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KARNATAKA (Prepared for State COCSSO). What is Economic Census? Economic Census is the complete count of all units/establishments involved in some economic.

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1 KARNATAKA (Prepared for State COCSSO)

2 What is Economic Census? Economic Census is the complete count of all units/establishments involved in some economic activity engaged in production or distribution of goods or service other than for the sole purpose of own consumption.

3 Background Economic Census is being conducted in all the States in the country under the guidance & directions of Central Statistics Office(CSO), Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation(MoSPI), Government of India. In Karnataka, Economic Census is being carried out by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics.

4 History Economic Census was conducted in the following years: FIRST – 1977 SECOND – 1980 THIRD – 1990 FOURTH – 1998 FIFTH – 2005 The present Economic Census is the SIXTH in the series, which is going to be conducted between September 2012 to June 2013.

5 COVERAGE Establishments covered in the Census are those carrying out economic activity (a)Outside the house:(i) with fixed structures (ii)without fixed structure (b) With in the house: economic activity with in the house All the units/establishments engaged in both agriculture and non-agriculture activities are covered, excluding some selected activities.

6 ACTIVITIES NOT COVERED Following activities are excluded from the coverage: (a)Under agriculture, units/establishments engaged in Crop Production and Plantation (b)Under non-agriculture (i)units/establishments engaged in Public Administration, Defence, Compulsory Social Security (ii) activities of households as employers of domestic personnel (iii) activities of territorial organizations (iv) Gambling & Betting activities

7 Committees Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementation(MoSPI) directed for the formation of different committees for the smooth conduct & effective monitoring of the census work in the States. Accordingly, six committees have been formed at State, District, Taluk, BBMP, BBMP Zone, Other City Corporation levels and necessary Government Orders have already been issued.

8 Committees 1) State Level Steering Committee under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary to Government with 18 members and the Director, Directorate of Economic & Statistics is the Member Secretary. 2)District Level Monitoring Committee under the Chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner with 16 members and District Statistical Officer is the Member Secretary. 3)Taluk Level Monitoring Committee under the Chairmanship of the Tahasildar with 4 members and the Shiresthedar of the Taluk Office is the Member Secretary.

9 Committees 4)BBMP Level Monitoring Committee under the Chairmanship of the Commissioner with 14 members and the Joint Director(Statistics) is the Member Secretary. 5)BBMP Zonal Level Monitoring Committee under the Chairmanship of the Head of the Zone with 9 members and the respective Zone’s Deputy Commissioner is the Member Secretary(8 Zones). 6) Other City Corporation Level Monitoring Committee under the Chairmanship of the Commissioner of the respective corporations with 9 members and the respective Corporation’s Manager/Shiresthedar is the Member Secretary.

10 Field Work Unit 2011 Population Census village is the primary unit in rural areas and wards in urban areas for Economic Census operation. However, the ultimate area unit of enumeration for the purpose of canvassing the schedules is Enumeration Block(EB) of 2011 Population Census for both rural and urban areas.

11 Coverage of Enumeration Blocks Three Enumeration Blocks(EBs) are entrusted to each enumerator and Six Enumeration Blocks for each supervisor. An Enumeration Block broadly covers about 120 households or a population of nearly 600 or so. There are 1,26,623 Enumeration Blocks to be covered in the State.

12 Documents Used in Field Work For the first time, MoSPI has planned to use the 2011 Population Census documents i.e Abridged House List(AHL), Layout Map(LOM), and Charge Register(CR) in each Enumeration Blocks for easy identification and full coverage of the area. Xerox copies of the above documents have already been supplied by the Department of Census Operations, Bangalore to the District Statistical Office directly.

13 Schedules Following three schedules are designed by the CSO for collecting information during census operation: (a)Schedule-6A :House & Establishment Listing (b)Schedule-6B : Establishment Abstract (c)Schedule-6C : Directory of Establishment Intelligent Character Recognition(ICR) technology is being adopted for processing the schedules.

14 Blocks & Manpower-STATE DetailsArea6th EC No. of Enumeration BlocksRural 85253 (67.33 %) Urban 41370 (32.67 %) Total 126623 (100.00%) No. of EnumeratorsRural 34101 Urban 16548 Total 50649 No. of SupervisorsRural 14209 Urban 6894 Total 21103 No. of Charge OfficersRural 176 (24.21 %) Urban 551 (75.79 %) Total 727 (100.00 %)

15 Blocks & Manpower-BBMP ZonesBlocksEnumeratorsSupervisorsCharge Officers 1) Yelahanka97532516311 2) Mahadevapura170756928517 3) Dasarahalli8242751388 4) R R Nagara135545222614 5) Bommanahalli152750925516 6) B’lore-East3237107954044 7) B’lore-West247282441235 8) B’lore-South3877129364753 TOTAL15974 (38.61%) 5326 (32.19%) 2666 (38.67%) 198 (35.93%)

16 Manpower Deployment Required number of Enumerators will be supplied by the KEONICS for each district and the field work will be carried out by them (detailed presentation will be done by KEONICS). Number of Supervisors, Charge Officers and Master Trainers will be drawn from various State Government departments.

17 Training Programme Totally 1036 training batches have been planned, of which 692 batches in rural and 344 batches in urban areas. Master Trainers will be drawn from DES and other State Government departments. MoSPI has suggested to have an average of 60 persons per batch in order to have an effective training programme.

18 Budgetary Support For the conduct of Economic Census, MoSPI allocated a sum of ` 3279.16 lakhs for the State. Sl. No. DetailsAmount ( ` in lakhs) % share 1 Salary 104.173.18 2 Honorarium 2577.5978.61 3 TA/DA for Enumerators & Supervisors 417.8312.74 4 Training 20.720.63 5 Data Processing 77.712.36 6 Instruction Manual Printing 36.741.12 7 Transport, Mobile etc., 30.000.91 8 State Level Training 2.900.09 9 Publicity 11.500.36 TOTAL 3279.16100.00

19 Support from MoSPI Arrangement for the supply of Abridged House List(AHL), Layout Map(LOM) and Charge Register(CR) by the Directorate of Census Operations. Permitted for creation of a Economic Census cell with the sanction of one Joint Director, one Deputy Director, two Assistant Statistical Officers, four Statistical Inspectors, one Stenographer and one Typist in the State DES.

20 Support from MoSPI Supply of 3 computers, 1 Printer, one Laptop and one LCD Projector for EC Cell in the Head Office of the DES. Printing and supply of required number of blank schedules-6A, 6B and 6C in Kannada for use in the field. Supply of required number of field functionaries kit. Guide for the Enumerator & Supervisor.

21 Updation of CBR “Common Business Register” prepared will have a list of establishments/enterprises for both the rural and urban areas separately, which contains information village-wise and ward-wise respectively. These list will be given to the enumerators of the respective rural/urban areas for collecting information on its existence. If exists, to make corrections in the existing list, else collect additional information from those units. For this purpose an amount of ` 810.00 lakhs earmarked, out of ` 1730.75 lakhs allocated.

22 Areas of Concern Non availability of required number of manpower. Training for the enumerators. Collection of quality information in the field. Effective monitoring & supervision of the field functionaries.


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