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Update from ABC Implementation Team Achieving the Dream Leadership Team Meeting November 13, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Update from ABC Implementation Team Achieving the Dream Leadership Team Meeting November 13, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update from ABC Implementation Team Achieving the Dream Leadership Team Meeting November 13, 2008

2 2 Current/Past Activities Continue to support requests from Recruitment/Admissions staff to participate in outreach efforts to help maximize the number of FAFSA filings.  Tuesday November 11 th, 2008 Southeast High School.  Wednesday November 12 th, 2008 Emerson High School.  Thursday November 13 th, 2008 Moore Norman Technology Center Career Awareness Fair.  Insure Financial Aid and Veterans Services webpage link is included on College Homepage menu. Currently Financial Aid and Veterans Services are not identified, except by detailing on other menu options.  Recommend expansion of Division Tuition Waiver Program to offer more merit based awards to current students.  FY07 Allocated $126,469  FY08 Allocated $133,389  FY09 Allocated $152,718

3 3 Future/Upcoming Activities Activities to encourage current and prospective students to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aide (FAFSA)  Conduct an OCCC Fair for current and prospective students to include Financial Aid, Recruitment/Admissions, Support Services, Academic Divisions, and Advising.  Financial Aid Office participation in annual High School Counselor Breakfast to update Counselors on financial aid processing for 2009- 2010 year.  Hold an OCCC Fair for community based agencies to include Financial Aid, Recruitment/Admissions, Support Services, Academic Divisions, and Advising.  Enhance Financial Aid and Veterans Services webpage to offer sufficient information for current and prospective students to enable more self-service opportunities for understanding financial aid and veterans’ policies, processes, procedures, and student responsibilities.  Increase Financial Aid front counter full time staff by one and provide specific training for front counter staff to insure quality general information, and financial services information.

4 4 Future/Upcoming Activities Cont.  Continue to expand and improve use of technology in Financial Aid and Veterans Services to improve efficiency initiatives:  Expand use of imaging and retrieval processes  Student computer stations from 3 to 5  Eliminate hard copy document files  Online Admission Applications to identify FA prospects  Develop a “Cost Calculator” for students and parents on Financial Aid webpage to help prospective students access cost of attendance information for planning and decision making purposes.

5 5 Conjectures/Hypotheses?  These initiatives combined with a continuation of year one initiatives will improve services to prospective and currents students. The receipt of FAFSA forms from an increasing number of students will help contribute to improved persistence and retention as other AtD initiatives begin to impact student success.

6 6 Issues/Barriers  Costs: salary/benefits; costs of workshops and/or fairs.  Barriers: minimal: coordination and implementation efforts.

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