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Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call December 2, 2014.

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2 Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call December 2, 2014

3 Audio Difficulties 2 Louisiana Believes If you are experiencing audio difficulties, please make sure that your speakers are on and that your volume is at a suitable level. If you are still experiencing difficulties, click the phone icon on the ribbon at the top of your screen, and choose the Dial-out feature. This will link your phone with your user ID.

4 3 Louisiana Believes Objective: These contact calls bring together LEA coordinators for the purpose of planning for and implementing statewide assessment programs within local education agencies. Who: District Test Coordinators, District Technology Coordinators, and Accountability Contacts Topics: 1.Assessment 2.Accountability 3.Technology Archives: Welcome

5 4 Louisiana Believes 14-15 Scope and Sequence Projected Call DatesProjected Call Topics December 2, 2014 December EOC Administration Test Security PARCC Assessments ACT and WorkKeys Graduation Waivers Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) January 6, 2015 Face-to-Face Meetings Pre-Grid Roster Distribution Data Certification: Graduation Rate Statewide Assessment Schedule SY 15-16 February 3, 2015 Placement Test Materials Return March 3, 2015 ACT Match/No Match Distribution April 21, 2015 Exceptions to the High-Stakes Testing Policy May 5, 2015 Spring Administration Results Release Accountability Clean-Up End-of-Year Survey June 2, 2015 Data Certification July 7, 2015 SY 14-15 Planning Planning Meeting

6 5 Louisiana Believes Assessment December EOC Administration Test Security PARCC Assessment Updates ACT and WorkKeys Special Education Graduation Waivers AYP Initial Reports Agenda

7 December 2014 Administration December 1–17, 2014Student Testing (Algebra I, English II, Geometry, Biology, English III, and U.S. History) Rescore Deadline January 16, 2015Deadline for requesting the rescoring of a test EOC: Key Dates 6 Louisiana Believes The December 2014 EOC administration window is open from Monday, December 1 through December 17 and should include retesters and students completing fall semester EOC courses.

8 EOC: Issue Resolution 7 Districts should contact with administrative issues and policy For questions about the EOC Tests system or technical assistance during testing utilize: Pacific Metrics Point of Contact EOC Tests Help Desk: By phone at 1-866-810-1095 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CT By email at E-mail requests will be answered within one business

9 EOC: Technology Requirements December administrative technology requirements can be found in the Assessment LibraryAssessment Library As in 2013-14, Windows XP is not an approved browser for EOC administration The Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) viewer is no longer required because it is native to IE 9, 10, 11 and Safari Louisiana Believes

10 EOC: Scoring and Reports 9 Louisiana Believes Reports for all subjects will be available two to four days after a student completes all three sessions of a test. Due to the addition of conventions scoring and based on feedback from educators, rescore eligibility for English II and English III is available for students within 20 points of the next achievement level. As previously available on GEE and in response to district feedback, automatic rescores will be processed for 12 th graders who receive a Needs Improvement on an EOC test. Score must be within 10 points of the Fair achievement level for non-ELA subjects and 20 points of Fair for ELA December graduates should be tested early in the window DTCs will be notified of any rescore results

11 EOC: Accountability Code Changes 10 Louisiana Believes If a student exits (withdraws) from school before or during testing, SIS Exit Reason Codes should be entered in the appropriate fields of the EOC online system. The complete list of Accountability Codes and Descriptions is available on the EOC homepage.Accountability Codes and Descriptions Accountability code changes for EOC Removed codes 40, 41, 42 (school vouchers) Removed code 87 (non-tester/non-diploma) Students previously receiving code 87 are now required to test Added code 37 (disasters)

12 EOC: Administration Alerts EOCs should be scheduled with sufficient time for completion. Only students with the designated accommodation Extended Time will be allowed to exit out of a test session and complete it at a later time within the same day. Students returning to complete a testing session should be monitored for interaction with other students during the testing break. The one-day policy for completing test sessions applies to all subjects and test sessions. Testing irregularities that raise questions regarding test security or accuracy of test data may result in a test being voided. Voids must be submitted to the LDOE at by Friday of each scheduled testing week using the Void Verification 11

13 12 Louisiana Believes Assessment December EOC Administration Test Security PARCC Assessment Updates ACT and WorkKeys Special Education Graduation Waivers AYP Initial Reports Agenda

14 Test Security The Department has annually provided districts with reports of testing irregularities and voids during testing and scoring windows. These reports have traditionally been specific to each assessment. For the first time ever, in order to provide LEAs with a comprehensive view of all testing irregularities from the 2013-2014 school year, the Department will be providing a Test Irregularity Summary Report. These reports will be released to districts next week through the FTP and a webinar will be conducted to explain the report in detail (Friday December 12 th at 1 pm; the webinar can be accessed here).here 13

15 14 Louisiana Believes Assessment December EOC Administration Test Security PARCC Assessment Updates ACT and WorkKeys Special Education Graduation Waivers AYP Initial Reports Agenda

16 Preparing for PARCC: Webinars In spring 2015, Louisiana will administer the PARCC assessments for English language arts and mathematics in grades 3 to 8. The following resources are available to assist educators: Weekly PARCC Office Hours Background: Dedicated time to answer educator questions related to the PARCC assessments When: Beginning November 20; held every Thursday at 11:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. This week the Department offering additional, specific webinars on IEPs, IAPs, and LEP. IEP Accommodations, December 3 at 11:00 am IAP/504 Accommodations, December 3 at 1:00 pm PNP Accessibility, Repeating December 4 at 1:00 pm LEP Accommodations, December 5 at 9:00 am Access: Join any of the PARCC webinars

17 Preparing for PARCC: Resources Key Resources Available Assessment Guides 2014-15 Louisiana Assessment Calendar PARCC Accessibility and Accommodations Manual Quick Guide to Accessibility and Accommodations Frequently Asked Questions Document Limited English Proficient (LEP) Checklist Personal Needs Profile Form Resources Available Soon: Assessment Month-by-Month Checklist Parental Supports Test Coordinator and Administrator Manuals (January)

18 Nonpublic School PARCC Testing Test results in 2015 will be returned in the fall so that results can be double checked to make sure scoring of students’ results was fair and accurate. During this transition year, private school students may choose to test using the PARCC ELA and Math assessments in grades 4 and 8 but are not required to do so and results will not be returned in time to inform placement. Districts should determine guidelines for entry which can include use of the placement tests as well as other evidence of grade level proficiency (e.g., transcripts, local assessments). The Department will continue to provide placements tests for use with nonpublic students as needed.

19 18 Louisiana Believes Assessment December EOC Administration Test Security PARCC Assessment Updates ACT and WorkKeys Special Education Graduation Waivers AYP Initial Reports Agenda

20 ACT and WorkKeys Administration Resources ACT’s Louisiana testing site is available herehere The testing site includes: Test dates Checklist of dates Test site establishment Manuals and supplements Training Accommodations information Score reporting information 19

21 ACT Next Steps The ACT and WorkKeys Cooperative Endeavor Agreements (CEAs) are now available in the Assessment Library and should be completed by December 15, 2014.Assessment Library The WorkKeys, intended for students pursuing JumpStart pathways, is available on paper (default) or online (optional; requires a set up fee). Districts interested in offering WorkKeys online should contact by December 5 Two CEAs are available. Please select either the online or paper form for completion as applicable. 20

22 ACT Match - No Match Lists The ACT Match list provides the highest score on record for enrolled 12 th grade students. Districts and schools will have an opportunity to update the highest score record during ACT data certification. The ACT No Match list identifies 12 th grade students who are expected to take the ACT in the spring unless they are accountability coded when the EOC spring window opens. These students will receive zeroes in the ACT index if they do not test or do not have an appropriate accountability code. In spring 2015, districts will be able to: Apply code 96 for LAA 1 students who are not required to take the ACT if the LAA 1 box is checked on a current IEP. Apply exit codes for students who are no longer enrolled at test time. NOTE: It will not be necessary to apply an accountability code for students on the NO Match list if there is an ACT score available for them by April 1, 2015. Students previously coded as nontester/nondiploma are included on the ACT No Match and are required to test in spring of 2015. 21

23 EXPLORE and PLAN Administration Resources The EXPLORE and PLAN Louisiana testing site is available herehere The testing site includes: Milestone schedule Manuals and documents Score reporting information 22

24 23 Louisiana Believes Assessment December EOC Administration Test Security PARCC Assessment Updates ACT and WorkKeys Special Education Graduation Waivers AYP Initial Reports Agenda

25 Special Education Graduation Waivers EOC, LAA2, or GEE 2014-2015 Graduation Waiver Application Timelines are indicated below. Requested PeriodsSubmission Deadlines Spring 2015Wednesday January 21, 2015 Summer 2015Wednesday June 3, 2015 The following can be found in the Assessment Library:Assessment Library Graduation Waiver Overview 2015 Appeal Waiver Request Form Graduation Waiver Assessment Comparison Chart (seen on the next slide)

26 Special Education Graduation Waivers The Graduation Waiver Assessment Comparison Chart can be found in the Assessment Library.Assessment Library End of Course (EOC) Graduation Exit Exam (GEE) Louisiana Alternate Assessment 2 (LAA 2) Passing ScoresExcellent Good Fair Advanced Mastery Basic Approaching Basic Basic Approaching Basic Testing Combinations Allowed Must pass at least one in each pair: Algebra I or Geometry English II or English III Biology or US History Must pass: Math English Either Science or Social Studies Graduation Waiver Considered Must pass: Algebra I or Geometry or English II or English III 3 rd component may be waived Must pass: Math or ELA 3 rd component may be waived

27 26 Louisiana Believes Assessment December EOC Administration Test Security PARCC Assessment Updates ACT and WorkKeys Special Education Graduation Waivers AYP Initial Reports Agenda

28 Districts receive annual subgroup AYP determinations based on a percentage of students scoring proficient on state assessments and on cohort graduation rates. Subgroups must meet the Annual Measureable Objective (AMO) for 2014 OR meet safe harbor requirements below: The percentage of non-proficient students within the subgroup was reduced by at least 10 percent of the previous year's value. The subgroup improved or met the criterion on the additional academic indicator (attendance rate for K-11 schools and graduation rate for schools with a twelfth grade) Application of confidence intervals lowers the AMO for smaller groups. District Subgroup Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)

29 District subgroups are judged on performance in English/language arts and mathematics using state assessment scores for students who met full academic year definition at three levels (clusters): elementary, middle and high. Assessments Used to Determine AYP AYP ClustersGrade LevelsTests Included Elementary3-5LEAP, iLEAP, LAA 1 and LAA 2 Middle6-8LEAP, iLEAP, LAA 1 and LAA 2 High9-12 Initial score English II and Algebra I EOCs, LAA 1

30 Subgroup AYP data are used in determinations for students with disabilities and students classified under Title III Limited English Proficiency. Subgroup data should be used to identify achievement gaps in order to design strategies to increase proficiency rates and decrease achievement gaps. Districts will receive preliminary reports this week through the FTP, and full district subgroup reports in January. Using District AYP Data

31 For more information, contact Next call: January 6, 2015 Face-to-Face Meetings: January 22 (Baton Rouge), January 23 (Natchitoches), Additional location in New Orleans TBA Louisiana Believes Next Steps TaskResourcesKey Dates Share PARCC assessment guides, FAQ, and office hours with principals, STCs, and teachers Assessment Guides FAQ Office Hours Join webinars regarding PARCC and/or share the information for others to do so Webinar LinkDecember 3, 4, 5 December EOC AdministrationLouisianaeoc.orgDecember 1-17 Deadline for notification via of online WorkKeys December 5 Deadline for ACT to receive requests for ACT- Approved Accommodations and supporting documentation Checklist of Dates Training Materials Submission Form December 12 Deadline for ACT and WorkKeys Cooperative Endeavor Agreement (CEA) Match/no match rosters Cooperative Endeavor Agreements December 15

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