon.
65 The cursor will be in the ‘OPE-ID’ field of the ‘Header Block’. Select the “Switch Blocks/Cancel Query” icon to move the cursor to the ‘Lower Block’.
66 Enter :on in the “On” field and then select the “Find” icon. NOTE: The (Modified) “On” field indicates any update to a ‘Closed School’ record.
67 The “Query/Where” screen will display. Enter :on between to_date(‘02/01/2004','mm/dd/yyyy') and to_date(‘02/29/2004','mm/dd/yyyy') and select the “OK” button.
68 The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” screen will display schools matching the search criteria. Select the “OK” button to continue.
69 If you wish to create an extract you will need to select the “Extract File” icon. Select the “Exit” icon to create the last data query within the Default Management module.
70 Default Management - From the main menu bar select “More”, from the first drop down box select “Basic View” and from the second drop down box select “By School”.
71 The “Basic View by School or Rate” screen will display. Let’s perform a query to find “all currently eligible and certified for FFEL schools that have a default rate of 25.0 or greater in Cohort Year 2003”. Select the “Enter Query/Show Last” icon.
72 Using the ‘Header Block’ horizontal scroll bar, scroll to the right until you reach the “Elig” field and ‘Click On’ its indicator.
73 Continue scrolling to the right using the horizontal scroll bar to the “FFEL Cert” field. Select the “?” button to the right of the “FFEL Cert” field.
74 The ‘FFEL Certification’ list of values will display. Highlight “Certified” and then select the “OK” button.
75 The word “Certified” will display in the “FFEL Cert” field.
76 Continue to scroll to the right until you reach the “Cohort Yr” field. Enter 2003 in the “Cohort Yr” field and >=25.0 in the “Rate” field as illustrated below. Select the “Find” icon.
77 The “Schools Matching Search Criteria” box will display all schools with a 2003 cohort default rate equal or greater than 25%. Select the “OK” button to continue.
78 If you wish to create an extract you will need to select the “Extract File” icon. Select the “Exit” icon to continue.
79 Logoff PEPS - You have performed queries within all the major modules of PEPS. Prior to logoff, you may want to make sure you have all active modules are closed via the “Exit” icon. To ensure that your session in PEPS has been properly terminated, select “File” from the main menu bar and then select “Exit” from the drop down box.
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