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The task of professionalising project management at both an individual and organisational level Anthony Miller and Roger Birch ANU PMCoP Forum – 20 September.

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Presentation on theme: "The task of professionalising project management at both an individual and organisational level Anthony Miller and Roger Birch ANU PMCoP Forum – 20 September."— Presentation transcript:

1 The task of professionalising project management at both an individual and organisational level Anthony Miller and Roger Birch ANU PMCoP Forum – 20 September 2012

2 Professionalising Project Management Traditionally, many PMs were ‘accidental’ Training courses alone not enough – assuming any training was given! Requirements for higher success rates in projects What defines ‘success’?

3 Professionalising Project Management (Contd) Senior management starting to recognise importance In Canberra, P3M3 a big issue Increasing desire for PM ‘professionals’ – in UK, looking at chartering

4 So, who is AIPM – and what are we doing? AIPM is the largest project management community in Australasia incorporating: Individual Members Corporate Members Industry Groups Communities of Practice

5 AIPM’s Vision To be the preferred Institute to deliver services to its professional members and partners, and to be regarded as a world authoritative reference on PM practices and competency.

6 AIPM Facts Not-for-profit organisation incorporated in 1978 (formed in 1976 as the Project Managers’ Forum) Representing and promoting the profession of project management in Australia for over 30 years ~10,000 members ~170 corporate members Chapters in all States and Territories National Support Office based in Sydney

7 IPMA member since September 2009 Moving towards establishment of IMPA Certification in Australia Negotiating that AIPM certified PMs will only have to undertake a gap activity to be internationally recognised by IPMA

8 Project Management Trends June/July 2011 issue of Project Manager Magazine predicted: 1.Greater demands on Leadership skills 2.Increased competition for “good PMs” 3.Competency models as core foundation to achieving project success and benefits realisation 4.Increased use of Experiential learning techniques 5.Increased approaches to learning through social media 6.Growth in outsourcing – will strengthen risk and contract management, e.g. the NBN 7.Increased use of change management experts

9 What’s the difference between... Knowledge Things that you know, have learnt; in PM knowledge about scope, budgets, schedules, etc. Competency A certain level of knowledge AND demonstrated application of that knowledge in the workplace

10 What’s the difference between... Certification Used by professional institutes to recognise individuals who have attained a professional Standard Qualification A formal level of educational attainment, as determined by a University, TAFE, Registered Training Organisation etc.

11 One more plug… AIPM The largest PM community in the Asia Pacific region, the certification is truly competency based through demonstrated workplace evidence, internationally recognised through IPMA membership

12 Membership Two new Standards at Senior PM and Portfolio Manager levels are being introduced

13 Membership Benefits RegPM Certification Program Information Resource Centre Magazine: Project Manager Annual Conference (2012 Melbourne, 2013 Perth) Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Project Management Achievement Awards (PMAA)

14 Membership Benefits (Contd) Salary surveys, employment trends and job vacancy announcements Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Seminars, Trade Fairs, Events, Networking opportunities Web based discussion forums Information exchange / sharing of best practice

15 AIPM’s Certification Process Become a member of AIPM Apply for Certification Choose and contact an Assessor Collate evidence & CV Conduct Assessment Resolve deficiencies Assessor sends assessment report to AIPM AIPM verifies assessment AIPM issues Certificate

16 Evidence examples Business Case Project Plan Schedule Risk Plan Communications Plan Quality Plan Resource Plan / Budgets References Assessor observations Issues Log Status Reports / Minutes End of Project Report RFT/EOI/Quote etc. Change Request/Log Audit Report Deliverable Acceptance Sheet Supplier selection advice emails

17 Certification Program - RegPM It is currently awarded at one of three levels : Certified Practicing Project Practitioner (CPPP) Supports, assists or contributes to a project Certified Practicing Project Manager (CPPM) Plans and manages a project Certified Practicing Project Director (CPPD) Director/Program Manager directs...… Focussed on integration of multiple projects

18 Benefits of RegPM certification It is competency based and shows what a candidate can do, rather than knows at the time of an exam Personal, face to face, at least in the beginning Produces an individual professional development plan Provides a career path

19 Certification needs to be kept current Certification is valid for three years Certified PMs need to collect Continuous Professional Development (CPD) points

20 But, what about the organisation? BUT… what happens when competent PMs go to organisations that don’t recognise their importance? Answer? Certify organisations to ensure their maturity in PM usage This leads us to the topic of Project Managed Organisations, or PMOs

21 PMO Introduction Project Managed Organisation (PMO) accreditation Why become a PMO? Recognition criteria Next steps

22 Project Managed Organisation Project Managed Organisation (PMO) accreditation is an assessment-based accreditation program to recognise organisations which have embarked on a process to continually improve their project management capabilities on an organisation-wide basis A PMO is required to fulfil the recognition criteria, and has a process in place for continued improvement Accredited organisations are entitled to use the AIPM logo, and the endorsement of being an AIPM "Project Managed Organisation".

23 Why become a PMO? As a benchmark, the endorsement of the AIPM gives surety to internal and external stakeholders that [the organisation] has in place appropriate structures, methodologies and training etc for achieving successful projects, consistently management capabilities on an organisation-wide basis Recognition in [the organisation] that the PMO has achieved recognition from the peak body for project management Accreditation greatly assists in communicating to other departments and stakeholders what [the organisation] is doing, and its value to the organisation generally Continuous improvement in PMO fosters the message to [the organisation] stakeholders that project management is a specific skill requiring trained and competent personnel

24 Recognition Criteria Organisational Leadership and Innovation Organisational Strategic Planning Link Organisational Business Results Focus Organisational Customer and Market Focus Organisational Support Processes Data, Information and Knowledge Availability Human Resource Management Alignment Consistency of Application of PM Functions

25 Next Steps Certification fee to AIPM at time of application Engage an accredited assessor Undertake assessment workshop(s): assess the current role and application of project management functions against set criteria review each of the criteria as it applies to current and planned processes identify areas for improvement i.e. those areas where the organisation has not been able to meet the criteria agree an action plan for continuous improvement

26 Next Steps (Contd) Assessor will send a report to the AIPM with their recommendation PMO accreditation award will be made at AIPM Chapter event/seminar, or at a Chapter Project Management Awards ceremony Accreditation is valid for two years. At the conclusion of the initial 2-year period, the AIPM will conduct an audit to ensure the organisation has implemented agreed plans for improvement

27 AIPM in the ACT In the ACT, our service offer is ambitious, but we believe it’s necessary for the benefit of our members, industry, government and the profession as a whole. Our annual business plan involves: 1.Working with Government and Industry re strategic direction. 2.For members, we offer: Monthly forums ~15-20 SIGs Monthly newsletter YEPP CNP linking AIPM to the NFP sector

28 Contact AIPM Roger Birch ACT Chapter Coordinator 6282 1258

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