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Bicentennial Multimedia Software. Introduction As part of the celebration of the bicentennial of the beginning of the independence of Mexico, and the.

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Presentation on theme: "Bicentennial Multimedia Software. Introduction As part of the celebration of the bicentennial of the beginning of the independence of Mexico, and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bicentennial Multimedia Software

2 Introduction As part of the celebration of the bicentennial of the beginning of the independence of Mexico, and the centennial of the beginning of the Mexican revolution in our country have carried out a series of festivities that allude to these beginnings.

3 In this project citing a bicentennial book, by the Secretary of Public Education (SEP), who is the highest authority that governs us in public and private schools of all levels of education in our country.

4 Background The first project has been completed, was called: "Developing software for primary school made José María de Yermo y Parres" school in the town of Tulancingo, Hidalgo. Mexico. As part of the work carried out by students of the University. That was a digitized version of a story printed, provided by the civil association, which tells the history of the foundation and association Yermo and Parres.

5 This proposal comes at the suggestion of who is legal representative of the civil partnership, the mother superior Martha Patricia Zarate, where the concern is that this primary students to learn through digital media that will bring dynamism in the classroom, as a software capture media attention to learning from history as the founder of this wonderful school. So our University at the time provides a solution with the required characteristics: interactivity, simplicity and creativity. Proposal

6 Objectives 1.- Make learning more interactive. 2.-Increase use of computers in education. 3.- Create support materials for teachers. 4.- Offer interactive classes.

7 Helpful tools This project was developed with the software below: MACROMEDIA FLASH 8.0 ADOBE AUDITION v. 1.5 ADOBE PHOTOSHOP ADOBE FIREWORKS

8 The afore mentioned book is called "Building History", from which was taken as relevant for inclusion in our project is the realization of a digital edition. And this we call for its acronym in Spanish: LVBAH, (Bicentennial Virtual Book ”Building History") The project

9 It can be used as teaching support material for an elementary school in our town, was used in the multimedia classroom of this institution, because it has a computer and a video projector, to be of great help and support to teachers delivering the course of history, so they seek to make more dynamic class.

10 Project Developers This project was developed by students from the Technological University of Tulancingo, the area of ​​ Information Technologies and Communication, and the Engineering of Software Architecture, conducted as part of the so-called stay and social service

11 Conclusions The Bicentennial Virtual Book ”Building History was developed to offer more interactive classes, were the students can learning easily with an interactive software.

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