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The Dictionary Meaning… The state of being connected or related; Association by blood or marriage; kinship; The mutual dealings, connections, or feelings.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dictionary Meaning… The state of being connected or related; Association by blood or marriage; kinship; The mutual dealings, connections, or feelings."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dictionary Meaning… The state of being connected or related; Association by blood or marriage; kinship; The mutual dealings, connections, or feelings etc. that exist between two countries, people, etc. An emotional or sexual affair or liaison.

2 Dr. Manisha Anwekar Welcomes you For the presentation On Enhancing Relationships

3 What does a RELATIONSHIP mean to you? OR What do you perceive a RELATIONSHIP as??? OR What is your definition of a RELATIONSHIP?

4 How do we CONNECT with others Five Senses: Eyes Ears Tongue Smell Touch And not to forget—The SIXTH SENSE!!!

5 Energy Signature… We all send out VIBES in the universe. If they vibrate together, you are together If they don’t match; your mindsets don’t match In relationships—Like attracts Like, and opposites repel each other.

6 Conflicts…

7 Conflicts…. There should absolutely be NO Place for conflicts in our life Whether Inner or Outer Conflict is a strict No No!!!

8 The INNER Conflict… Disharmony in your Inner and outer self Low Self-esteem Crippled Thinking So-called Attitude/Arrogance Presumptions Escapism

9 Inner Conflict Contd… Pretention Selfishness Dishonesty Expectations from others The list is ENDLESS….

10 The Outer Conflict… Arises ONLY out of “Inner Conflict.”

11 Overcoming Conflict… Healthy Self-image; and High Self-esteem Taking Responsibility Respecting Free Will Knowing who you are Character building Having a GOAL in life, and pursuing it Communicating effectively

12 Ten Commandments of Healthy Relationships… 1.Know & Accept yourself the way you are 2.Know & Accept the others the way they are 3.DON’T try to change or control others 4.Reduce codependence, increase interdependence. 5.Communicate 6.Show mutual honor for each other Contd..

13 Commandments contd… 7. Evolve as an individual 8. Hold true to your commitments 9. Keep the trust and relationship alive 10. Settle only for WIN-WIN

14 The Five Rs Remembe rRecreateRejuvenateRespectRevive

15 Some more ways… Be Happy Be Positive Be Optimistic Think Rationally Refrain from giving Unsolicited Advice And Above All BE A TRUE HUMAN BEING

16 Acknowledgements… My Sincere Thanks to my PhD instructor and Guide Dr. Douglas Kelley. Kevin Macleod and others for Free MUSIC Office ClipArt for ClipArt


18 You may reach me at… Or At Facebook Or At Twitter http://twitter/spiritkonnect Or At Facebook Or At Twitter http://twitter/spiritkonnect

19 This is not the end THIS IS THE BEGINNING GET SET GO!!!!!!

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