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Do It Yourself Interactive Technologies. Do It Yourself “DIY questions the supposed uniqueness of the expert's skills, and promotes the ability of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Do It Yourself Interactive Technologies. Do It Yourself “DIY questions the supposed uniqueness of the expert's skills, and promotes the ability of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do It Yourself Interactive Technologies

2 Do It Yourself “DIY questions the supposed uniqueness of the expert's skills, and promotes the ability of the ordinary person to learn to do more than he or she thought was possible.”

3 Project #1 Interactive Whiteboard using a Wii Remote

4 How it works? Project #1 Interactive Whiteboard using a Wii Remote Wii Remote Projector Wii Remote Bluetooth Conection (to communicate with your computer) Wii Remote InfraRed Receiver Projected Screen

5  Wii Remote – U$40,00  InfraRed Light Pen – Less than U$1  Bluetooth USB Adaptor – U$7  Download freeware drivers and software What do you need? Project #1 Interactive Whiteboard using a Wii Remote

6 How to Build a IR Light Pen Project #1 Interactive Whiteboard using a Wii Remote Check out our final result!

7 Softwares used Project #1 Interactive Whiteboard using a Wii Remote Kindlelab: an alternative to notebook software Smoothboard: the driver and orientantion for the light pen

8 Project #2 Multi-Touch Tablet

9 How it works Project #2 Multi-Touch Tablet

10  Acrylic/Polycarbonate/Plexiglass  Infrared LEDs (or similar infrared light source)  Compliant Surface (silicone rubber, Sorta Clear 40, Elastosil, Lexel, etc. )  Projection Surface (if you want to build a touchable screen)  Infrared Camera/Modified Webcam What do you need? Project #2 Multi-Touch Tablet

11 How to Build: LED Frame Project #2 Multi-Touch Tablet

12 Project #2 Multi-Touch Tablet How to Build Webcam placement: below the touch surface Wide angle lens attached

13 Calibration Software IR filter removal Project #2 Multi-Touch Tablet How to Build

14 Project #2 Multi-Touch Tablet Alternatives

15 Alternative Technologies Diffused Illumination Laser Light Plane

16 Project usages Interactive Whiteboard  Same as commercial versions of interactive whiteboards such as SmartBoard, HetchBoard, Promethean, etc. Multi-touch Tablet  A new approach to Introduce ICT to young children with interactive and touchable resources.

17 Pros and Cons Strong points Strong points  Low cost  Easy to build  Large online community Weak points  Supportless software  Still being developed D.I.Y. Projects

18 Good reference sites D.I.Y     About the Projects  

19 Credits Check out now and then our progress and feel free to contact us anytime!  Roberto Del Cistia –  Felipe Bordalo -  Murillo Neder -  Jorge Luiz Santos -  Izabel Duarte  (under construction) (under construction)

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