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Overview of Sports Management Proposal Jim Falter March 15. 2010.

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1 Overview of Sports Management Proposal Jim Falter March 15. 2010

2 Current Situation  Students interested in the field typically opt for a major in management or marketing and minor in sports management (approx 20-25)  Students lack experiential component, depth in major, and discipline-specific capstone.

3 Future of the Field  Sports Business Occupations (Business, Management and Finance) are expected to increase 13.7% by 2018 (  Diversified opportunities for graduates. Growth in not-for-profit positions (administrators, coordinators, etc)  Recently added as “target” major by Admissions’ database for ongoing growth (J. Turley, Nov. 2009)

4 Leveraging Existing Resources  Faculty (B&E)  Lead Faculty in Sports Management (Debbie Lazorik)  Institutional Relationships in Sports and Recreation Industries  Utilize Existing Curriculum −One new course required

5 Improving Rigor  Benchmark “top programs” and use business as foundation for Sports Management major  Enhance business core to better meet prerequisites associated with graduate school (AASCB Accredited Programs) −Accounting −Economics −Finance −Operations Management

6 Experiential Learning  Distinctive programs in Sports Management require internships  Create strong “experiential” requirement through internships. −6 Hours

7 Discussion and Questions

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