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Chapter One What is Economics?

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1 Chapter One What is Economics?
JA Economics Chapter One What is Economics?

2 Page 2 Economics Social science that studies how people decide to use scarce resources to satisfy their wants Together and as groups

3 Want vs. Needs Review the difference
Page 3 Want vs. Needs Review the difference What is the want-satisfaction chain? See page 3 in textbook

4 Want-Satisfaction Chain
Page 4 Want-Satisfaction Chain Production Combines economic sources Results in a good or service

5 Want-Satisfaction Chain
Page 4 Want-Satisfaction Chain Distribution Process of getting a product or service to consumers

6 Want-Satisfaction Chain
Page 4 Want-Satisfaction Chain Consumption Using a product or service Thought to complete the chain Consumer choses another product or service to want

7 Want-Satisfaction Chain
Page 4 Resources Needed Method of Production Method of Distribution Source of availability for Consumption Want-satisfaction Want Want-Satisfaction Chain

8 Factors of Production Natural resources Human resources Capital
Page 5 Factors of Production Natural resources Land – soil, minerals, timber, and fresh water Human resources Physically Mentally Capital Buildings Tools Machines used for production

9 Scarcity Occurs when wants > available resources
Page 5 Scarcity Occurs when wants > available resources Demands that people make choices Choices give way to opportunity cost

10 Page 6 Opportunity Cost The highest valued alternative given up as a result of making a choice Resources can only be used one time Alternatives that are given up Go to page 5 of the study guide

11 Economic way of thinking
Page 7 Economic way of thinking Scarcity forces people to chose All choices involve alternatives You give up one thing for another There are benefits and costs to making the right choice. People try to maximize their benefits while minimizing their costs

12 Economic way of thinking
Page 7 Economic way of thinking People try to make good choices People respond to incentives(positive) Disincentive is like a fine or punishment. People gain when they trade voluntarily Nobody has to trade in US All people trade to gain

13 Economic way of thinking
Page 8 Economic way of thinking Choices are future orientated Cannot change past choices Our Choices are influenced by the Choices of Others Book talks about oil and interest rates All economic study involves choices All choices though do not need money Example would be volunteer work

14 Thinking at the Margin Resources are scarce Must make careful choices
Page 9 Thinking at the Margin Resources are scarce Must make careful choices Economists analyze marginal benefits and marginal costs Marginal simply means additional (Bottom of page 9)

15 Choice-Making by Businesses
Page 11 Choice-Making by Businesses Face same scarcity problems Must pay for scarce items Looks for the lowest opportunity cost

16 The Profit Motive Goal of most businesses
Page 11 The Profit Motive Goal of most businesses Profit = total sales > total costs Losses limit the life of the company Business people think at the margin Page 8 & 9 of study guide

17 Basic Economic Decisions in a Market Economy
Page 11 Basic Economic Decisions in a Market Economy Free enterprise or capitalism Relies on voluntary trade Markets allow consumers and sellers to make exchanges Both weigh the costs and benefits to make a choice What, how and for whom?

18 Micro or Macro Macro = whole
Page 13 Micro or Macro Macro = whole “big picture” Nationally As a group Micro = individual consumers and businesses What will you pay? How much should an employees salary be? Should we buy new computers?

19 HOMEWORK 1-4 10-11

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