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Federal Labor Standards & Maintenance Wage Rates June 21, 2012

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1 Federal Labor Standards & Maintenance Wage Rates June 21, 2012
(HUD Programs) June 21, 2012 Agency: HUD Region VII, Office of Labor Relations (OLR) Presenter: Fannie Woods, Director, OLR Contact Information:

2 Office of Labor Relations (OLR)
Administration and enforcement of: Federal labor standards on Construction and construction-related projects funded/insured/assisted with HUD funds and/or through HUD Programs Threshold $2K or more Prevailing maintenance wage rates determined or adopted by HUD PHA Maintenance Functions Authority: U. S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended Contains provision (12e) that gives HUD this authority

3 Federal Labor Statutes
Reorganization Plan No. 14 of 1950 Davis Bacon (DB) Act Prevailing wage requirement; pay weekly Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (CWHSSA): overtime and penalties Copeland Act: Weekly certified payrolls; statement of compliance; anti-kickback; criminal prosecution 29 CFR, Parts 1, 3, and 5 There are other federal labor statutes, such as FLSA, Portal-to-portal, McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act, that may apply. These (as noted above) are the ones most used and referred to on federally-funded/assisted projects.

4 Davis Bacon Act Applies to construction and construction- related contracts in excess of $2K Made applicable to HUD programs by statutory provisions in HUD-related acts (DBRA) The National Housing Act U. S. Housing Act of 1937, as amended The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended The National Affordable Housing Act of 1990

5 Copeland Act (Anti-Kickback Act)
Authority for Submission of weekly certified payrolls and statements of compliance Willful falsification - civil or criminal prosecution; may be cause for debarment Restriction on Payroll deductions Only those permissible without DOL approval Criminal prosecution Requiring persons/companies to give up any part of compensation entitled under his/her contract Exceptions: Only where DBA and DBRA prevailing wage provisions apply. Do no apply where the nature of federal assistance is only in the nature of a loan guarantee.

6 Construction Contract Management System (Developing a system for compliance purposes - Federal Labor Standards Requirements) Compliance Officer – Appoint Is the ED the right person for this position? Bid Documents include: Appropriate labor standard provisions HUD 5370 Form > $100K HUD 5370 EZ Form < $100K Applicable federal wage rate decision Contract Agreements with prime contractors/subcontractors includes:

7 Construction Contract Management System (Developing a system for compliance purposes - Federal Labor Standards Requirements) Current wage decision – based on “lock in” or “effective date” This is the date bids are opened “provided” the contract is awarded within 90 days after bid opening If contract awarded more than 90 days “after” bid opening Wage decision must be updated as of the “date of the award” Lock in date becomes contract award date Modifications published/received prior to the lock in date apply to contract Exception: Competitive Bid procedures ONLY Disregard modifications published/received less than “10” days before a bid opening “IF” not a reasonable time to notify bidders DOCUMENT this action (permanent record in contract file) Eligibility Documentation Check eligibility of prime or potential contractors before contract award

8 Construction Contract Management System (Developing a system for compliance purposes - Federal Labor Standards Requirements) Project Inspections Document in master project file Does contract require a specific number? Worker Interviews – HUD-11 No set number Try to obtain a number from each trade on the job – target primary and subcontractors with significant monetary contracts Compare interview data to applicable certified payroll data If discrepancies between information, action to review/resolve/document

9 Job Site Posting Requirements
Davis Bacon Poster Obtain English and Spanish versions Post “large” signs so all can see Include Authority’s compliance officer’s contact information in the contact block of these posters Post in a “highly” visible area, protected from the weather elements, that is easily accessible and traveled by most workers working at the job site Project Wage Decision Approved additional classifications Other DOL required posters EEO FLSA Go to website –posters are available – may download and/or request the larger posters from DOL

10 After contract award, review wage decision with prime or subcontractor
Construction Contract Management System (Developing a system for compliance purposes - Federal Labor Standards Requirements) After contract award, review wage decision with prime or subcontractor Submit HUD-4230A Form for any required trades not listed on wage decision Establish a Master Project File, which includes Signed Contract Agreement Project Wage Decision Construction Start Notice Lst of subcontractors-trade-points of contact - $$$ amount Check eligibility at

11 Develop separate Subcontractors’ files, which include
Construction Contract Management System (Developing a system for compliance purposes - Federal Labor Standards Requirements) Develop separate Subcontractors’ files, which include Certified payrolls with signed statement of compliance reflecting original signatures WH 347, U. S. Department of Labor Payroll Form Statement of Compliance (back side of the WH 347) Optional forms – must mirror data and wording on the WH 347 and statement of compliance No deviation in language, as reflected on the DOL statement of compliance

12 WH 347 and Statement of Compliance
Go to below link for instructions/download form



15 Compliance Review/Documentation
Weekly Certified Payrolls – Workers paid weekly! From all contractors performing work on the job – different rules for: OLR Letter 96-01, – program offices – labor relations - resources Self-employer owners/sole Proprietors with no crews Self-employer owners/sole Proprietors with crews Reflect all workers on the project and required data

16 Compliance Review/Documentation
Workers Classification – Flags No skilled trades—all laborers on a carpentry contract Classification/Trade not on project wage decision Helper Classification - Not authorized! Apprentice Show journeyman trade; and apprentice level Verify validity of this classification, via a copy of: Individual Registration for each worker classified as an apprentice Program Standards - specific pages/information If silent on fringe benefits – what is the rule? Hours worked on project (daily and weekly; standard; overtime) Rates of pay (standard and overtime) – Flags Same for all workers; no workers working 40 hours a week Prevailing wage is: hourly basic wage + fringes = total prevailing wage Gross Pay – Flags Rounded numbers

17 Compliance Review/Documentation
Deductions – focus on “other” Only if deductions benefit the worker and “not” the employer Only if written consent and in advance of work to be performed Not a condition for and/or continuation of employment May be required by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) May be court ordered, i.e. child support, garnishment, Net Pay Gross pay minus deductions Matches amount actually paid to the worker

18 Compliance Review/Documentation
Statements of compliance Attached to each weekly payroll Completed fully/accurately Reflects only original signature Owner, Principal, Officer If not, written authorization from one of these persons authorizing, by name, the person to sign this document

19 Deficiency Letters Notification of non compliance to contractors
No standard format Captures problems noted: During payroll reviews Comparison of HUD-11 Interview to Payroll Data States action to resolve the deficiency Provides time line (usually 30 days) for resolution Serves as the basis to withhold funds if deficiencies are not resolved AVOID closing contracts where there are violations of federal labor standards

20 Underpayments/Restitution
When discovered? Usually- During payroll reviews Misclassification of workers Apprentice – Out-of-ratio issues Incorrect rates of pay Erroneous overtime calculations Math errors Deductions that are not allowed Complaints from workers Document, review, investigate, decision, report results

21 Revised Certified Payrolls
Resubmitted payrolls are labeled “revised” and carry dates of the initial payrolls Do not write on payrolls Do not return any payrolls Underpayments/Refunds Submission of a certified payroll labeled “revised- restitution” New statement of compliance May request supporting documentation to verify that payment was made and worker received it.

22 Worker Complaint Develop intake process Investigate allegations
Determine validity of allegations Resolve complaint – Document actions taken/resolution

23 State Agencies (additional requirements)
Monitor grantees to assess grantee performance of labor standards responsibilities (may apply to city/county agencies) Ensure corrective action for non compliance Collect and submit to HUD All enforcement reports required in 29 CFR 29, Part 5, Section 5.7 Submit directly to DOL – additional classification requirements

24 No contractor is paid without complying with federal labor standards provisions
Administrative Compliance Provisions - Documentation EPLS check Weekly pay to workers Submission of weekly certified payrolls with statements of compliance (original signatures; revised payrolls Spot-check – review of payrolls Deficiency letters Restitution (underpayments or from review of the HUD 11 not matching submitted payrolls.)

25 Report Contractors (non compliance) to HUD
Report to HUD Workers complaint, if you are unable to resolve Any potential criminal or complex enforcement matters, regarding contractors (non compliance) Report Contractors (non compliance) to HUD Ref: 29 CFR part 5, Section 5.7 Collective underpayments of $1,000 or more from one employer


27 Semi-Annual Labor Enforcement Report via HUD 4710 Form
Statutory Requirement – Maintain files PHAs, excluding Section 8 Only, report Report reflects: All contracts, subject to federal labor standards, awarded during the reporting period If no contracts awarded during the period, “report 0” Complaints Restitution paid CWHSSA Overtime and Liquidated damages ($10 per violation)

28 Semi-Annual Labor Enforcement Report via HUD 4710 Form
Two Reporting Periods Period One: Oct 1 thru Mar 31 Period Two: Apr 1 thru Sep 30 Due dates to OLR Usually region will determine date to submit to them In Region VII – Apr 5 and Oct 5


30 Maintenance Wage Determination via HUD 4750 Form /HUD 52158 Form
What is the Annual Maintenance Wage Determination Process? ANS: Establishment of prevailing wage rates for maintenance employees at low-income housing projects operated by Public Housing Authorities What mandates this requirement? ANS: USHA of 1937, as amended

31 Maintenance Wage Determination via HUD 4750 Form /HUD 52158 Form
Which Authorities are required to participate? ANS: Any Authority that operates low-income housing projects and employ and/or contract for any maintenance functions. What are the effective dates of the “annual” MWD approval? ANS: Fiscal Year of the Authority

32 What form is used for the approval?
Maintenance Wage Determination What is the form for the approved MWD? via HUD 4750 Form /HUD Form What form is used for the approval? ANS: HUD 52158 When is an “additional classification” required for maintenance employees and/or maintenance contractors? ANS: For any work classification “not” listed on the approved What if the Authority contracts out all of its maintenance functions, is the Authority still required to participate in this process? ANS: YES

33 Maintenance Wage Determination Process via HUD 4750 Form /HUD 52158 Form
What if the Authority fails to participate? What happens if HUD OLR does not approve the annual maintenance wage rates prior to start of the Authority fiscal year? ANS: OLR will take the hit What is the recordkeeping requirement for work/employees covered via this process? Maintenance for no less than 3 years following the completion of the work

34 Maintenance Wage Determination Process via HUD 4750 Form /HUD 52158 Form
What is included with the records? Employer name, address, and ssn Correct work classifications Hourly rate(s) of monetary wages paid Rates(s) of any bona fide fringes benefits provided Number of the daily and weekly hours worked Gross wages earned All deductions taken Actual net wages paid

35 Maintenance Wage Determination Process via HUD 4750 Form /HUD 52158 Form
What happens if the Authority fails to pay the maintenance worker at least the amount of the total wages approved on the HUD Form? Why does HUD OLR require a copy of the Authority’s personnel policy? Why does HUD OLR require a copy of the job descriptions for the work classifications listed on the HUD 4750 form? Why is HUD OLR requiring a narrative and information on the methodology used to determine the recommended wages on the HUD 4750 form?

36 Where does an Authority get comparable wage data?
Maintenance Wage Determination Process via HUD 4750 Form /HUD Form Where does an Authority get comparable wage data? Collective Bargaining Agreements (wage rates apply—regardless) Request from local area private agencies that employ workers in similar positions City Human Resources – if the Authority is connected with the City and comply with the City’s personnel/human resources policy What is the timeframe for submitting this information to HUD OLR? ANS: Authority submits at least 90 days before fiscal year start date and HUD OLR approval 60 days before fiscal year start date

37 Maintenance Wage Determination Process via HUD 4750 Form /HUD Form 52158
What happens if HUD OLR changes the worker’s classification? Is the annual MWD for routine maintenance work? What if the Authority has a non routine maintenance job, where does the Authority get the base wage for its solicitation package? How is “non routine” maintenance defined? What if the Authority is unsure if it is a “non routine” project or a project subject to federal labor standards requirements? Call OLR to discuss Rule of thumb: if construction is related in any way used DB wage decisions – can not go wrong

38 Maintenance Wage Determination Process via HUD 4750 Form/HUD Form 52158
What is the meaning of the term “force account”? Can an Authority use this category for workers? Are force account workers subject to federal labor standards requirements? What hourly wage rate/fringes are used to calculate pay for these workers? Can an Authority used a public housing resident as a “volunteer” in a maintenance function? Ref: 24 CFR Part 70, and paragraphs 2-8 Volunteers, and 11-31, Volunteers

39 Recent updates Making Davis Bacon Work, January 2012
n/hudclips/guidebooks/4812LR HUD Handbook , Rev 2 Links via Program Offices Labor Relations Resources

40 On-line Resources

Department of Labor DBRA Homepage tm Department of Labor Regulations Department of Labor Forms

42 Office of Labor Relations References
Labor Relations Letters On-the-Mark! Series Available on-line in Labor Relations Library at:

43 DISCLAIMER This presentation is intended as general information only and does not carry the force of legal opinion. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is providing this information as a public service. This information and related materials are presented to give the public access to information on HUD programs. You should be aware that, while we try to keep the information timely and accurate, there will often be delay between official publications of the materials and the modification of these pages. Therefore, we make no express or implied guarantees. The Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations remain the official source for regulatory information published by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. We will make every effort to keep this information current and to correct errors brought to our attention.


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