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Published byJenifer Everly Modified over 10 years ago
Total Stimulus Appropriation: $1,500,000,000 New Jersey’s Portion : $40,919,501, DCA’s Portion: $10,221,710 Allocation Method: Federal Formula (Emergency Shelter Grant) Federal Agency: HUD Program Overview : The funds will provide temporary financial assistance and services to: Prevent households from becoming homeless; Divert people who are applying for shelter into other housing; and Help those who are experiencing homelessness to be quickly re-housed and stabilized. Federal Requirements and Restrictions Currently the following requirements apply: Grantees must use the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) to collect data on participants. Federal fair housing, nondiscrimination and labor standards. 5% can be used for administrative costs. Eligible Program Participants New Jersey resident who is either homeless or at risk of losing their housing Household income equal to or less than 50 percent of the Area Median Income. Important Program Dates 60% of funds must be expended within 2 years of the date that funds are obligated (for DCA 7-23-2011); 100% of the funds must be expended within 3 years of the date that funds are obligated (for DCA 7-23-2012); otherwise, the Secretary may recapture and redistribute the funds. Grantees must collect, and submit to HUD, data on the use of the funds. NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS’ HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION AND RAPID REHOUSING (HPRP)
GENERAL HPRP INFO Target Populations: Individuals and families currently in housing but who are at risk of becoming homeless and need temporary rent or utility assistance to prevent them from becoming homeless or relocate to alternative suitable housing. Individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness (e.g. residing in emergency or transitional shelters or on the street) and need temporary assistance in order to obtain and retain suitable permanent housing. DCA will target the following populations with the highest likelihood to become homeless: Victims of domestic violence, with or without children. Households with children, which have broken up or face imminent breakup due to homelessness. Youth leaving the foster care system and/or juvenile justice system (18 – 23 years of age). Households on Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). Successful graduates of transitional housing programs. Households with children temporarily "doubled up" with friends or family or living in motels due to an inability to obtain suitable permanent housing. Intent of the Program: To serve households who are homeless or would be homeless but for this assistance so the household can remain stably housed after this temporary assistance ends.
HPRP REPORTING Homeless Management Information System & Integrated Disbursement and Information System Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) What is HMIS: an electronic data collection system that stores client-level data about persons who have accessed homeless services. ARRA requires HMIS as the primary tool for the collection of data on the use of funds awarded and persons served through HPRP. (Exception: Domestic violence providers, due to confidentiality concerns, must collect client-level data outside of HMIS in a comparable database.) Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) What is IDIS: a web-based computer application that provides financial disbursement, tracking, and reporting activities for the CPD formula grant programs. HPRP grantees must use IDIS to draw program funds and track expenditures by activity. Grantees must draw down funds from IDIS at least quarterly NOTE: HUD posted a training guide for completion and submission of the Initial Performance Report (IPR) and Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) at The training guide provides instructions for completing the IPR/QPR, as well as information on accessing e-snaps and the submission process.
Total Stimulus Appropriation: (Nationwide) $980,000,000 Statewide Appropriation: $26.74 million New Jersey Small Cities CDBG-R Program Appropriation: $1.945 million for state programs Allocation Method: Federal formula. Federal Agency: HUD Program Overview The Small Cities CDBG-R Program provides grants and loans for community development activities for persons of low and moderate income, prevent or eliminate slums and blight, meet urgent community development needs for which no other resources are available. All projects and each activity must meet one of the above objectives. Funds may be used for public facilities, community revitalization, housing rehabilitation and innovative development leveraging private investments. Federal Requirements and Restrictions Priority to projects that can award contracts 120 days from the date the funds are made available to the recipients. Program Eligibility All non-entitlement towns and counties are eligible to apply Funding Cycles and Application Submission HUD to establish criteria on use of funds and recipients of the funding should give priority to projects that can award contracts within 120 days of when funds are made available. For more information visit the DCA website at: The DCA has awarded five grants to non-entitlement communities. NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS’ SMALL CITIES/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG-R) Financial and Performance Reporting CDBG-R grantees must use IDIS to draw program funds and track expenditures by activity. Grantees must draw down funds from IDIS at least quarterly
IDIS is a real-time, web-based computer application that provides financial disbursement, tracking, and reporting activities for the CPD formula grant programs. IDIS enables HUD grantees to drawdown program funds and report on the activities and accomplishments outlined in each jurisdiction’s Consolidated Plan. IDIS provides timely performance information regarding accomplishments achieved with the use of program funds, pursuant to the Government Performance and Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) and the specific requirements of the formula programs administered by CPD. IDIS programs include the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA). IDIS also supports the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant programs Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP), CDBG Recovery (CDBGR), and Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program (HPRP). HPRP grantees use IDIS for drawing funds only. IDIS Roles of Organization include the following: Grantee – any organization receiving grant funds directly or indirectly from HUD to perform HUD-approved program work. A grantee is the “owner” of the program funds and is responsible for performance of the approved, CPD-funded projects and activities. All grantees are given a Unit of Government code and number (UOG CD and UOG NM) to identify them. Grantees can delegate some or all of their project activities to subrecipients, who are organizations that may or may not have access to IDIS. For example: in the HOME program, CHDOs do not have access to IDIS. Grantees can delegate some or all of their project activities to subgrantees, who receive funds for this work and who update these activities using IDIS. The HOME program has special rules and regulations for state subgrantees regarding usage of grant funds. CDBG-R REPORTING Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS)
7 NJ Recovery Accountability Task Force Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 Through SAGE By October 5 DCA Grantee “E” Grantee “D” Grantee “C” Grantee “B” Grantee “A” DCA Reporting Model American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements
DCA Reporting Model Publicly Available at Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements
Reporting Timeline and Activities Publicly Available at Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements Image Source:
Excel Spreadsheet Templates Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements Link for Excel Spreadsheet Templates:
Excel Spreadsheet Templates Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements
Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements Excel Spreadsheet Templates: Recipient
Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements Excel Spreadsheet Templates: Recipient
Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements Excel Spreadsheet Templates: Recipient
Prime Recipient Report Important Information HPRP & CDBG-R HPRPCDBG-R Award TypeGrant Award #S09-DY-34-001B-09-DY-34-001 Funding Agency Code8620 Awarding Agency Code8620 TAS86 033186 0161 Activity # L06 Hsg. Support, L06.03 Hsg. Exp. Assist. L04.02 Aff. Hsg 237310 Hwy, St., Bridge Const. 2337110 Water, Sewer and Related DUNS # "080617143"
Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements Excel Spreadsheet Templates: Recipient
HUD Job Creation Guidance Key Points for October 10, 2009 Report Disregard the distinction between “created” and “retained.” Simply count all employees paid for with Recovery Act funds. In those cases where employees have multiple duties and only a portion of those projects are funded by Recovery Act, then only the Recovery Act funded hours are counted for the FTE calculation. For any project or activity with multiple funding sources, regardless of whether they are funded in whole or part by Recovery Act programs, recipients should report only on the jobs and funding attributable to the award under the Recovery Act.
HUD Job Creation Guidance: Calculating Full Time Equivalents (FTE)
Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements Excel Spreadsheet Templates: Recipient
Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements Excel Spreadsheet Templates: Recipient
Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements Excel Spreadsheet Templates: Sub Recipient
Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements Excel Spreadsheet Templates: Sub Recipient
Sub recipient Training 09/18/2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act Section 1512 Reporting Requirements
Information regarding the Federal Stimulus package is available: – Data Dictionary V 3.0 – Link to HUD Job Creation Guidance – XML Schema – Excel Spreadsheet Templates – Webinars RESOURCES
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