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Teaching for Understanding: DI Points within a Unit of Study Susan Baum Hank Nicols International Center for Talent Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching for Understanding: DI Points within a Unit of Study Susan Baum Hank Nicols International Center for Talent Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching for Understanding: DI Points within a Unit of Study Susan Baum Hank Nicols International Center for Talent Development

2 DI: Accessing the Standards Part One: Strength- based Education Part Two: Unit Differentiation For Understanding Part Three: Strategies galore Part Four: Managing it all

3 Differentiation for Understanding Aesthetic Graph Narrative Experiential Entry Points Understandings Facts & Skills Assessment Mural Speech

4 Rules for Differentiation Know your students. Know curricular goals Create a community of learners Start small

5 Differentiation Matrix Individual Differences Management Instruction Assessment ScheduleEnvironmentOrganizationGroupingResourcesStrategiesProduct Readiness (simple to complex) (concrete to abstract) Rate of learning (pacing) MI profiles Learning style preferences Interests Reading levels Organizational abilities Personality styles Whole class times Student input Extended time periods Working around special pull-outs Independent work times Exploration and enrichment times Physical space Interest centers Variety of resources Invitations to learning Class room rights, responsibilities, and rules Use of clear positives for establishing routines Clear expectations and discipline plan Whole class Flexible ability Novice Expert Interest Multi-talent Jigsaw Cluster Friendship Random Internet Soft-ware Books Phone Media and technology Videos Plants Animals Collections Authentic tools of the discipline Kits Art supplies Science supplies Building and engineering supplies Multilevel books Content Compacting Multiple entry points Simulations Demonstrations Arts integration Problem-based learning Peer tutoring Compacting Contracts Tiered assignments Open-ended products Activity/learning/inte rest centers Choice boards Independent study Mentorships Written Models Artwork Drama Dance Music Speech Comedy routine Comic books Demonstrations Pre-assessment KWL Pretest Webs Performance Traditional exams Rubic with benchmarks Student conferencing

6 Individual Differences ResourcesStrategies Product Advanced learner, loves to read, talented in music Above grade level texts, media center passes, keyboard and earphones Acceleration, Compacting Musical products Interest in rocketry, excellent spatial ability, challenged reader / writer Building materials, Estes rocketry supplies Spatial entry points, storyboarding technology Build models

7 Differentiation Points Within a Unit Entry Points or Teaching Activities Resources: print materials, internet, art and music, film, artifacts, interviews, observation, demonstrations, multi- media Exit Points or Performances of Understanding Final Assessment

8 Gardner’s Entry Points ENTRY POINTDESCRIPTION NARRATIVE (Aligned to linguistic intelligence) Presenting a story to introduce a unit. AESTHETIC (Associated with spatial and perhaps naturalist intelligences) Using works of art to analyze some aspect of the topic to be studied.

9 Gardner’s Entry Points ENTRY POINTDESCRIPTION NUMERICAL/ MATHEMATIC This connects to (Logical/Mathematical intelligence) Describing the quantitative aspects or perspective of topic such as the amount of money lost during the stock market crash of 1929 to introduce a unit on the Great Depression. EXPERIENTIAL (Connects with bodily- kinesthetic, perhaps personal and spatial intelligences as well) These are hands-on activities like performances and experiments. To introduce a unit on molecular bonding with a movement exercise or experiment.

10 Gardner’s Entry Points ENTRY POINTDESCRIPTION MUSICAL This aligns to musical intelligence Beginning with musical metaphors such as listening to the power of the music in the Battle Hymn of the Republic to get a sense of the urgency of the Civil War or compare and contrast music of a period to get a sense of the rhythm/ tempo of the era.

11 It all began with Genetics First there was an XX & XY

12 Then there was Mom & a Dad.


14 And some of us got to be girls!




18 And then we learned about sex-linked recessive genetic transmission of Hemophilia.


20 8. Exit points Choice of activities or products as assessment opportunities.

21 DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES WRITERS- communicate with words (poetry, stories, editorials, speeches, scripts, song lyrics).

22 DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ARTISTS – Use visual images to communicate ideas (paintings, sketches, photography, film, cartoons).

23 DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES ENGINEERS – Make models to explain or design how things work (architectural models, working models, prototypes, & three dimensional models).

24 DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES PERFORMING ARTISTS- communicate feelings and ideas through (skits, monologues, choreographed pieces including dance & music).

25 DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES MATHEMATICIANS AND ECONOMISTS – Express ideas using mathematical representations (formulas, tables, charts, graphs, timelines).

26 DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES SOCIAL ACTIVISTS – focus on bringing about awareness of social problems and creating change through action-oriented events (public services, letter writing campaigns, legislation, speeches, demonstrations, media events, and effective use of the arts).

27 DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES HISTORIANS – recreate the past through documenting and analyzing primary sources and communicate their findings using appropriate related products. ( story telling, photo essays, video documentaries, interviews, timelines, historical essays).

28 DISCIPLINARY PERSPECTIVES LEADERS – To accomplish goals (lead an event, chair a committee, organize a trip).

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