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1 The Use of ICT for Learning: The Current Status and Future of the Republic of Korea CMEC-OECD-Canada Seminar, Montreal, April 28-30, 2002 Future Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Use of ICT for Learning: The Current Status and Future of the Republic of Korea CMEC-OECD-Canada Seminar, Montreal, April 28-30, 2002 Future Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Use of ICT for Learning: The Current Status and Future of the Republic of Korea CMEC-OECD-Canada Seminar, Montreal, April 28-30, 2002 Future Challenges in Education and ICT: Policy, Planning and Practice Seung-ku Woo, Ministry of Education Myung-suk Jeannie Pang, KERIS

2 2 South Korea  Population  46.1M (2000)  Area  Korean Peninsula: 222,154 km 2 (similar to U.K., NZ, or Romania)  South Korea: 99,373 km 2 (45% of the peninsula)  70% mountainous  Language  Korean  Capital  Seoul

3 3 Education System  Structure  Ministry of Education: Masterplan, Budget  16 Municipal and Regional Offices of Education: Action & strategic plan & Implemention, Budget  180 Local Offices of Education: Sub-action plan & Implementation  School: Elementary 6yrs, Middle School 3yrs, High School 3yrs  College: 2yrs, 4yrs  Statistics  No. of schools: 10,165  No. of teachers: 341,495  No. of students: 8,015,152  No. of students per teacher: 23.5

4 4 Plan & Implemention  Masterplan  1996-2000: 1 ST Stage, ICT Infrastructure  2001-2005: 2 ND Stage, ICT utilization  Major Implementing body  Governments & KERIS

5 5 School Infrastructure  Accessibility to the Internet  Schools networked: 100% (as of April 2001)  Budget source  Usage fee: Free for 256Kbps until 2005  School Homepage: 92.6%

6 6 School Infrastructure  Accessibility to the Internet  Speed of network  By 2005 every school will be networked with the minimum speed of 2Mbps.

7 7 School Infrastructure  Accessibility to PC  Number of students per PC: 8.13 (as of December 2000)  Elementary school: 10.38  Middle school: 7.03  High school: 5.69  Number of teachers per PC/Notebook: 0.9  Budget source: Central/Regional government  By 2005 number of students per PC will be 5.

8 8 School Infrastructure  Accessibility to equipments  Computer Lab in every school  Equipments in every classroom  PC(586)  One of  Projection monitor TV 43” or larger  Monitor TV 38” or larger  LCD projector 1300 ANSI Lumens or higher  Budget source: Central/Regional government

9 9 Curriculum  ICT skill concerned  The 7 th National Curriculum  Elementary School: 1hr per week  Middle School: 3hrs per week, elective (48.2%, 1999)  High School: 2hrs per week, elective (55.1%, 1999)  Students ICT skill standards

10 10 Curriculum/MM Content  ICT integrated teaching-learning  Strongly recommend to use ICT in each subject  Researches on how to use ICT in each subject  Run model schools at central/regional level  Support teacher communities  Disseminate exemplary lesson plan integrated with ICT  Develop and provide educational multimedia content via EDUNET (  Bodies: private sector, government, KERIS & teachers  Circulate teachers magazine and webzine  By 2002, teachers will be provided with educational multimedia content on basic subjects of the 7 th National Curriculum.

11 11 Professional Develop’t  Teachers education at both level in-service & pre-service  Teachers capable with ICT basic skills (2001)  word processing: 94.7%  Internet: 90.7%  E-mail: 87.3%  ICT use in teaching: 81%  Teachers skill test run at regional level on national teacher ICT skill standards  Teachers guideline for using ICT disseminated  By 2005, all teachers will be completed with in-service program of how to use ICT in teaching.

12 12 KERIS

13 13 Issues  Provision of budget  Proactive mind of stakeholders including principals  Teacher education for practice of ICT that best fits into instructional objectives  Partnership/Cooperation among educational organizations  Teaching practice by college faculty of teacher education  Flexible time table of class  Curriculum integrated with ICT including assessment  Effectiveness  Creative teaching practice at class

14 14 Further Information  The Ministry of Education  Korea Education & Research Information Service (KERIS)  EDUNET  RISS  Korean Educational Research Institute  Korean Institute of Curriculum

15 15 The Use of ICT for Learning: The Current Status and Future of the Republic of Korea CMEC-OECD-Canada Seminar, Montreal, April 28-30, 2002 Future Challenges in Education and ICT: Policy, Planning and Practice Seung-ku Woo, Ministry of Education Myung-suk Jeannie Pang, KERIS

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