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Define Adverb Modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.

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Presentation on theme: "Define Adverb Modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb."— Presentation transcript:


2 Define Adverb

3 Modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb

4 Define Noun  What is a concrete noun  What is an abstract noun

5 Person Place Thing or Idea  Can be identified using 5 senses  Is an idea, feeling, or attribute

6 Define Pronoun  Provide an example sentence with the noun and then the pronoun

7 Takes the place of a noun

8 Define Adjective

9 Describes a noun or another adjective

10 Define Prepositional Phrase  What does a preposition describe

11 The preposition and the noun that follows  A preposition describes something in time and space (location)

12 Define Interjection

13 Used to express strong emotion  Example would be Yikes! Finals are this week

14 Define Theme

15 Underlying message about life

16 Provide one theme from Hunger Games

17 Identify the prepositional phrase My dog chased the squirrel up the tree.

18 Up the tree

19 What are the coordinating conjunctions?

20  For  And  Nor  But  Or  Yet  So

21 What is a personal pronoun

22 Refers to a specific person, group, or thing

23 Find the adjective In the short story, Henry secretly gave away his neighbor’s pearls and bright red roses.

24  Short  Bright  Red

25 She was stunning with striking bright blonde hair and deep brown eyes  What kind of characterization is the passage above an example of?  Character analysis  Direct characterization  Indirect characterization  Visual characterization

26 Direct Characterization

27 Describe what happens in the end of The Outsiders  What lesson does Ponyboy learn? (one theme)


29 What is a topic sentence?

30 The controlling idea of the paragraph

31 What’s the difference between a topic sentence and a thesis statement?

32 Topic sentence is in each paragraph These statement is in the first paragraph it applies to the entire paper

33 The Giver could be described as… A) Stubborn B) Selfish C) Compassionate D) Not good at his job

34 C) Compassionate

35 Based on what we learned from The Giver, why are memories important?


37 What is a Utopia

38 It is a perfect world  Why can it never exist?

39 What is a Dystopia?

40 A world full of oppression and pain

41 What is imagery?  What are the different types of imagery?

42 Descriptive writing  You can hear it  You can see it  You can taste it  You can touch it  You can smell it

43 What is foreshadowing?  Provide one example from a novel we have read


45 Choose the correct way to cite in-text citations. A) “I can’t walk these hallways without remembering the days I spent as a prisoner here, barefoot, pain pulsing inside me every time I moved.” (Roth p. 4) B) “I can’t walk these hallways without remembering the days I spent as a prisoner here, barefoot, pain pulsing inside me every time I moved. (Roth 4)” C) “I can’t walk these hallways without remembering the days I spent as a prisoner here, barefoot, pain pulsing inside me every time I moved” (Roth 4). D) I can’t walk these hallways without remembering the days I spent as a prisoner here, barefoot, pain pulsing inside me every time I moved. (Roth 4)

46 C) “I can’t walk these hallways without remembering the days I spent as a prisoner here, barefoot, pain pulsing inside me every time I moved” (Roth 4).

47 What is the name of the writing technique used to persuade?

48 Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

49 What is the last step of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence? What is it used for?

50 Call to Action  Used to get the audience to do something!

51 What is a stereotype?

52 An overgeneralized statement about another person  What is an example?

53 What is symbolism?

54 The deeper meaning associated with a person, place, or object

55 _____ Barney is trying to quit cheating. A. Character vs. Character B. Character vs. Nature C. Character vs. Self


57 Define Gingerly

58  in a careful or cautious manner.

59 Define incredulous

60  Unwilling or unable to believe something

61 Define gallant

62  Brave or heroic

63 Define smoldering

64  show or feel barely suppressed anger, hatred, or another powerful emotion

65 Define premonition

66 a strong feeling that something is about to happen

67 Define relinquish

68  voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up

69 Define sufficient

70  Enough, adequate

71 Define prominent

72  Important, famous, recognizable

73 What is Rue symbolic of?

74  Innocence, purity, love

75 Define resolution in plot structure

76  The end of the story once the conflict has been resolved.

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