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+1 (914) 631-1331 x107.

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1 +1 (914) 631-1331 x107



4 Our Vision: “Young leaders of all faiths serving together for Peace”


6 RYS is: an experiential service-learning program with a special focus on developing personal leadership and peacemaking skills. Through living and providing altruistic service within a community, we demonstrate that it is possible for our global human family to live together in peace and co-prosperity.


8 Our educational program emphasizes the need for personal relationships of cooperation to solve the problems and conflicts between people, religions and cultures. Furthermore woven into our project schedules are a variety of cultural events, educational seminars and recreational activities, which allow participants to experience the amazing cultures of the world firsthand.


10 RYS is: (continues) an opportunity for people to express and further deepen their faith, as well as share their best qualities. Through our program many have expanded their understanding of themselves and others and have become true “Ambassadors for Peace”.


12 The R Y SThe R Y SThe R Y SThe R Y S Provides a forum for youth to put aside doctrinal differences and unite in activities of service. Its vision is embodied in its name:

13 Religious The peaceful future of our world is dependent upon founding our societies on the enduring values that religions teach us.


15 Youth Young people are the future of our societies, they will inherit the earth, and the responsibility of peace.


17 Service To serve freely is to make the ideals of compassion and charity actual in our world. Altruistic service to others is the highest expression of love


19 The RYS Vision For the sake of developing the wisdom, motivation and capabilities to promote world peace, the RYS provides a context for interreligious youth to put aside doctrinal differences, unite in activities of service and learning, and become more like a family.


21 RYS History Founded by Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon at Assembly of World Religions. 1986 – 87: Social service project, youth ages 20 – 30, Six week long with up to 120 participants. 1988: Transformation to an Experiential Social Service Learning Project.

22 History continues.. In the 1990’s – Multiple Projects Annually. Late 1990’s – Expansion of the Education Program, added leadership components. New millennium - integration of art as service into some RYS programs and projects.


24 RYS Methods and Processes Experiential learning Leadership training Interreligious activities Visits to religious and cultural sites Discussions, formal and informal Journaling Simulations and other activities Joining with existing work projects Review, Prayer and Reflection

25 Experiential Learning Cycle RYS applies this Experiential Leaning Cycle to all of its activities.

26 Service with a purpose RYS draws people who have been historic enemies and provides them with an opportunity to work together in serving a community. Through this deep friendships are formed and Peace is brought forth. Our Education and cultural programs are also aimed at promoting understanding and cooperation and not at proselytizing.

27 Developing Leadership Qualities -Understanding religious diversity -Cultural competence -Team building -Community development process -Communication skills -Value of service to others

28 Now and Beyond I n I n recent years RYS has evolved to doing more local and regional Projects rather than large international ones. The RYS is doing service projects in every continent with people of every faith. Building Friendships everywhere!

29 Mongolia Nepal India Italy Brazil Taipei Turkey Uganda Atlanta Bangladesh Croatia Dominican Republic Ghana Haiti Guatemala Estonia

30 Thank You For More Information : Email: Tel:+1 (914) 631 1331 Ext 107 © 2007-2012 UPF

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