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Presenter: Kelly Pickell HMIS Specialist & Quality Assurance HMIS 2014: Data Standards Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter: Kelly Pickell HMIS Specialist & Quality Assurance HMIS 2014: Data Standards Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter: Kelly Pickell HMIS Specialist & Quality Assurance HMIS 2014: Data Standards Training

2 HMIS Data Standards 200420102014 A Brief History

3 2014 HMIS Data Standards 2014 Data Standards, released by HUD/HHS/VA: HMIS Data Dictionary HMIS Data Manual Program-Specific Manuals o ESG o PATH o CoC o HOPWA o RHY o VA All of these are online at: All of these are online at:

4 Data Standards Sections Project Descriptor Data Elements Universal Data Elements Program Specific Data Elements o General Program Specific o RHY Required o HOPWA Required o RHSAP Required o VA Required Metadata Elements

5 Project-Level Changes In AWARDS “Submits HUD APR” will become “Use HMIS Data Elements”. Changeable by Admins. Residence Units and # Of Beds auto-calculated. CoC and GeoCode are multi-select. “Federal Funding Source” is a new multi-select field. Funding Sources will affect which fields show up at Intake & Discharge. Training Video found in Online Help

6 Residence Units Changes Tracking for Overflow and Seasonal Beds. Tracking Client Locations. Residence Units ReportBuilder Calculating Capacity and Utilization on any date. Tracking Changes. Coming Soon: User-Friendly system of adding and editing units. Beds grouped together in Units. Training Video found in Online Help

7 Data Element Changes In AWARDS Universal Data Element Changes Don’t Know and Refused become “Client Doesn’t Know” and “Client Refused” New option for “Data Not Collected” Name Data Quality and other minor changes. Disabling Condition – Calculated Read-Only Field Episodes of Homelessness changes Chronically Homeless – Calculated Read-Only Field Removed*: Housing Status & Zip Code Last Perm.

8 Data Element Changes In AWARDS Program-Specific Data Element Changes The Data Elements that show up by default will depend on the Program Type and Funding Sources of each project! Anything not required is considered optional and your admin will be able to decide what to show or hide later on.

9 Program-Specific Data Elements New Data Elements Health Insurance Housing Assessment & Housing Disposition at Exit Many new Funder-Specific elements Changed Elements Housing Status – Only HOPWA & PATH Special Needs Employment, General Health, Pregnancy, and Education questions – Only required for RHY

10 RHY Data Elements Runaway and Homeless Youth Programs (RHY) have the most data elements by far. RHY-BCP Status Sexual Orientation School Status Last Grade Completed Employment Status General Health Dental Health Mental Health Pregnancy Status Former Wards Critical Issues Survey Sexual Exploitation RHY Referral Source Aftercare Plans Completion Status Family Reunification

11 Other Funder Data Elements PATH Data Elements Contact Date/Location Engagement Date PATH Status Connection with SOAR HOPWA Elements Medical Assistance VA Data Elements Veteran’s Info Percent of AMI Last Permanent Address RHSAP Data Elements Worst Housing Situation

12 Show/Hide Fields Functionality New Functionality is being designed to allow System Administrators to determine which fields will be shown on each programs’ admission and discharge form. ETA: November 2014 Options include: Show, Hide, and Require Defaults are set based on the Program Type and Funder Types. Universal Data Elements can’t be hidden.

13 Services Provided & Referrals Certain Federal Partners now require that Services Provided & Financial Assistance be documented on the Supportive Services Checklist. PATH RHY HOPWA SSVF Referrals Provided must be documented for RHY and PATH projects.

14 Other Data Element Changes Metadata will be stored behind the scenes. Last Updated, By Whom. Age-Specific Data Elements Ability to answer adult questions for clients who turn 18 while in a program. Intake or Face Sheet. Default answers for children such as “Veteran Status” = “No” and “Disabling Condition” = “N/A”.

15 Upcoming: Workflow Changes New path for admitting Households vs Individuals Simplified process for changing household composition. Improved workflows for Emergency Shelters, Nightly Shelters, and Outreach Programs. Improved Coordinated Assessment functionality. Allow Partially Completed Forms to be Saved. Inline Collection fo Referral Source.

16 Annual Updates Annual Updates must now be completed within one month (plus or minus) of a client’s admission date. Coming Soon: Audit Messages on client’s Anniversary. Audit Messages when clients turn 18. Reporting on Historical Changes

17 Upcoming Report Changes HUD will be issuing programming specs for the APR, ESG CAPER, and PATH ARS this year. Starting October 1, 2015 all new reports will rely only on the 2014 Data Elements. Housing Utilization Reports account for changes. Additional Report updates will come in 2015. AHAR – No changes yet. This year’s report is based on the 2010 Data Standards. APR – No changes yet. Data is being mapped.

18 Data Exports & Uploads  HUD CSV standard is changing from 3.03 to 4.00 in late October.  Uploads completed now will rely on the old 2010 HMIS Data Standards elements. Updating data now could have unintended consequences.  If you are uploading or exporting September data please do so ASAP before any client records are updated.  SSVF programs – Please complete a Data Export on September 30 th before 5pm ET. Just to be safe.

19 PATH/Outreach Exploratory Group  If you are interested in participating in an exploratory group to help tweak and enhance the Homeless Outreach and PATH Outreach functionality in AWARDS, please email  Webinar Meeting on Thursday, October 16 th at 2:00 PM ET.

20 Additional Resources  Training Films available in Online Help next week.  1. HMIS Data Standards Overview  2. HMIS New Fields  3. HMIS Program-Specific HOPWA  4. HMIS Program-Specific RHY  5. HMIS Program-Specific VA/SSVF  6. HMIS Program-Specific PATH/Outreach  This powerpoint and a recording of this webinar will be available next week by request. Email  Support and help is available through the Help Desk.

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