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DoD Electrical Safety Initiatives Update Nancy Vyas, ARL DoD July 16, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "DoD Electrical Safety Initiatives Update Nancy Vyas, ARL DoD July 16, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 DoD Electrical Safety Initiatives Update Nancy Vyas, ARL DoD July 16, 2014

2 DoD Electrical Safety Working Group Products FY 2013

3 ELECTRICAL SAFE DESIGN Appendix A: EQUIPMENT A-1: Electrically Safe Equipment Design Checklist A-2: DoD and Services Requirements Specific to Electrical Safety in Design for Equipment A-3: Electrically Safe Equipment Links – Worldwide Listings Websites

4 ELECTRICAL SAFE DESIGN Appendix B: FACILITY ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS B-1: Business Case for Electrically Safe Design of Facilities B-2: Technologies that Reduce Likelihood of Injury from Electrical Hazards, Including Shock,, Arc Flash and Fire B-3: Facility Safe Electrical Design Checklist

5 ELECTRICAL SAFE DESIGN Appendix B: FACILITY ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS B-4: Facility Checklist: Electrical Safe Design, Reliability, and Maintainability B-5: Facility Electrical Systems Inspection Checklist B-6: Importance of Quality Assurance for Equipment Critical for Electrical Safety

6 ELECTRICAL SAFE DESIGN Appendix C: WATERCRAFT C-1: Watercraft Safety Requirements, Policies, and Instructions C-2: Watercraft Electrical Safe Design, Reliability and Maintainability Checklist C-3: Design Options for Watercraft to Reduce Electrical Hazards and Improve Operability C-4: Applying Lessons Learned from Land-Based Systems to Watercraft Safe Electrical Design C-5: Safe Design Example: Watercraft LED Lighting

7 ELECTRICAL SAFE DESIGN Appendix D: ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) D-1: Electric Vehicle Safety Resources, Standards and Guidelines for Electrical Safety in Design D-2: Electric Vehicle Safe Design Checklist D-3: Electric Battery Charger Safe Design Checklist D-4: Safety Considerations for Electric Vehicles

8 ELECTRICAL SAFE DESIGN Appendix E: PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS E-1: Requirements, Policies, and Instructions for Safe Design of Solar Photovoltaic Systems E-2: Electrical Safety for Solar Photovoltaic Systems E-3: Hazard Analysis for Solar Photovoltaic Systems E-4: Electrical Safe Design Reliability and Maintainability Checklist

9 ELECTRICAL HAZARD APP Developed Electrical Hazard Classification Tool Application E-Safe Basic - basic/ basic/ E-Safe Pro -

10 ELECTRICAL HAZARD APP The application is intended to be utilized by TRAINED and QUALIFIED personnel who must design, repair or install potentially hazardous electrical equipment in the performance of their duties. It is not intended as a stand-alone electrical safety guide, rather as a single part in larger overall system safety analysis. Additional training may be required as deemed adequate by supervisory staff.

11 ELECTRICAL HAZARD APP PPE presented in this app is based on the task tables from NFPA-70E 2012, NEC and IEEE Refereed Articles. For Tri-Services (US Army Corps of Engineers, Navy-Marines & Air Force) facilities electrical (VAC) work, consult your AHJ to determine if the principal reference for shock and arc flash boundary analysis is the UFC 3-560-01 dated May 2012.

12 ELECTRICAL HAZARD APP Begin by selecting a source of energy from the list below. You will then be prompted to enter more information about the electrical system. 60 Hz Power DC Capacitor Battery Sub RF (1Hz - 3kHz)

13 DoD Electrical Safety Working Group Products FY 2014

14 ELECTRICAL SAFE DESIGN MICROGRIDS TACTICAL MICROGRIDS Safe Design of Components: Generators, Controls, Distribution, Battery Bank, Photovoltaic Array System Safe Design Guidance for Qualification of Installers, Operators, and Maintainers, i.e. Training Content for Military Training Programs

15 ELECTRICAL SAFE DESIGN MICROGRIDS INSTALLATION MICROGRIDS Safe Design of Components: Generators, Controls, Distribution, Battery Bank, Photovoltaic Array, Wind Power Generation System, Grid Controls and Interface System Safe Design Guidance for Qualification of Operators and Maintainers

16 COUNTERFEIT ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT GUIDANCE FOR IDENTIFICATION OF COUNTERFEIT ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Counterfeit Products International Standardization Testing laboratories with major worldwide coverage Accreditation Countries with Electrical Equipment Safety

17 ELECTRICALLY SAFE EQUIPMENT WORLDWIDE DESIGNATION OF ELECTRICALLY SAFE EQUIPMENT WORLDWIDE Requirements, Policies, and Instruction for Designation of Safe Equipment Programs OCONUS Recognition of “Trusted” Safe Equipment Programs OCONUS as Guidance for Deployed Forces Making Local Buys Equipment Inspection Checklist for “Non-Listed” Equipment Manufactured and Used OCONUS

18 ELECTRICALLY SAFE EQUIPMENT WORLDWIDE These host country websites detail their country’s procedures for evaluation of safety of electrical equipment. Equipment bearing labels (testing lab label) displayed on the safe equipment websites of these countries can be considered comparable to US NRTL listings and considered safe.

19 ELECTRICALLY SAFE EQUIPMENT WORLDWIDE CountryLanguageWebsite *AmericasEnglish ArgentinaSpanish *Australia New Zealand Tasmania English Austria Austrian English Belgium Belgian English Bosnia Herzegovina ?? BrazilPortuguese *CanadaEnglish ChiliSpanish

20 ELECTRICAL MISHAP INVESTIGATION FORM Collect information regarding as adverse incident involving electrical energy. Information used to improve electrical safety. No blame assigned. Identify actions needed to prevent future mishaps, such as improved equipment, safer electrical technology designs, improved protective equipment and training.


22 DSOC WEBSITE Electrical Safety Working Group Website on DENIX: /eswg/OperationalSafety/bulletins.cfm /eswg/OperationalSafety/bulletins.cfm

23 OPPORTUNITIES DoD/DoE COLLABORATIONS Electrical Equipment Inspection and Approval Process and Information Electrical Safety Training; Training Materials Continued EFCOG Involvement on Common Issues More ideas…….

24 SUMMARY Great workshop Outstanding personnel involvement Continued improvement benefitting DoE/DoD and industry Thanks!

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