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RED ALERT! Choir parents, I realize that the students have already turned in their course selection sheets for next year, but I wanted to send you this.

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Presentation on theme: "RED ALERT! Choir parents, I realize that the students have already turned in their course selection sheets for next year, but I wanted to send you this."— Presentation transcript:


2 RED ALERT! Choir parents, I realize that the students have already turned in their course selection sheets for next year, but I wanted to send you this presentation so that you have a better understanding about what your child learns in choir. I have enjoyed teaching your child this year and look forward to seeing them in choir next year. It is my hope that our choir program continues to grow and excel with students just like yours. Tim Winebrenner

3 What does my child learn in choir?

4 We learn the curriculum Fractions, Spatial Reasoning, Pattern Recognition, Proportions

5 We learn the curriculum Sentence Structure, phrasing, correct pronunciation and emphasis

6 We learn the curriculum Sight Reading and general music reading reinforces all reading skills. Helps with tracking and learn musical “sight words”

7 We learn the curriculum Sound Waves – frequency, amplification, wavelength, acoustics

8 We learn the curriculum Students sing in foreign language and demonstrate and understanding of the text. Music is written with Italian Markings. Music is in and of itself a new language. Foreign Language

9 We learn the curriculum Understand music within a historical context. Sing about historically significant topics such as the Holocaust and the Underground Railroad. Students also sing music and learn about different musical eras and genres.

10 We learn the curriculum We sing music from many different and diverse cultures. We learn the context of the music within that culture.

11 We learn the curriculum Singing is very physical and athletic. It is like playing football, volleyball, or any other physically demanding sport. Singing takes training and conditioning.

12 We learn the curriculum We learn the mechanics of singing from the inside –out. We learn about the anatomy of the vocal instrument; including the diaphragm, lungs, trachea, and larynx.

13 What else does my child learn in choir?

14 We go beyond the Curriculum Higher level thinking skills Bring the music off the page. Think outside the box. Creativity Music is much more than just what is written on the page, and it is a great opportunity for students to express themselves. Self-discipline and Independence Build public speaking skills & face performance anxieties

15 We go beyond the Curriculum Group Leadership Organization Non-Verbal Communication Prolonged Focus Adaptability to environment and quick thinking

16 We go beyond the Curriculum Goal Setting Problem Solving We take everything apart to its most basic element and put it back together for a finished product. Perseverance We learn from each other to get better and better. We never give up on reaching our goals. Appropriate interactions with peers and supervisors

17 We go beyond the Curriculum Relaxation techniques & prolonged focus Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition and care for ones’ body Healthy, life-long singing Students will learn to sing both well and sick for the longevity of their singing life.

18 We go beyond the Curriculum

19 $how me the money! Music scholarships are offered at colleges and major universities throughout the country for both music and non-music majors.

20 SAT National Average: 1511 SAT Texas State Average: 1481 SAT Texas All-State Composite score: 1819 All state musicians score higher than non- music students on standardized tests.

21 But wait! …there’s more!

22 Students have a class that … is rigorous but offers immediate gratification. Entails little to no homework. is a place to go and just enjoy making music.

23 Students need a place to belong when they are faced with a school populated with 1200 students at the middle school level and over 4000 at the high school level.


25 These are things they learn in choir!



28 Singing promotes good emotional health Singing promotes good physical health – a good singer takes care of his/her body because it is his/her instrument. Singers are encouraged to eat well, get enough rest, avoid smoking, drinking, and taking drugs. Singing reinforces good hygiene.

29 Many companies seek applicants that have music training because trained musicians have demonstrated the self discipline to practice and have shown the work ethic to achieve a set goal.

30 Why shouldn’t my child skip a year of choir?

31 Confusion Skipping a year of choir would be like skipping a year of any academic subject. Imagine skipping 7 th grade math and then attempting 8 th grade math. Students become confused, overwhelmed, and frustrated in something that they previously loved.

32 You have time High school credits are for high school students. Some students are not ready for the demands of high school classes, but the repercussions of not doing well will follow them through high school. There is plenty of time to take those classes in high school!!

33 But I have many loves… There are many clubs and organizations that students can be a part of while still taking choir. I encourage students to join the Speech and Drama Club after school so that they can continue to have both experiences.

34 Did you know? Students can receive a PE waiver if they participate in certain activities outside of school. This opens up an opportunity for an extra elective. In high school, classes can be moved around much more easily than in junior high.

35 I am SOLD! …but how do I do it?

36 I’m Already Signed Up That is fantastic! I’m glad they have enjoyed the class and I look forward to teaching your child again next year. Please don’t miss the opportunity to tell your friends about what we do in choir.

37 Is there still time? If your child has not signed up for choir for next year, I strongly encourage you to speak to them about reconsidering. Should they want to change their schedule to choir next year, please email or call the school counselor. If your child has a friend who would like to be in choir we always have room for more. Please have their parent contact the school counselor.

38 …but I still have questions…

39 Please let me help! Mr. Winebrenner wants to help keep you informed. Please give me the opportunity to open doors for your child by giving you as much information as possible. Choir office number: 832-249-5930 Email:

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