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©2009 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only and may.

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Presentation on theme: "©2009 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only and may."— Presentation transcript:

1 ©2009 by Gospel Publishing House, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri. All rights reserved. Permission to replicate for church use only and may not be used for commercial intent.

2 Location  The Canary Islands are just west (left) of the western coast of Africa.  The islands stretch over 300 miles of ocean.  The islands are European because they are owned by Spain.


4 The Canary Islands are divided into two provinces, each with its own capital city. Capital Cities: Santa Cruz (about 225,000 people) and Las Palmas (about 400,000 people). Population: About 2 million Main Language: Spanish Main People Groups: Mostly of Spanish decent, but some from Latin America, Eastern Europe, and Africa are moving to the islands. Religions: Mostly Roman Catholicism, but some attend Protestant churches, and there are several thousand Jews.

5 The Land: The Canary Islands were formed by volcanoes. In the center of Tenerife Island is Pico del Teide, the third largest volcano in the world. La Palma Island has the world’s largest crater. Weather: The Canaries are very sunny and warm most of the year. Because of this, the islands are sometimes called “The Land of Eternal Springtime.” Assemblies of God Facts: Four U.S. Assemblies of God missionaries work in the Canary Islands. There are 30 AG churches and 46 Canarian pastors and workers. A Bible school and extension classes train more than 100 students to help reach the people of the Canary Islands. More Quick Facts

6 Later, when yellow birds were found on the islands, the people called the birds “canaries.” The name “Canaries” comes from the Latin word for “dog,” canis, because explorers found large, ferocious dogs on the islands.


8 BGMC has provided all sorts of ministry helps to the Canary Islands, like: Music CDs for children’s programs PLUS: Clown costumes, face paint, sound system, microphones, overhead projector, screen, Royal Rangers supplies, AND MORE! PLUS: Clown costumes, face paint, sound system, microphones, overhead projector, screen, Royal Rangers supplies, AND MORE! Puppets & puppet stage

9 BGMC has provides the Bibles and gospel tracts for each food basket given out to those in need : This outreach is a ministry of Calvary Assembly International Church in Tenerife, Canary Islands.

10 BGMC has provided lots of supplies for the Christian Life International Church in Las Palmas, Canary Islands.

11 The kids at the Christian Life International Church in Las Palmas, Canary Islands are taught about BGMC and give money to support their own missionaries.

12 BGMC has also bought supplies for the government-run school for disabled children. Thank you, BGMC!

13 BGMC provides whatever the missionaries need so they can do outreaches in the Canary Islands!

14 Thank you for giving to BGMC to help reach the people in the Canary Islands!

15 for our missionaries and pastors in the Canary Islands. for the Bible school and student pastors. for the kids and young people. Many know about Jesus, but Jesus wants them to love Him.




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