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Kids’ Skills Experiential Sharing. Kids’ Skills What?  Practical, Step-by- step programe that help children to overcome emotional and behavioural problems.

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Presentation on theme: "Kids’ Skills Experiential Sharing. Kids’ Skills What?  Practical, Step-by- step programe that help children to overcome emotional and behavioural problems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kids’ Skills Experiential Sharing

2 Kids’ Skills What?  Practical, Step-by- step programe that help children to overcome emotional and behavioural problems  It founded on the premise that most children’s problem can be reconceived not as a permanent deficit, but as skills they don’t have yet and certainly can be learnt Who?  4 to 12 yrs old children

3  Draws on the support & encouragment of the famiiles, friends and others close to the children Why?  positively reframe a child’s behaviour problem to a skill that the child can do, practice and demonstrate  Eg. if a child’s problem is that he gets into fights, skills to learn is to keep cool even when infuriated


5 How??? Start to plan!!! What  What is the skill you want the child(ren) to learn? Who  Who decide what skill to learn?  Who will be the best person to facilitate the kids’ skills programme in the school?  Who else are we engaging to support this programme?

6 Get started Ensure child’s ownership of the skill and build his/her motivation to learn it  Discuss about the benefits of the skills  Give a cool name to the skill  Find a MAGIC HELPER  Plan the Celebration

7 What’s next? Creating Support Network!!!  Cooperation with child’s social network is an essential element in Kids’ Skills Who are the Supporters?  Let child identify the supporters What’s their roles?  Affirmation  Show interest in the progress of learning  Offer practical ideas about how to learn the skill  Reminder  Celebrate with child when acquired the skill





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