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Procedural Manual on Experiential Learning To govern the implementation of the Council approved Policy: Experiential Learning 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Procedural Manual on Experiential Learning To govern the implementation of the Council approved Policy: Experiential Learning 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Procedural Manual on Experiential Learning To govern the implementation of the Council approved Policy: Experiential Learning 1

2 Presentation Outline Purpose of the presentation Important contextualisation information The structure of the draft Procedural Manual The ultimate responsibility of academia – The activity flow regarding work-integrated learning – A continuum of simulated work experience – Applied learning experiences The student as stake holder Collaboration of institutional role players External role players 2

3 The purpose of this presentation Procedural Manual on Experiential Learning Ultimately, the objective is to obtain Senate’s approval for this draft Procedural Manual on Experiential Learning – this presentation serves to inform and consult. Once approved, the manual will govern the implementation of the Policy: Experiential Learning. The intend is to ensure good governance; adequate institutional resources; and collaboration among different role players. 3

4 Experiential learning … is the process of making meaning from direct experience, & an interplay between theory and practice is learning through reflection on doing as educational method facilitates exposure of students to realistic experiences and important contextual characteristics of relevant disciplines WIL SWE includes work integrated learning (WIL) and simulated work experience (SWE) 4

5 HEQF definition of work-integrated learning (WIL) WIL “is a structured part of a qualification the volume of learning allocated to WIL should be appropriate to the purpose of the qualification and to the cognitive demands of the learning outcome and assessment criteria contained in the appropriate level descriptors” 5

6 Contents of the draft Procedural Manual Seven parts and two appendices – MoU & MoA – (1) Introduction; (2) Table of Content; & (3) Glossary of Acronyms/Abbreviations (4) Academic Departments – WIL activity flow; design, dev. & facilitate SWEs; and other applied learning experiences (5) Students (6) Institutional Management of Support (x10) (7) External Role Players (x4) 6

7 Ultimately Academic Responsibility Responsibility for teaching and learning rests within the relevant Colleges; Schools; Academics HE Monitor 12: Good Practice Guide of WIL differentiates in addition to workplace learning (WPL); work-directed theoretical learning (WDTL); problem- based learning (PBL); and project-based learning (PJBL) Imperatives espoused by CHE [7.2 of Policy: EL] – Criteria 1 & 15 for Programme Accreditation – Criteria 4, 7-8 and 11 for Institutional Audits – HEQF: to place students if WIL credit bearing [5.1 of 7 Policy]

8 Activity flow with regard to WIL -1 1.Revision/design of the curriculum in accordance to Unisa’s approved Framework for the Team Approach, due diligence & compliance; as well as marking of WIL modules on AIMS. 2.Mustering support from relevant occupational field/s and SETA/s: – Networking; MoUs & MoAs [7.1 of Policy]; CPD points; and pivotal grants for workplace experience 3.Tutorial letters and workplace learning guidelines – points (a) to (h). 8

9 Activity flow with regard to WIL -2 4.Formal mentorship agreements and mentor guidelines. 5.Compulsory WIL clearly stated in registration information – points (a) to (d). 6.Students without experiential learning providers must be placed by their academic department – points (a) to (e) [7.1,7+8 of Policy]. 7.Mentoring, monitoring and assessment of WIL. 8.Electronic communication means to obtain assessment input from workplace supervisor/s and/or mentor [7.3+4 of Policy]. 9

10 Activity flow with regard to WIL -3 9.Academics responsible for quality assurance of WIL module/s and imperatives of professional and/or statutory bodies. 10. College/school/academic departmental WIL structure should, for example, include: – a functional advisory committee/process, with adequate representation – a teaching and learning WIL committee – adequate administrative support 11. Responsible for continuous review. 10

11 SWE Design, development & facilitation of Simulated Work Experiences 11 Written simulations, e.g. assignments through e- portfolios ; technology- based assessment; and complex case studies [7.3 of Policy] 3-D models, such as a mannequin, low fidelity & part-task Screen- based simulation software, DVDs, virtual realities Standardised real simulations or role plays, e.g. by trained actors Intermediate fidelity PC controlled, programme- able; but not fully inter- active Interactive PC controlled model driven; known as high-fidelity simulation platforms Neither end of the continuum is better. Relevance of mode matters!

12 Applied learning experiences other than WIL or SWE Such as laboratory and/or learning in natural settings. Practical laboratory teaching is differentiated from WIL in that it supplements theory and gives students the opportunity to experience and master the application of specific theory in the controlled environment of a laboratory, a contact session, a green house, etc. 12

13 STUDENTS AB4R3. Select qualification –noting compulsory WIL. Satisfy pre & co-requisites to register for WIL module/s. Ideally employed suitably! Or seek help for placement. Register if in position to complete WIL module/s. Submit mentor details. Submit specified evidence. 13

14 Institutional Management of Support Vice-Principal Academic: Teaching & Learning serves as custodian. Responsibility for policy formulation and support systems, standardised procedures and appropriate resources rests with Executive Director: Tuition and Facilitation of Learning. Vice-Principal: Institutional Development develop, drive, communicate, market and monitor Unisa’s integrated strategies. 14

15 Collaboration of internal role players -1 Institutional WIL office main role is enabling systems, processes and resources. Curriculum and Learning Development (DCLD) Directorate Programme Accreditation and Registration (DPAR) Student Admissions and Registrations (DSAR) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – enable transparent record keeping and the tracking of student progress throughout WIL periods [7.6 of Policy] 15

16 Collaboration of internal role players -2 Regional Services – supportive role as needed Department: Corporate Communication and Marketing (CCM) Directorate: Community Engagement and Outreach Unisa Foundation Agreements and Intellectual Property Finance Department 16

17 External Role Players Statutory / Professional Bodies Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) Experiential learning providers Mentors 17

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