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1 APEL-it-yourself!! Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning.

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1 1 APEL-it-yourself!! Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning

2 2 Content 1. APEL versus APCL 2. APEL Procedure 3. APEL within the organization 4. APEL-it-yourself 5. Contact

3 3 1. APEL versus APCL

4 4 1.1 Assessment of Prior Certificated learning  APCL is a process of assessment used to determine what has been learnt during formal learning paths* in another educational institution, in Belgium or abroad, and where qualifications were achieved and/or certificates obtained detailing the achieved learning. Where appropriate, this learning will be validated by credit(s).  * formal learning paths: accredited study programmes, programmes at institutions for higher education in social promotion  Free of charge

5 5 1.2 Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning  APEL is the procedure in which the institution recognizes that an individual has proven achievement of the learning outcome(s) or competences of one or more modules through experience and practice (i.e. non-formal and informal, uncertificated learning).  Prior Experiential Learning: Acquired in a profession Acquired in voluntary work Acquired in leisure activities Acquired in non-formal and uncertificated learning (VDAB, Syntra, UAMS, …)

6 6 2. APEL Procedure  Procedure within the Ghent University Association  Partners: Ghent University University College Ghent (Hogeschool Gent) Arteveldehogeschool Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen

7 7 Main steps Main steps: Guidance  Application  Assessment  Accreditation

8 8 2.1 Who applies for APEL? Persons who:  Want to achieve a degree at an institution for higher education  By taking into account the competences (learning outcomes) achieved through informal and non-formal learning  By submitting a portfolio based on evidence related to learning outcomes  Result: Achieving credits or a diploma after assessment in APEL-procedure.

9 9 2.2 Guidance Services to the APEL-applicant: - Providing information (portfolio, learning outcomes, competences, procedure, …) - Providing support to complete the portfolio - Providing the application documents

10 10 Portfolio The entire APEL procedure is based on the portfolio, which contains: - personal information - Proof of competence (min. 2, max. 4 pieces) e.g. certificate, labour contract, projects, videos, etc.

11 11 2.3 Application  The department registers the application form and accepts the portfolio  The applicant signs a contract and pays for the APEL procedure  Duration of the procedure: 6 weeks

12 12 Prices APEL  To acknowledge some competences of a bachelor or master: 155€  To acknowledge all competences of a bachelor: 590€  To acknowledge all competences of a master: (no bachelor’s degree): 770€  To acknowledge all competences of a master: (significant bachelor’s degree): 350€  Once the APEL procedure is finished the student has to register at the school and pay the normal enrolment fee

13 13 2.4 Assessment Portfolio assessment is done by comparing the evidence to the learning outcomes. Two assessors evaluate the portfolio and give advice on the validation of the competence (learning outcomes) If necessary, assessors can decide to call for an assessment interview or test to clarify the portfolio evidence. The department head confirms if the competence is acquired

14 14 Assessment techniques  Academic learning outcomes Portfolio + reflection (+ interview or test)  Professional learning outcomes Portfolio + reflection (+ test) Portfolio + reflection (+ interview) Portfolio + interview (+ test) Portfolio + test (+ interview)

15 15 2.5 Accreditation  Based on the advice, the department decides to validate prior experiential learning by an APEL certificate  The APEL certificate is recognised by all institutions within the Association.  Each individual institution has autonomy with respect to the award of credits.

16 16 3. APEL within the organization  Many members of staff are involved in the APEL procedure APEL counsellor Student administration office Assessors Department All members of the institute

17 17 People involved and documents  Information and communication Website Guide for the applicant Portfolio Guide  Support by the APEL advisor Advisor’s Guide

18 18 People involved and documents  Student administration office Guide for the administration  Assessors Assessors guide  Department Guide for the MIP (authorised person)

19 19 Quality control  Quality handbook Guides and procedure  Evaluation  Separation between the roles of the advisor and the assessor  Internal appeal

20 20 4. APEL-it-yourself  2 types of portfolio Goal: credits Goal: Bachelor or master diploma  Example here cfr. France: Bachelor APEL  The portfolio: Curriculum vitae The different certificates of proof Reflection/interview/test

21 21 1. The curriculum vitae  Personal information  Education  Training  Work experience  Voluntary work  Etc.

22 22 2. Certificates of proof  Different certificates of proof Involvement in projects Realizations Certificates Evaluation reports Recommendations Videos, photos Etc.

23 23 For every competence 2 to 4 certificates Title or specification concerning the certificate of proof 1. 2. 3. 4.

24 24 All these documents will be assessed in terms of: - authenticity - relevance - topicality - quantity - variety of context

25 25 Possible pitfalls in the assessment of certificates of proof  Halo impact  First impression  Contrast impact  Stereotyping  Just-like-me  Lack of direction  Discrimination  Development versus quality

26 26 3. Reflection/ interview/ test  Reflection Open Guided (STARR)  Interview Competence based interview  Test Practice-oriented exercises

27 27 Contact Ghent University Karine Janssens APEL advisor E-mail: Karine.janssens@ Tel.: +32 (0)9/ 264 70 26 University College Ghent Charlotte Vandenberghe APEL advisor E-mail: charlotte.vandenberghe@ Tel.: +32 (0)9/ 242 26 70

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