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Governor’s Electronic Classroom (GEC) Room and Distance Learning Operations Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD.

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Presentation on theme: "Governor’s Electronic Classroom (GEC) Room and Distance Learning Operations Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governor’s Electronic Classroom (GEC) Room and Distance Learning Operations Northern State University, Aberdeen, SD

2 Governor’s Electronic Classroom Switch Operation 1 - 6 Turn on all switches in this numbered order. Switch 3 is for cable, record functions. Switch 2 is for non-teleconference operations. plus Switch 6 is still used

3 Governor’s Electronic Classroom Elmo Visual Presenter Power & Instructor Cam Power Make certain that the Epson Doc Cam power switch is turned on! Instructor Cam power is the only device that is not connected to the 6 power strips for full room operation. Please remember to turn off! Instructor Monitor and Instructor cam. Are on a Power Strip.

4 Governor’s Electronic Classroom printer & student desk switches The Network Printer (MJ141 Gec Lab) is accessible from all workstations. The Links monitor system will not work if station 1 is not turned on. All workstations are turned on with desk power strip under the top. Do not use machine switches. Logout of the network before shut down of the desk switch.

5 Governor’s Electronic Classroom Instructor and Student Projectors Turn off the AMX switches for the projectors before the AC power strips are turned off OR the projectors will never shut down ! Bulbs are not easily replaced. Must press OFF twice. Turn the Instructor and Student Projector on and off with these buttons on the AMX panel.

6 Governor’s Electronic Classroom Student Projector Input Select - AMX panel Select sources from the Student Projector Input Select to send these signals to the class and remote sites. Use Program Volume to adjust in-room and transmission volume. Remember to lower the projector screens.

7 Governor’s Electronic Classroom Charging the Instructor’s Mic. Parkervision The instructor’s mic must be totally discharged before it is recharged. AC/DC Power bloc will blink red when charging. Turn transmitter power OFF. Plug In the DC wire to the transmitter !! Telex mic is battery operated (9 volt)

8 Classroom and Polycom operation in the GEC Record and Play VCRs This is a must check! Have the Record VCR in the gun rack ON and set to Input L1. The remote can be used to change Input status. Also turn on the Play VCR in the Instructor’s desk.

9 Governor’s Electronic Classroom Digistation and Instructor Monitors Turn on the monitors at the Digistation and Instructor’s desk. Set digi mon. to Video 3 Record VCR is Video 2

10 Governor’s Electronic Classroom Link Controller With TouchScreen Monitor Mobile LinkSystem Demonstration

11 Presentation & Polycom Operation in the GEC Routing Display Signals Classroom &remote students need to see Powerpoints, etc. It is vital that they see the Instructor and the local students so that they feel like active members of the class. CPU Display must be set to 800x600, 60 Hz Necessary for Polycom & Media Operation

12 Link Operations for Specific Outputs Instructor CPU only Display Select “Instructor to Projector”. Select also “Transmit All” to send Instructor CPU to all students. Select AMX “Visual Presenter” to send doc cam to Student Projector.

13 Link Operations for Specific Outputs Display Instructor CPU to selected students Select “Transmit Individual” and select desired student workstations. To transmit a student select “Receive Student” then select desired student workstation.

14 Link Operations for Specific Outputs Student Workstation Display Select “Receive Student” then select a student workstation (Will display only on instructor CPU). Also select “Student to Projector” (will display selected student on projector). Also select “Transmit All” to send selected student to all students.

15 Link Operations for Specific Outputs Scanning Student Workstations To privately scan all workstations select “Scan”

16 NSU GEC Polycom Operation and LinkSystem Display LinkSystem display of classroom student and instructor workstations utilize the Mobile Link touch panel. Polycom signals (video and VGA graphics) can be displayed in the GEC using the LinkSystem. Polycom uses the “Aux In” port and associated buttons, “Aux In to Local” and “Aux In to Projector.” “Aux In to Projector” is Polycom monitor 2 (VGA signal) to the Link Instructor Projector

17 Link and Polycom Operations for Teleconference Instructor CPU Display to Remote Site Select “Instructor to Projector”. Can do “Transmit All” to local class. Select Polycom “Graphics” to send VGA People and Content to remote site. THIS IS CONTENT. This will also send output of AMX “Student Projector Input Select”. THIS IS PEOPLE.

18 Link and Polycom Operations for Teleconference Student Workstation Display Select “Receive Student” and choose student to display, then select “Student Projector”. Must reselect Polycom “Graphics”. If you change student selection, you MUST reselect the Polycom “Graphics”.

19 Link and Polycom Operations for Teleconference Instructor Doc Cam or Visual Presenter to Remote Site Hi-Res: VGA signal - select Main-Visual Presenter on Doc Cam. - select “Aux Into Projector” on LinkSystem. - Reselect Polycom Graphics Lo-Res: Video signal - Disable Polycom Graphics if necessary. - Select doc cam (or other sources) from AMX “ Student Projector Input Select”.

20 Link and Polycom Operations for Teleconference Remote Site VGA People and Content Display First, select “RBG1- Polycom In” on the doc cam. Select “Aux In to Projector” to send Polycom signal to instructor projector. Can select Link “Transmit All” to send to student desktops.

21 GEC Startup Operations At the Digistation, turn on switches 1 through 3, and video monitor. Make sure that the Record VCR in the Gun Rack is on and set to L1. At the Instructor’s Desk, turn on switches 4 through 6, and video monitor. Make sure the Doc Cam is on. Check printer switch. Turn on Instructor CPU and monitor. Turn on Mobile Link System Touch Panel. Turn on the Monitor and Camera at the back of the room (powerstrip). Reverse to shutdown.

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