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Departments  Comparative Literature  English Studies  German Studies  History  Hungarian Studies  Media Studies  Pedagogy  Philosophy  Psychology.

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2 Departments  Comparative Literature  English Studies  German Studies  History  Hungarian Studies  Media Studies  Pedagogy  Philosophy  Psychology  Romance Studies  Romanian Studies  Ruthenian Studies  Serbian Language and Linguistics  Serbian Literature  Slavic Studies  Slovak Studies  Sociology

3 Studies Accredited study programmes: 45 - 18 BA - 19 MA - 8 PhD

4 Graduates Students graduated since 1954: 18,828 2013-2014 Students graduated: 1,005 BA 615 MA 343 Magister 27 PhD 20

5 New students Students enrolled in the schoolyear 2014- 2015: 1314 - 824 BA - 438 MA - 52 PhD

6 Mobility PROGRAMMES JoinEU-SEE Penta Campus Europae CEEPUS SUNBEAM EUROWEB+ Global UGRAD Bilateral exchange: Poland, Austria, Germany, Romania, Slovakia, Russia…

7 Mobility 2014-2015 More than 40 INCOMING STUDENTS from Austria Poland Russia Austria Germany Slovenia Czech Republic Denmark Croatia Slovakia...

8 Mobility 2014-2015 Around 25 OUTGOING STUDENTS to France Italy Germany Russia Austria Slovenia BelgiumFinland the Netherlands USA

9 Conferences, lectures and cultural programs o Over 100 events in 2014

10 Awards Order of the Academic Palms – Ivana Živančević-Sekeruš Meša Selimović Award - Dragan Stanić and Slobodan Vladušić Isidora Sekulić award – Sonja Veselinović Laura Spariosu, Dragan Prole, Draginja Ramadanski, Eva Harkai Vaš, Vir đ inija Popović, Tatjana Đurin, Ivana Ignjatov Popović

11 Centres Within departments: Centre for Serbian as a Foreign Language - Summer Schools since 1996 Centre for Hungarian Language Centre for Pedagogy Centre for Applied Psychology Centre for Sociological Research Centre for Folklore Research Centre for Historical Research Centre for Media Centre for Development of Academic Research Disciplines in Social Sciences and Humanities Within the Faculty: Centre for Languages Centre for Professional Development of Teachers Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Development of Researchers Centre for Behavioural Genetics Centre for Student support

12 International cooperation Protocol with University of Pannonia, Veszprém

13 Confucius Institute Opened on 27 May 2014 In collaboration with Zhejiang A & F University Cultural programmes and activities Chinese language classes

14 International projects 6 running TEMPUS projects Strengthening Higher Education for Social Policy making and Social Services delivery Master in Educational Leadership EdLead Visuality & Mathematics: Experiential Education of Mathematics through Visual Arts, Sciences and Playful Activities Quality in Research Conducting Graduate Surveys and Improving Alumni Services for Enhanced Strategic Management and Quality Improvement Developing Human Rights Education at the Heart of Higher Education Other projects: DAAD, COST, Regional Research Promotion Programme (RRPP), bilateral projects etc.

15 Library The largest library at the University of Novi Sad It is the second largest humanities research library in Vojvodina More than 290,000 books and 260,000 periodicals in print and electronic catalogues Legacies, old and rare books, current publications - domestic and foreign The oldest book in the Faculty’s possession is from 1586

16 Digitalisation since 2011 public access to Faculty periodicals and to the contents of centuries-old and rare books digital library – 2500 members, 250 publications, 680 articles rs/

17 E-dissertations and publications E-dissertations Scientific and scholarly journals published by the Faculty: Field: 1 Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy Humanities and Social Sciences 2 Prilozi proučavanju jezika Philology 3 Hungarológiai közlemények Hungarian studies 4 Tanulmányok Hungarian studies 5 Primenjena psihologija Psychology 6 Istraživanja History 7 The Journal for Languages and Literatures Language and Literature 8 The Journal of the Department of Pedagogy Pedagogy 9 Metodički vidici Teaching Methodology 10 Arhe Philosophy 11 student magazine - KOD 04 Media Studies

18 Construction Works

19 Team-Building in Pecs

20 Thank you!

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