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Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Administrative Services Credentials 2012 CCAC Conference Teri.

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Presentation on theme: "Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Administrative Services Credentials 2012 CCAC Conference Teri."— Presentation transcript:

1 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Administrative Services Credentials 2012 CCAC Conference Teri Clark Terri H. Fesperman

2 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Administrative Services Credential (ASC) Advisory Panel   24 Member Panel appointed by the Executive Director   Panel met six times for a total of eleven days from August 2010 through July 2011   Report to Commission - October 2011 2

3 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 3 ASC Panel   One-year study of the preparation of leaders for California schools   Determine appropriate changes in administrator preparation to meet needs of schools today   Examine structure of credential and review preparation pathways

4 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Panel Recommendations   14 recommendations presented to the Commission in November 2011   Commission adopted 12 and recommended additional changes to 2 recommendations concerning: – –experience for preliminary credential – –examination route to the preliminary credential 4

5 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 12 Approved Recommendations   Maintain a single generalized credential for all administrative roles   Maintain a two-level credential structure   Continue the intern credential   Establish induction as the sole pathway for the clear credential program 5

6 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California 12 Approved Recommendations   Ensure that preparation programs prepare new and prospective administrators for the ever-changing roles of site administrators and the needs of California schools   Enhance partnerships between ASC preparation programs and K-12 districts, schools, and county offices of education 6

7 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Two Recommendations Experience for Preliminary ASC   Current Requirement – –Completion of a minimum of three years of successful, full-time classroom teaching experience or in the fields of pupil personnel, health, speech-language pathology, or librarian services 7

8 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Experience for Preliminary ASC   Action Taken by the Commission – –Increase years of experience to earn the preliminary ASC from three years to five years – –Provide option for waiver of two years of the experience 8

9 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Experience for Preliminary ASC   One example for choosing the waiver may occur when an employer has unsuccessfully attempted to fill a vacancy, and there is an otherwise qualified candidate who does not meet the five-year experience requirement 9

10 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Six Waiver Criteria Adopted by the Commission 1. 1.Employer must verify that no suitable fully credentialed individual is available 2. 2.Employer must submit verification from an approved program sponsor that the individual has completed a Preliminary ASC preparation program 3. 3.Individual must hold a clear teaching or services prerequisite credential 10

11 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Six Waiver Criteria 4. 4.Preliminary ASC is restricted to the requesting employing agency until the individual has five years of experience or has earned the Clear ASC, whichever comes first 5. 5.Prospective administrator must provide evidence of satisfactory/successful evaluations 6. 6.Employer must provide mentoring and support 11

12 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Experience for Preliminary   Status – –Commission approved the six criteria with the requests to be reviewed by CTC staff – –Must wait for regulation changes (to be discussed later in this presentation) have been made before the waiver process will start 12

13 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Two Recommendations Examination Route   Current Requirement – –Passage of an examination is an option to completion of Commission- approved preliminary ASC program – –Current examination is the California Preliminary Administrative Credential Examination (CPACE) 13

14 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Examination Route   Action Taken by the Commission – –Establish an “Examination Plus” requirement for candidates choosing the examination route to the Preliminary ASC 14

15 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Examination Route   CPACE was adopted by the Commission and initially implemented in 2011   Adding to current requirements for earning the preliminary ASC through the examination route would require a change in statute 15

16 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Examination Route   Status – –Change in statute would take at least one year – –Commission not comfortable with examination being sole requirement – –No action taken on examination route 16

17 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Other ASC Issues   Administrative Performance Assessment – –Explored concept with Commission – –No action taken by Commission   Developing new Program Standards for Preliminary and Clear ASC – –New approach to developing standards – –Use more technology to receive input from stakeholders 17

18 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California ASC Regulations   Requirements to earn a preliminary and clear credential in Section 80054   Action item at August Commission meeting   Public Hearing planned for December Commission meeting 18

19 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Proposed ASC Regulations 1. 1.Portions of the regulations need to be updated due to other changes in regulations and statutes 2. 2.Requiring an individual to hold a clear or life prerequisite credential 3. 3.Increasing the number of years of experience to earn the preliminary credential 19

20 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Administrator Training Program   One option to earn a Clear ASC is completion of Modules 1, 2 and 3 of a State Board of Education-approved Administrator Training Program (ATP)   Education Code includes inoperative and repeal dates in 2012 and 2013 for the ATP 20

21 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Application Deadline   Applications for the clear credential must be received at the Commission (receipt date, not the filing date listed on the application form) by 4/1/2014   4/1/2014 is also the latest issuance date allowed by the Commission under this process 21

22 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Summer 2012 ATP Update California Department of Education (CDE) recently announced the opportunity for LEAs, county offices of education, and direct ‐ funded charter schools to apply for federal Title II funds for the ATP to provide training for principals and assistant/vice principals 22

23 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Summer 2012 ATP Update   Additional ATP funds go through September 1, 2014 – –Does not change the last date for an application based on completion of ATP: April 1, 2014   Education Code provides a sunset date for accepting the ATP towards certification 23

24 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Experience Requirement for Clear ASC   Full-time service – –Service for at least a minimum of four hours per day for three-fourths of the total days in the school year – –Substitute or part-time service does not apply 24

25 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Three-Fourths of a School Year   Many administrators begin work in July or Augus t – –Even if students are not on campus – –Time is acceptable towards the two-year requirement As long as the credentialed administrator is providing services within the authorization of the credential 25

26 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Example   Administrator starts a position by September 1, 2012 (or by the first day of school following Labor Day) – –Should complete seven months of administrative experience by April 1, 2013 – –Same is true for September 1, 2013 to April 1, 2014 26

27 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Local Level Determination   Determination of three-fourths of the school year is a local level decision   Final authority to issue a credential rests with the Commission – –Additional information may be requested regarding the determination of three- fourths of a school year 27

28 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California What if I Don’t Complete by Sunset Date?   Individuals who do not complete the two-year ATP within the time period and/or the additional credential requirements, including the two years of administrative experience – –Need to contact and be evaluated by an approved program for one of the other options to earn a Clear ASC 28

29 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Extensions by Appeal   One or two-year extensions to a preliminary ASC are available if additional time is needed to complete the ATP or the administrative experience requirement if specific criteria are met   No extension will have an expiration date after 4/1/2014 29

30 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California Transitioning ATP   Current ATP providers may wish to transition to a Commission-approved Tier II/Clear Administrative Services Program   May start immediately and does not need to wait for the sunset of the ATP 30

31 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California CTC Contact Information   Tier II/Clear ASC program for review and approval: − − Program content: Gay Roby − − Process issues: 31

32 Commission on Teacher Credentialing Inspire, Educate, and Protect the Students of California CDE Contact Information   Administrator Training Programs Program issues - Judy Sinclair, CDE Title II Leadership Office: 916-323-5846 or 32

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