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NFTE Organization Overview Program Strategy Snapshot World Series of Innovation (WSI) Overview Toolkit Challenge Categories Submissions & Rubric Innovation.

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2 NFTE Organization Overview Program Strategy Snapshot World Series of Innovation (WSI) Overview Toolkit Challenge Categories Submissions & Rubric Innovation Saturday Overview Sample Agenda Volunteer engagement Contact information Contents

3 The Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE) provides a highly experiential and academic program that inspires young people from low-income communities to recognize opportunity and plan for successful futures by pursuing educational opportunities and starting their own businesses. Domestic Programs 20,000 youth in NFTE classrooms NFTE programs active in major urban markets including New York, Boston, Chicago, LA, DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Dallas, Miami, Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Atlanta as well as Fresno, Wichita, Fairfield County, CT, Westchester County, NY and across South Carolina. International Programs 50,000 international youth in NFTE programs Active partners in Belgium, China, Chile, Colombia, India, Ireland, Israel, Germany, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia and soon Mexico. NFTE has 1500 certified entrepreneurship educators worldwide. NFTE trains each educator through our four-day NFTE University and we continue to support them and their classrooms throughout their engagement with the NFTE curriculum through one-on-one program staff support, group professional development seminars, volunteer resources, field trips and other activities that bring the curriculum to life for both students and teachers. About NFTE

4 MIDDLE SCHOOLEARLY HIGH SCHOOLLATE HIGH SCHOOL COLLEGE, OWN A BUSINESS & BEYOND Core Program Strategy …how to develop a business and plan for their future. Students learn through in-depth courses… Experiential CurriculaIntensive Teacher Training & Support Volunteer EngagementBusiness Plan Competitions Four Pillars


6 NFTE’s World Series of Innovation is a featured event of Global Entrepreneurship Week Challenge due date: October 18 th This challenge is an opportunity to:  Tap into the creative energy and ingenuity of youth across the US and around the world.  Generate awareness and support for NFTE, an innovative entrepreneurship education program proven to engage students in school and to show them the value of basic math and literacy skills while they envision and plan for successful futures. Entrepreneurship for all.

7 Participants are supplied with a World Series of Innovation toolkit that is based on NFTE’s award winning entrepreneurship curriculum. Small teams of students complete the project in one of six innovation challenge categories based on the innovation challenge set forth by sponsoring companies and NFTE. Students in the winning teams of each category receives a gift from our sponsors, and their school or youth-serving organization also receives a grant from the sponsor and NFTE. WSI Features

8 Entrepreneurship: Owning Your Future, 11th Edition Chapter 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Chapter 6: Opportunity Recognition Innovation Activities Product Innovation Activity Opportunity Recognition Game Invention Contest Activity Lego® Exercise Activity Submission Categories Student Submission Forms Visit to sign up and receive your copy of the World Series of Innovation Toolkit WSI Toolkit

9 Challenge Categories Microsoft is the presenting sponsor for the 2013 World Series of Innovation. 1.Mobile Game Sponsored by Microsoft Corporation Design a fun and useful tablet or smart phone game for student use that is relevant to school and education. 2.Mobile App Sponsored by Microsoft Corporation Design a fun and useful tablet or smart phone app for student use that is relevant to school and education. 3.Sparkling Beverage Sponsored by Coca-Cola Create a marketing plan for a sparkling beverage in 2015. 4. Literacy Game or App Sponsored by Pitney Bowes Foundation Create a game or app for a smartphone or tablet to increase students’ literacy and language skills in an exciting way. 5-8.40 Chances Food Solutions Sponsored by Howard G Buffett Fndn. 4 different challenges to develop a new solution to an important food or nutrition challenge in your community. 9. Technology Sports Challenge Sponsored by SAP Develop an app, game or technology initiative for the sports and entertainment industry. 10.Replicable Business Design Sponsored by NFTE Create an idea for a business that could be started by any young person, aged 15-24, in any country/city in the world. 11.TO BE CONFIRMED Sponsored by IFRC Create an idea for a TBC

10 1.Explain the Product or Service 2.Describe the Opportunity 3.Customer Profile 4.A 60-second commercial Submission Sections

11 How will students be evaluated? Opportunity Recognition: 19% of score Innovative Concept and Creative Design: 19% of score Understanding of Customer Profile: 12% of score Feasibility of the Business: 12% of score Description of Product, Service or Business model: 12% of score Market Research: 18% of score Business Growth Opportunity: 6% of score Supporting Materials/Commercial: 2% of score Submission Rubric


13 WHEN: Whenever you like! WHERE:Anyone can host an Innovation Day at their business, office, or school. NFTE program offices will be hosting events in New York City, Westchester, NY, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, DC, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, Chicago, St. Louis, Los Angeles, and the Bay Area. WHO:Students (at least 2 per team), volunteers, and educators WHAT: Each volunteer works with one or two teams to brainstorm ideas, and work to complete all phases of the WSI submission form. HOW:Using the curriculum and innovation activities provided with the toolkit, teams will learn about entrepreneurship, complete the experiential activities and select a challenge category. Innovation Day

14 WHAT DOES NFTE PROVIDE? Innovation Day Guidebook Volunteer Recruitment PowerPoint Volunteer Training PowerPoint Innovation Day Instructional Materials WSI Submission Form Worksheet (.doc) And, of course, the NFTE World Series of Innovation Toolkit and Challenge listing. Innovation Day

15  Introductions/Ice Breakers Match volunteers with student teams  Chapter 1 – Intro to Entrepreneurship Product Innovation Activity Lego® Exercise Activity  Chapter 6 – Opportunity Recognition Opportunity Recognition Game Invention Contest  Break/Lunch  Submission Completion  Review status of submissions & assign next steps Innovation Day Sample Agenda

16 Encourage community involvement in your Innovation Day by recruiting volunteers to support students through the WSI process Recruit local business professionals, educators and other community members to serve as an Innovation Coach for one or more teams of students Innovation Coaches will: Guide students through experiential activities Assist students with idea development Provide targeted advice for areas where students have difficulty understanding or articulating Proofread submission for content and clarity Volunteer Engagement

17 Access to students, volunteers, and/or educators Space to host Innovation Day NFTE’s World Series of Innovation Toolkit Materials to be used for NFTE’s experiential activities including Legos®, craft supplies and video cameras and/or smart phones to film commercials What do I need to host Innovation Day?

18 Ready to host your own Innovation Day? Visit to register your event! For more information about NFTE’s Innovation Day, presented by Microsoft, please contact: Suzanne Taylor 212-232-3333 ext. 361

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