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Are they exceeding their powers and threatening people’s privacy rights?

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Presentation on theme: "Are they exceeding their powers and threatening people’s privacy rights?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are they exceeding their powers and threatening people’s privacy rights?

2  Surveillance capitol of the world  Over 4 million public/private cameras in use  London- avg. citizen appears on camera 300 times a day

3  Closed-circuit TV  Use of video cameras to transmit a signal to specific, limited amnt. of monitors  “smart cameras”  Recognizes individuals through “face recognition” software  Exploits info. from gov’t. & private databases to find matches (of criminal or terrorists)


5  Berwick: burglaries dropped 69%  Northampton: overall crime decreased by 57%  Glasgow, Scotland: overall crime fell by 68%

6  Baltimore: 90 cams in Inner Harbour tourist area and high-crime neighborhoods  Chicago: adding 250 cams in high-crime areas  Cams can hear gunshots and aim at the sound  Linking 2,000 cams so feeds can be watched at emergency operations center

7  Pros  Crime reduction  Increased safety  Evidence for investigations  Cons  Invasion of privacy  Misuse of images

8  What a person knowingly exposes to the public, even in his own home or office, is not a subject of Fourth Amendment protection, but what he seeks to preserve as private, even in an area accessible to the public, may be constitutionally protected

9  When [an individual] traveled over the public streets he voluntarily conveyed to anyone who wanted to look the fact that he was traveling over particular roads in a particular direction, and the fact of his final destination when he exited from public roads onto private property

10  Truman Show Truman Show  Traffic Cam Traffic Cam

11 Marketing Surveillance

12 Several different way to collect information: Credit Cards Loyalty Cards (e.g. Giant Eagle and Finish Line) Surveillance Cameras Electronic Web Forms Cookies - small data structures used by websites or servers to store and retrieve information on the user’s side of the Internet connection E-mail

13 Ways to protect your personal information: Using Cash at all time (Good Luck) Use public computers Do no fill out any webs forms using personal information Delete history pages on your computer Delete cookies from your computer

14 “We are living in a surveillance society but our data protection laws are not up to the job” (Mayo, Ed) Basically this means that with today’s technologies we are under constant surveillance and the laws we have now do not let us choose how we want our private information handled.

15 Surveillance can be harmful Can lead to: Inferior products (not new and improved) Poorer Service Reinforcement of existing economic inequalities

16 Not all surveillance is bad surveillance Improvements of technology Customize goods and services Channel investment more efficiently Tackle fraud Improves competitiveness

17 Information marketing companies InfoUSA, formerly known as Donnelly Marketing Keeps dossiers on 90% of American households Collects and manages massive files that keeps information on family preferences ranging from pets to politics Database of over 210 million US consumers Pays over $50 million a year to keep their database updated

18 InfoUSA MarketZone Platinum Service that provides you with decision support, customer and market segmentation and analysis, campaign planning, execution, as well as record updating and matching. Helps understand the market Better ways to market their products Allows companies to reach customers more effectively

19 Being under surveillance does not only mean in the physical sense Where does your personal information go when you buy items, with say your credit card? The answer is most people do not know This information depending on how it is used can either hurt people or help people


21  Conducted a survey that said:  78% of Companies surveillance their employees  63% monitor internet use  47% review stored e-mails  15% monitor by video surveillance  12% record phone calls  8% review voice messages

22  Employers can look at information in stored databases or in real time and by using computer software.  Examples  Webroot WinGuardian  Captures every key stroke (even deleted ones)  eSniff  Surveillances every activity made on the computer or internet

23  Surveillance can effect employees negatively, it can cause:  Decreased morale  Decreased dignity  Increased stress  Worry of being terminated on false information  If an employee accidently clicked on something or if they went to a web site they thought was something else

24  1986  First federal statute protecting privacy  Bars intentional interception of:  Wire/Oral Communication  Unauthorized stored information  Businesses allowed to monitor business-related phone and/or with consent from the employee

25  January 1999 in Kentucky  Four ex-employees awarded $20 million for being wrongfully terminated  Management under the impression they were stealing  Set up hidden cameras that picked up audio from private conversations  Employees were just eating damaged food  Which was allowed in the unwritten policy

26  California attempted to limit surveillance in the workplace  Making a bill to prevent monitoring of e-mails  It was vetoed  Developed a bill to prevent identity theft  Prevents employers from printing Social Security Numbers on health plans and bank statements

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