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“Towards a Pacific Green Growth Framework” PIDF’s Ten Priorities Proposed for Presentation at the PIDF (2 nd ) Summit Plenary No. 1 1.

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Presentation on theme: "“Towards a Pacific Green Growth Framework” PIDF’s Ten Priorities Proposed for Presentation at the PIDF (2 nd ) Summit Plenary No. 1 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Towards a Pacific Green Growth Framework” PIDF’s Ten Priorities Proposed for Presentation at the PIDF (2 nd ) Summit Plenary No. 1 1

2 THE “LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE” FOR PIDF? “Fundamentally, real leadership gets people to confront reality and change values, habits, practices, and priorities in order to deal with the real threat of the real opportunity the people face. It facilitates improvements in the human condition. Counterfeit leadership, on the other hand provides false solutions and allows the group to bypass reality”

3 From Ego-System (Our REALITY) to Eco-System (Our FUTURE) 1.The Ecological Divide (People Versus Nature)…burning and consuming resources 50% more than our planet can regenerate and will need 3 planets by 2050 if we do not change… climate change (related natural disasters) and ocean acidification (death) = small islands will go under or become unlivable, the planet dies and humanity ceases to exist! 2.The Social Divide (People Versus People)…2.5 billion or a third of the world subsist on less than USD$2 a day…gap widening between “Haves” and “Have-Not” (85 people own > 50%; 10% > 90%) Pacific increasing poverty and inequalities – source of instability! 3.The Spiritual-Cultural Self (self versus Self)…rapidly growing burnout, depression and violence against ourselves…WHO, 2000 more than twice died from suicide as died in war…Pacific islands has some of the highest suicide rates and violence against women in the world!

4 Our Reality a “divided” (development) house (eco) 4 Economic Development (growth) and Inequality Environm ent (Sustaina bility) Social Development (Inclusivity) Healthy & Happy Pacific People (2) Pillars of sustainable development Enablers of sustainable development

5 Our Goals (with/through other partners) 5 Economic Development (growth) Environment (Sustainability) Social Development (Inclusivity) Food Security (9) “Whole of Society” Approach to Health (2) Capacity Development and Education (7) Sustainable Transport (8) and Renewable Energy (9) Healthy & Happy Pacific People (2) Goals Pillars of sustainable development Enablers of sustainable development

6 Our Enablers (Commitment to Promote) 6 Economic Development (growth) Environment (Sustainability) Social Development (Inclusivity) Food Security (9) “Whole of Society” Approach to Health (2) Capacity Development and Education (7) Sustainable Transport (8) and Renewable Energy (9) Healthy & Happy Pacific People (2) PARTNERSHIPS seek long term and multi-sourced financing (4) PEACE & GOVERNANCE promote inclusive stewardship (1), accountable and incentivized: (5) l eadership (1) and financial systems (6) INSTITUTIONS & TOOLS e.g., PIDF “fit for purpose” and the valuation of ecological social cultural assets (3) Goals and Enablers Pillars of sustainable development Enablers of sustainable development

7 Enabling (Our Specific Focus and Commitment) 7 Economic Development (growth) Environment (Sustainability) Social Development (Inclusivity) Food Security (9) “Whole of Society” Approach to Health (2) Capacity Development and Education (7) Sustainable Transport (8) and Renewable Energy (9) Healthy & Happy Pacific People (2) Enabling – green growth (integrated) strategies/tools; strengthening of multi-stakeholder governance and structure at regional and national levels (1); PARTNERSHIPS seek long term and multi-sourced financing (4) PEACE & GOVERNANCE promote inclusive stewardship (1), accountable and incentivized (5) leadership (1) and financial systems (6) INSTITUTIONS & TOOLS e.g., PIDF and the valuation of ecological soci al cultural assets (3) Goals Enablers and “Enabling” Pillars of sustainable development Enablers of sustainable development

8 Recommendations: (1)PIDF’s specific focus is on enabling strategies (partnerships and institutions and tools) and governance structure for Greening Growth in the Pacific small islands developing countries; (2)Provide comments (now or later, verbal or written) to the Secretariat and the presentation be finalized for presentation at PIDF (2 nd ) Summit. 8

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