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{ Biblical Integration Developing a Model. Critique the following “theological” statements from my kids: (taken from actual statements from when my kids.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Biblical Integration Developing a Model. Critique the following “theological” statements from my kids: (taken from actual statements from when my kids."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Biblical Integration Developing a Model

2 Critique the following “theological” statements from my kids: (taken from actual statements from when my kids were young children)  McKenzie (2 yrs), “I help me.”  Jackson (then 3 yrs), “Did God make our house?”  Graham (then 3 yrs), [My wife asks, “Why did Jesus die on the cross?”] “For His own glory.”  McKayla (then 4 yrs), [My wife stays, “the Bible says…”] “How do we know that the Bible is right?”  Hayden (then 6 yrs), (upon hearing that his grandfather died), [smiling] “So, he is with Jesus right now?” A Biblical-Theology Warm-up

3  Separated Faith View  Faith and Personal Knowledge View  Intertwined Faith View  Biblical Foundation View Models for Biblical Integration 2 Cor 10:1-7- a spiritual battle; the knowledge of God and destroying speculations; capturing every thought; gospel

4 10:3-6 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. 5 We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, 6 and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete. 4:3-4 3 And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, 4 in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. (NASB) 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 & 4:3-4

5 Scientific Enquiry or the “Meaning” of Art Religious Faith Models for Bib. Int.- Separated Faith View This model resists meaningful integration. (secular view)

6 Personal Knowledge (Experiential) Religious Faith Interpreting the Arts Scientific Enquiry Models for Bib. Int.- Faith and Personal Knowledge View Personal knowledge draws on experiential sources such as faith, science, or the arts. (liberal view)

7 Biblical Integration ArtsSciences Religious Faith Models for Bib. Int.- Intertwined Faith View The truth claims of the Bible are co-mingled with the truths from other sources. (critical view; can be more or less conservative)

8 All Academic Disciplines Theology Bible Models for Bib. Int.- Biblical Foundation View Biblical revelation provides the material for theological consideration. This biblical theology serves as catalyst and axis point for all forms of knowledge.

9  Biblical Foundation view should not be over simplified to a “The Bible contains all knowledge” perspective (by critics or advocates)  Biblical Foundation view requires biblical investigation and interpretation, but also requires theological synthesis.  It is the “Theology” (drawn from text savvy biblical interpretation) that becomes the means for engaging all disciplines and fields.  Viewing all quests for knowledge through this biblical theological lens sets the appropriate path, primary source, goal, and significance of the quest. (Basic example from business: Mt 16:26) Biblical Foundation View of Integration Predominant for much of Christian history; fits with a “high view” of Scripture All Academic Disciplines Theology Bible

10  Starting with a biblical- theological foundation means that the student (or scholar) will rule some pursuits out of bounds or draw on certain axioms throughout any research.  Theology can provide the appropriate mental construct to ask “why” questions along with “how” questions.  Theology can engender the humility that makes enquiry about serving others and exalting God. Theology as Guide Discuss: What is a big “why” question for your field that theology might help answer?

11  Erasmus (16 th Dutch humanist): a return to the sources  Theology is always about exploring the sources.  Biblical theology uses the biblical texts to understand the thinking of the biblical authors, the grand story of the biblical narrative or the biblical message in light of its original readers.  Historical theology engages the corpus of biblical interpretation or other theological writings throughout the church’s history. It can be thematic or chronological.  Systematic theology uses biblical texts, historical discussions and the contemporary context to synthesize an orderly way to speak of God, humanity and the scope of world history. Theology as Source Discuss: With which of three theological methods above do you feel most comfortable?

12  For a Christian-oriented, liberal arts education (even within a comprehensive university), “theology” or the place of God in the world is a prevailing question.  God’s presence, power, and speech provide an order, meaning, and appropriate end to all earthly existence. (Ecclesiastes)  To speak with clarity and accuracy about God, His work and His purposes is a distinctively Christian task, a biblical-theological one.  To misunderstand God is to include a fundamental flaw in any system of thought (philosophical, scientific, historical, or religious). Theology as Goal Discuss: What is an area of your field that someone’s understanding of God could affect their approach?

13  Theology (biblical) is not just the “source” (or foundation) or just the “goal” (or culmination/ recapitulation) of Christian thinking, theology is the “secret to life”.  No passion is as hot without God. No accomplishment lasts without God. No joy satisfies without God.  Music dances in the heart that is already filled with God. Labor accomplishes as it is done with hands already clinging to God. Other fields of knowledge finds a receptive home in the mind already filled with God. Theology as Life

14 Building a biblical-theological base Good Bible Reading Fast Reading- observes textual features Slow Reading- gathers textual clues Ask Textual Questions What is the Bible about? What is the biblical book about? What is this passage about? Determine Theological Significance of Textual Meaning Authors (divine & human) are revealing God. Nothing could be more “significant” for our lives.Tips:  Re-reading the Bible is the best path to understanding its meaning.  A biblical-theological framework starts with the “Big Picture”. (i.e. What is the Bible about?)

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