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VAMC St Louis University Mental Status Examination - SLUMS

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1 VAMC St Louis University Mental Status Examination - SLUMS
Brook Bower, RN MS Office of Human Services, Inc. Area Agency on Aging

2 Items Needed to Complete Exam/Concerns
Watch with a second hand on it Form with clock outline and geometric figures Copy of the exam with #11 (story) Wait until the end of the exam to give correct answers if consumer asks

3 Level of Care Determination (LCD)
3.A SLUMS PREPARATION Level of Alertness: Alert (fully awake and able to focus). Drowsy/Confused/Distractible/Inattentive/Preoccupied Is the individual able to complete the SLUMS? No – Document Details in Notes ie. Extremely ill, Falling asleep, Blind, Unable to write

4 Questions to Get Started
Do you have any trouble with your memory? May I ask you some questions in regards to your memory?

5 Helpful tip SPEAK CLEARLY and SLOWLY

6 (Attention, Immediate Recall, and Orientation)
Question #1 (Attention, Immediate Recall, and Orientation) “What DAY of the week is it?” 1 point if the day is correct

7 (Attention, Immediate Recall, and Orientation)
Question #2 (Attention, Immediate Recall, and Orientation) “What is the YEAR?” 1 point if the year is correct

8 (Attention, Immediate Recall, and Orientation)
Question #3 (Attention, Immediate Recall, and Orientation) “What is the name of the STATE we are in?” 1 point if the state is correct

9 (Delayed Recall with Interference)
Question #4 (Delayed Recall with Interference) “I’m going to ask you to remember 5 objects. I am going to say them to you first, have you repeat them back to me and then I am going to ask you to remember them a little later. They do not have to be in the same order. The objects are: Apple, Pen, Tie, House, Car.” Repeat objects max of 3 times

10 (Numeric Calculation and Registration)
Questions #5a. and 5b. (Numeric Calculation and Registration) “You have $100 and you go the store and buy a dozen apples for $3 and a tricycle for $20. How much did you spend? How much do you have left?” 1 point if the first answer is correct plus 2 more points if the second answer is correct Do not prompt or give hints Repeat question(s) once if needed

11 Question #6 (Immediate Recall with Interference)
Need watch with second hand “Please name as many animals as you can in one minute.” 0-4 = 0 points 5-9 = 1 point; 10-14 = 2 points 15+ = 3 points Need specific animal names/not category. Accept types of birds/fish.

12 (Delayed Recall with interference)
Question #7 (Delayed Recall with interference) “What were the 5 objects I asked you to remember earlier?” 1 point for each correct Don’t have to be in the same order

13 (Registration and Digit Span)
Question #8 (Registration and Digit Span) “I am going to give you a series of numbers and I would like you to give them to me backwards. For example, if I say “four”, “two” you would say “two”, “four”. 87= 0 points 648= 1 point 8537= 1 point

14 Question #9 Need form with clock face and geometric figures
(Visual Spatial and Executive Function) Clock Drawing Need form with clock face and geometric figures “This is a clock face. Please put in the hour markers and the time at ten minutes to eleven o’clock.” Hour markers okay = 2 points (full credit for 12 numbers or ticks. If only 4 ticks, prompt once to put numbers for full credit) Time correct = 2 points (hour hand must be shorter than minute hand)

15 Questions #10a. and 10b. (Visual Spatial)
“Also on this piece of paper I would like you to place an X in the triangle.” Waits and continues on… “Which of the figures is largest?” X in triangle = 1 point Square as largest = 1 point

16 (Executive Function plus Extrapolation)
Question #11 (Executive Function plus Extrapolation) “I’m going to tell you a story. Please listen carefully because afterwards, I am going to ask you some questions about it.” Provide ample time to answer each question Do not repeat the story Do not prompt or give hints Chicago as state gets no points. May state once, “I did say Chicago, but what state did she live in?” 2 points for each question answered correctly.

17 3.C SLUMS RESULTS Record the number of years the individual attended high school. Identify the Highest Educational Degree that the individual obtained. (Dropdown list)

18 Scoring Scores range from 0 to 30 High School Education Normal 27-30
MNCD/MCI 21-26 Mild Dementia 16-20 Moderate Dementia 11-15 Severe Dementia 10 or <

19 Scoring Cont. Less than High School Education Normal 25-30
MNCD/MCI 20-24 Mild Dementia 15-19 Moderate Dementia 11-14 Severe Dementia 10 or <

20 MNCD/MCI Mild Neurocognitive Disorder (MNCD)
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) A transitional period between normal aging and the diagnosis of probable early dementia. A loss of cognitive function in people over 65 that exceeds an occasional wrong name or misplaced pair of glasses. Can be thought of as a precursor to dementia.

21 Average time to complete
It takes about 7 minutes to administer the SLUMS (Dementia/Lower IQ) Reasons > 7 minute: HOH, Easily distracted, Confused, Anxious, Arthritis, Talker, Clock/Math longer with some. Alert and Oriented approx. 5 minutes to administer the SLUMS

22 Questions

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