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The Rotary Foundation Past, Present, Future. TRF Mission Statement …enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement.

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Presentation on theme: "The Rotary Foundation Past, Present, Future. TRF Mission Statement …enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rotary Foundation Past, Present, Future

2 TRF Mission Statement …enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.

3 TRF Historical Milestones  In 1917, Rotary’s sixth World President, Arch C. Klumph, proposed the creation of an “endowment fund for Rotary”  The Foundation’s first donation was made in 1930 and benefited the “Crippled Children Societies”  The death of Rotary founder Paul Harris in 1947 triggered an unprecedented flood of contributions which started the first scholarship program.  In 1957, the Trustees created the “Paul Harris Fellow” designation to recognize contributions of US$1’000  1965/66 saw the introduction of Group Study Exchange. Other programs were added throughout the 1970s and 80s  In 1985, the Foundation initiated its most prominent program called PolioPlus, which is a global campaign to eradicate the polio virus

4  Humanitarian  Educational  Polio Plus Programmes Programmes

5 Humanitarian  Matching Grant  Furnish accommodation for hospice for terminally ill in Zaanstad, N. Holland  DDF 1580 : clubs 4 Dutch + 1 German  Contributions $44,984.- TRF $16,303-  Amount $69,000

6  Group Study Exchange  District 9270 South Africa with District 1550 Educational Programmes

7 PolioPlus Estimated 350 ‘ 000 Polio cases

8 PolioPlus Polio in 2007: 1310 cases and just 4 endemic countries

9 Funding Gap

10 What are the Benefits?  Helps people in need  Fosters international relations  Promotes goodwill and peace  Gives maximum opportunities for all Rotarians to participate  Offers amazing networking possibilities

11 How to Contribute to The Rotary Foundation PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS €URO  Amount of your contribution  Beneficiary: Rotary Foundation  EURO Account IBAN of the Beneficiary: DE51 3007 0010 0255 0200 00  BIC/SWIFT of Beneficiary’s bank: DEUTDEDDXXX  Bank charges will be shared by donor and beneficiary  Payment details: Club Number/Details of Donor and Contribution Designation  Please send payment information to the Zurich office as soon as possible

12 How to Contribute to The Rotary Foundation  Do we accept Credit Card contributions?  Personal contributions can be made directly through Member Access: menu.asp  Complete the credit card contribution form and send it to EAO.

13 How to contribute to The Rotary Foundation  Paul Harris Fellow Form

14 Rotary Foundation Contributions

15 Do we fulfil our mission?  Enable Rotarians to actively participate  Engage donors  Report openly and voluntarily  Appropriate detail and diligence  Comply with laws and regulations  We are accountable and transparent

16 Do we fulfil our mission ?  TRF ranks as one of the top 5 worldwide Foundations, and is listed ahead of CARE, UNESCO, UNICEF according to FT survey  Over 90 years of proven service  1.2 million volunteers  High reputation working with NGOs

17 What about the Future ? f

18 TRF - Future  Preparing for 2 nd century of service  Core values remain the same  More say to Districts & Rotarians  Increase sense of ownership  Adjustments to administrative processes

19 „…We should look at the Foundation as being not something of today or tomorrow, but think of it in terms of the years and generations to come. Rotary is a movement for the centuries.“ Arch C. Klumph President of Rotary International in 1917

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