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Presentation on theme: "FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE INTRODUCING SUPERLUMIS PRO."— Presentation transcript:


2 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO at a glance 3 chip DLP: Best projector technology for a true “Hollywood picture experience New 350W dimmable lamp and lamp driver and high contrast ratio New improved light engine for maximum performance and adaptability Perfect fit lens memory for zoom and focus feature (lens free 2.40:1) Advanced Connectivity, wireless control and live remote monitoring Wide choice of lenses Complete color control High efficiency cooling system 3D Triple Flash technology (144 Hz) for a smoother, natural, and fatigue-less 3D motion rendition

3 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail 3 chip DLP: Advantages 3-Chip DLP meets the needs and requirements of the motion picture industry, delivering the most compelling and captivating cinema experience at home, just as the movie Director intended it 1.Fast switching time 2.Highest brightness rendition 3.Ultimate Color Fidelity 4.Greater Depth 5.Picture Reliability

4 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail New improved light engine SIM2’s upgraded ALPHAPATH™ light engine is built on on the proven platform of the LUMIS series, from which it inherts all benefits such as best-in-class performance, efficiency and power. Partnered with 3-chip 0,95” 1080p DC4 DLP® chipset, it ensure that every minute detail is reproduced from HD source material.

5 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail High Brightness and contrast ratio A new, high-power 350W dimmable lamp (elliptical reflector - a first in the home theatre market) and lamp driver that delivers up to 5,000 lumens on-screen. Increased detail thanks to impressively high contrast ratio: >30,000:1 (in 2D mode)

6 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail Advanced Connectivity Wired and wireless connection options for: 1.Projector integration in a custom home theater system 2.Projector Control via IP 3.Remote monitoring and serviceability

7 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity Integration in a custom home theater system Total system control: The projector can be easily and seamlessly integrated with Home Automation control systems (such as Crestron or AMX) that use IP addressing.

8 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity Projector Control via IP Direct control and monitoring of the main projector functions through the local network. It is as easy as using a smartphone as an advanced remote control.

9 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity Remote monitoring and serviceability You no longer have to be in your theater to know the projector is running well. SUPERLUMIS PRO is an intelligent device that, through a dedicated IP address and port, monitors its internal parameters and health status and shares data with the outside world (customer or SIM2 service center technician). Examples: View status including input sources, power on/off, lamp life hours etc. Preventative maintenance features E-mail notification Error alert Service plug-in — view error log and much more

10 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity How does it work? SUPERLUMIS PRO is equipped with built-in web interface that allows its troubleshoot and monitor from any computer over a wired or wireless network. Data is exchanged through dedicated and secured web pages. For security reasons, only the projector can start the connection with the Remote Server. Not the other way around! The remote server is currently available on Cloud platform.

11 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity Remote server connection requirements Customer A web browser connection Username and Password The projector’s serial number Projector To access real-time data regarding the status of the projector or to control it, the projector must be switched ON. If the projector is in regular Stand-by mode (not low-power), the data provided is relative to the last time it was turned on. The projector must have a wired (LAN) or wireless connection through WiFi USB key. SIM2 recommends a specific dongle USB WiFi model. INSERT SERIAL NUMBER HERE OR SELECT FROM PULL- DOWN WINDOW

12 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity Remote access interface The home page menu Packets logs Message Projector Control 1.Projector Control 2.Miscellaneous Settings 3.Adminsitration Company profile Customer service

13 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity Remote access interface: Projector Control Projector info: supplies info on the status of the projector with refresh option Main controls: allows switching ON/OFF of the projector and setting-up of lamp power/dimming Images and pictures: allows control of all image parameters Colors: allows control of color space and temperature Set-up: allows changes to all installation parameters (ceiling/floor, focus, zoom, ecc.) Memories: allows additions to, recall or delete of up to 6 memory settings Virtual remote control: displays a virtual remote control Projector Control menu: All of the operations available on the physical remote control can be performed with this friendly web interface.

14 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity Remote access interface: Projector Control

15 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity Remote access interface: Projector Control Miscellaneous settings menu: Ethernet setup: IP address (static or dynamic), net mask, gateway, connection board MAC address WiFi: Ethernet connection parameters, network research, WPA/WPA2 encoding,e cc. Packet Logs Viewer: records software/hardware errors, changes to any parameter, source- destination communications, etc. Software upgrade: allows remote or local upgrade of software and firmware. Connects with SIM2’s factory to check for updates Administration login: service area

16 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity Remote access interface: Miscellaneous settings

17 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity Remote access interface: Miscellaneous settings Administration menu (service only): Projector setup: allows reset of lamp hours, logo on welcome screen, lens control, focus and zoom positioning, DMD black/white level, test patterns for DMD calibration Color Temperature calibration: allows setting of red, green and blue co-ordinates Software upgrade: allows upgrade of software and firmware or overrules previous versions if these create errors Message Settings: allows time setting for real-time messages, announcements and alerts to/from projector/remote server. Packet log settings

18 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail: Advanced connectivity Remote access interface: Miscellaneous settings

19 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail Perfect fit lens memory Perfect fit lens memory is an alternative to using an external anamorphic lens for widescreen movies (2.40:1). It records up to 8 separate lens adjustments for zoom, shift and focus that can be easily recalled when needed. *Simulated pictures to demonstrate picture enhancement.

20 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail Complete color control Live Colors Calibration 2.0 software provides increased control over the color space, allowing professional calibration of all projection parameters such as complete adjustment of the primary, secondary and white point color coordinates.

21 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail Silent, high-efficiency cooling system Whisper quite operations and unequaled reliability. Fans have been repositioned to boost air flow in and out of the projector, while their continuous microprocessor-controlled rotation speed ensures low noise and vibrations. The stainless steel chassis eliminates any residual vibration or resonance.

22 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE SUPERLUMIS PRO Optional features and accessories

23 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail Sliding Filter System (SFS) Sliding Filter System (SFS) by SIM2 allows the SUPERLUMIS PRO to become an incredibly versatile instrument which can meet different color reproduction requirements such as Home Cinema, DCI or even other applications, where dedicated color reproduction is the technical key-factor. SIM2’s SFS is a motorized system consisting of two different filters into the optical light path, independently of one another.

24 FARE CLIC PER MODIFICARE STILE Superlumis PRO in detail Integrated probe feedback system Smart interaction with the environment. SUPERLUMIS PRO features a professional probe interfaced with the projector's built in processing electronics that allows, through refined feedback algorithms, a real time reaction to the environmental conditions. It allows: Color Autocalibration Ambient Light Compensation Ambient Color Compensation Background Light Measure For an on-screen image quality that remains constant despite changing in ambient light conditions.


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