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Po-Hsiang Chen Advisor: Sheng-Jyh Wang. People  Shree K. Nayar  Ramesh Raskar  Ren Ng 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Po-Hsiang Chen Advisor: Sheng-Jyh Wang. People  Shree K. Nayar  Ramesh Raskar  Ren Ng 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Po-Hsiang Chen Advisor: Sheng-Jyh Wang

2 People  Shree K. Nayar  Ramesh Raskar  Ren Ng 2

3 Light Field 3 Levoy, M. (2006). "Light fields and computational imaging." Computer 39(8): 46-55. 5D representation4D representation

4 Computational Photography  Extend the capabilities of digital photography 4

5 App: Light Field Rendering 5

6 App: Synthetic Aperture Photography 6

7 7

8 App: Wave-front Coding 8 Object Lens CCD Wave-front Coding Optical Element 曾禎宇,” [090204]Wavefront_coding,” Vision Lab, NCTU Levin, A., R. Fergus, et al. (2007). "Image and depth from a conventional camera with a coded aperture." ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 26(3): 70-es.

9 9

10 What we are interesting in … 10

11 App: Dual Photography 11 standard photograph from camera dual photograph from projector Sen, P., B. Chen, et al. (2005). "Dual photography." ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 24(3): 745-755.

12 Helmholtz reciprocity 12 scene projector photosensor primal

13 Helmholtz reciprocity 13 projector photosensor projector photosensor scene light camera dual

14 14

15 15 C’ shrinks to 1x1 scalar T shrinks to 1xpq vector Result Dual photo Scanning through the projector

16 Flying spot scanner 16

17 Adaptive Multiplexed Illumination 17

18 Scene relighting 18 Camera Array?

19 19

20 App: Looking Around the Corner 20 Kirmani, A., T. Hutchison, et al. (2009). “Looking around the corner using transient imaging.” ICCV2009, CVPR2011

21 21

22 Transient Light Transport  Scene S with M small planar P i  Z i defines the 3D position  D ij defines the distances between Ps 22

23 Space Time Impulse Response 23

24 Distance from STIR 24

25 Structure from Pairwise Distance  Isometric embedding 25 Dattorro, J. (2005). "Convex optimization & Euclidean distance geometry", Meboo Publishing USA.

26 Scenes with Occluders 26

27 27

28 28

29 29

30 30

31 3D displays: Stereoscopic  Disparity 31

32 Anaglyph image 32

33 Polarized glasses 33

34 Shutter glasses 34

35 Glass-free: Parallax barrier 35

36 Glass-free: Holography 36 Schnars, U. and W. Jueptner (2005). "Digital holography", Springer.

37 37 Slinger, C., C. Cameron, et al. (2005). "Computer-generated holography as a generic display technology." Computer 38(8): 46-53.

38 App: Layered 3D 38 Wetzstein, G., D. Lanman, et al. (2011). “Layered 3D: tomographic image synthesis for attenuation-based light field and high dynamic range displays,” ACM, Siggraph 2011.

39 Tomographic Image Synthesis 39

40 40 Prototype multi-layer display

41 41

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