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Chapter 8 - Eisner The functions and forms of evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 - Eisner The functions and forms of evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 8 - Eisner The functions and forms of evaluation

2 5 important functions of evaluation To Diagnose Revise curricula Compare Identifying educational needs Determine if objectives have been achieved

3 Major subject matters of evaluation Significance of content Important to determine whether the content and tasks are within the scope Experiential fitness of the content to the experiential background of students

4 Quality of Teaching Evaluating the quality of teaching is easier to say than to do. The need for quantification, for explanation, for replicability, and for generalization has often led to a highly reductionistic approach to the study of teaching What is true? What counts as evidence? If educational practitioners had to base their educational practices on hard data, we would have to close our schools.

5 Outcomes achieved Outcome is a broader term than objective… objectives can be included in the outcomes Student-Specific Teacher-Specific Subject-Specific Not always the obvious: What has a student learned in my class or course that is not about what I have been teaching?

6 Is evaluation an art? The problem of communicating to some public about what has happened in the educational institution making known what is weak and strong, making known what needs support and what does not can be conceived as an artistic problem. Put together an expressive, sensitive, and revealing picture of educational practice and consequences.

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