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Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit and Forgiveness Mark 3:22-30.

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1 Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit and Forgiveness Mark 3:22-30

2 2 QUESTION: Can we review blasphemy? If all sins including blasphemy are forgiven according to Mark 3:28, why does verse 29 say that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven?

3 3 Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit What is blasphemy?What is blasphemy? What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? Can one ever be forgiven of this sin?Can one ever be forgiven of this sin?

4 4 Blasphemy To speak against, speak evil of, rail against God To speak against, speak evil of, rail against God Blasphemy (blasphemia): “slander, detraction, speech injurious, to another’s good name…impious and reproachful speech injurious to divine majesty” (OBGL) Blasphemy (blasphemia): “slander, detraction, speech injurious, to another’s good name…impious and reproachful speech injurious to divine majesty” (OBGL)

5 5 Blasphemy Blasphemous words, Acts 6:11 (speaking evil, slanderous, reproachful, railing, abusive) Blasphemous words, Acts 6:11 (speaking evil, slanderous, reproachful, railing, abusive) Blasphemous (blasphemos): Compound of blapto, “to hurt, harm, injure” & pheme, “fame, report” Blasphemous (blasphemos): Compound of blapto, “to hurt, harm, injure” & pheme, “fame, report”

6 6 Blasphemy To speak hurtful or harmful reports of God (of divine things) To speak hurtful or harmful reports of God (of divine things) Jesus was accused of blasphemy: “I am the Son of God,” Jno. 10:33, 36; Matt. 26:65-66 Jesus was accused of blasphemy: “I am the Son of God,” Jno. 10:33, 36; Matt. 26:65-66 Those who rejected Him as Messiah blasphemed Jesus, Lk. 22:63-65 Those who rejected Him as Messiah blasphemed Jesus, Lk. 22:63-65

7 7 Punishment for Blasphemy Law of Moses, Lev. 24:16 Law of Moses, Lev. 24:16 Gospel of Christ, Heb. 10:29 (26-31) Gospel of Christ, Heb. 10:29 (26-31) Question: Is there an additional punishment for this sin? Question: Is there an additional punishment for this sin? Never have the possibility of forgiveness…once lost, always lost? Never have the possibility of forgiveness…once lost, always lost?

8 8 What is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit? Regarded by some “as a continued and obstinate rejection of the gospel, and hence is an unpardonable sin, simply because as long as a sinner remains in unbelief he voluntarily excludes himself from pardon.” (Easton’s)

9 9 What is Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit? “Others regard the expression as designating the sin of attributing to the power of Satan those miracles which Christ performed, or generally those works which are the result of the Spirit’s agency.” (Easton’s)

10 10 MIRACLES Matt. 12:22 Isa. 61:1-2; Lk. 4:18 SON OF DAVID Matt. 12:23 Presence of Holy Spirit: Mark of the Messiah SPIRIT OF GOD Acts 10:38 Pharisees rejected the evidence! Matt. 12:24; Mk. 3:22 Isaiah 42:1-4 Matt. 12:15-21 Luke 4:17-21 Isaiah 42:1-4 Matt. 12:15-21 Luke 4:17-21

11 11 Pharisees Blasphemed Rejected evidence of Messiah Rejected evidence of Messiah Attributed the power of Christ to the power of an unclean spirit (Mk. 3:30) Attributed the power of Christ to the power of an unclean spirit (Mk. 3:30) In their rejection they blasphemed both Jesus & the Holy Spirit, Matt. 12:24, 32 (Mk. 3:22) In their rejection they blasphemed both Jesus & the Holy Spirit, Matt. 12:24, 32 (Mk. 3:22)

12 12 Jesus Demolished False Charge (Matt. 12:25-30; Mk. 3:22-27) Chaos principle, 12:25 (3:24-25)Chaos principle, 12:25 (3:24-25) Principle applied, 12:26 (3:26)Principle applied, 12:26 (3:26) Hypocrisy exposed, 12:27Hypocrisy exposed, 12:27 True conclusion, 12:28True conclusion, 12:28 Plunder principle, 12:29 (3:27)Plunder principle, 12:29 (3:27) No neutrality, 12:30No neutrality, 12:30

13 13 Magnitude of the Sin of Blasphemy Against Holy Spirit (Mt. 12:31; Mk. 3:29) Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (12:31; 3:29-30) – Attributed the Holy Spirit’s presence & power to SatanBlasphemy against the Holy Spirit (12:31; 3:29-30) – Attributed the Holy Spirit’s presence & power to Satan Not forgiven: Subject to eternal condemnation (12:32; 3:29)Not forgiven: Subject to eternal condemnation (12:32; 3:29) Continued rejection…No forgivenessContinued rejection…No forgiveness

14 14 Magnitude of the Sin of Blasphemy Against Holy Spirit (Mt. 12:31; Mk. 3:29) Sequential rejection (12:31-32)Sequential rejection (12:31-32) Blasphemy against Christ: May yet be persuaded by the gospel (Acts 2:36-37)Blasphemy against Christ: May yet be persuaded by the gospel (Acts 2:36-37) Blasphemy against Holy Spirit: Reject the power & evidence which forms the basis for faith & forgiveness! Heb. 2:3-4 (10:26-27)Blasphemy against Holy Spirit: Reject the power & evidence which forms the basis for faith & forgiveness! Heb. 2:3-4 (10:26-27)

15 15 State of Continual Sin & Rejection Produces “eternal condemnation” Mark 3:28-30 (Lk. 12:10-12)Produces “eternal condemnation” Mark 3:28-30 (Lk. 12:10-12) A person will not be forgiven as long as he continues to oppose, reject & blasphemy the Spirit-given evidence that Jesus is the ChristA person will not be forgiven as long as he continues to oppose, reject & blasphemy the Spirit-given evidence that Jesus is the Christ

16 16 Can Blasphemy Against Holy Spirit Ever be Forgiven? Forgiveness is available to all sinners and for all sin, 1 Tim. 1:15Forgiveness is available to all sinners and for all sin, 1 Tim. 1:15 Forgiveness is applied only when sinners believe (obey) the Spirit-revealed gospel, Heb. 4:2Forgiveness is applied only when sinners believe (obey) the Spirit-revealed gospel, Heb. 4:2 God’s power to save is not diminished by sin (Isa. 59:1-2; cf. Lk. 15:24)God’s power to save is not diminished by sin (Isa. 59:1-2; cf. Lk. 15:24)

17 17 Forgiveness Forbidden? If there is even one sin that is never forgiven, no matter if the sinner repents, then…If there is even one sin that is never forgiven, no matter if the sinner repents, then… Gospel is not powerful to save all, Rom. 1:16Gospel is not powerful to save all, Rom. 1:16 Whoever cannot call on the name of the Lord & be saved, Rom. 10:11-13Whoever cannot call on the name of the Lord & be saved, Rom. 10:11-13 Jesus not Savior of all men, nor even of some who (might later repent &) believe, 1 Tim. 4:10Jesus not Savior of all men, nor even of some who (might later repent &) believe, 1 Tim. 4:10

18 18 A Holy Spirit Blasphemer Who Was Forgiven Saul of Tarsus, 1 Tim. 1:12-13Saul of Tarsus, 1 Tim. 1:12-13 Resisted the Spirit, Acts 26:9; 6:8-11; 7:51, 58; 8:1Resisted the Spirit, Acts 26:9; 6:8-11; 7:51, 58; 8:1 Forgiven when he believed, repented & obeyed the gospel, Acts 22:16Forgiven when he believed, repented & obeyed the gospel, Acts 22:16

19 19 Practice sin…Not Forgiven (Rom.6:1-2; 1 Jno. 5:16-17) Blasphemer, Mk. 3:29 (Matt. 12:32)Blasphemer, Mk. 3:29 (Matt. 12:32) Drunkard (Gal. 5:21)Drunkard (Gal. 5:21) Polygamist (Rom. 7:2-3)Polygamist (Rom. 7:2-3) Adulterer (1 Cor. 6:9-11)Adulterer (1 Cor. 6:9-11) Repentance & the nature of sin, Acts 26:18-20; Rom. 6:1-4, 11-12Repentance & the nature of sin, Acts 26:18-20; Rom. 6:1-4, 11-12

20 20 Blasphemy Against The H. S. Speak against the Spirit of GodSpeak against the Spirit of God Expressed in Mark 3:28-30 by assigning miracles of Jesus to SatanExpressed in Mark 3:28-30 by assigning miracles of Jesus to Satan All such are under eternal condemnationAll such are under eternal condemnation Only repentance will change their eternal prospect (Acts 17:30; 2:37-38)Only repentance will change their eternal prospect (Acts 17:30; 2:37-38)

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