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Published byFranklin Salkin Modified over 10 years ago
Give me an H-U-D! 2014 Data Dictionary and other HUD and Federal Partner Updates
HUD/Federal Partner Updates HUD and Federal Partner MOU is still pending HMIS Rule in Final Form by end of 2014 Notices in Draft Pending for end of 2014 or early 2015: Software and Data Quality Security and Privacy Governance
HUD/Federal Partner Updates Program Manuals for the following: ESG PATH CoC VA (SSVF) HOPWA Released to date: Project Descriptor Data Elements
General Information “Data Not Collected” = same as “-select-” and will count as “Missing” “Other” field includes new text box to specify in several different locations HPRP Retired
Report Updates CoC APR – updated with minor changes ESG CAPER – specs for minor changes pending AHAR – no changes HOPWA – specs pending RHSP – program not funded at this time
Service Point Reporting Canned Reports Updated with minor changes ART Gallery Majority of reports need upgrade; first Industry then other high usage and so on Custom Reports Template for picklist changes provided to swap out values
Recent HUD Publications System Performance Measures Prioritizing Persons Experiencing Chronic Homelessness in PSH HMIS Project Descriptor Data Elements
Data Collection Stages Record Creation Project Entry Update (via Interim Review) Annual Assessment (via Interim Review) + or – 30 days of Anniversary Date Must use Annual Assessment PL Project Exit
Project Descriptors These are the data elements that tell you about the projects in the implementation HMIS Lead responsible for accuracy Should be updated no less than once annually
2.1 and 2.2 Organization and Project Identifiers System assigns Organization Id and Project Id Organization is the higher level Provider Projects are associated with an organization
2.3 Continuum of Care Code The HUD CoC Code(s) must be identified per project More than one code is allowable Format should be XX-### CH-123 Start Date/End Date in SP allow for pulling codes into reports (retains history)
2.4 Project Type Only one Project Type is allowed Continuum Y/N = Select Y if provides services/housing SSVF must be set as RRH and HP separately Services Only – with or without residential affiliation Street Outreach = Street Homeless vs Services Only
2.5 Method for Tracking ES Utilization Must identify as Night By Night (nbn) or Entry Exit Entry/Exit = requires continuous stay with formal intake and exit Nbn = tracks nights of shelter, still requires Entry/Exit Difference = Performance Measures
2.6 Federal Partner Funding Source List each applicable funding source These are identified by name of source and project type = ie HUD CoC TH Include Grant Identifier and Grant Start Date and Grant End Date
2.7 Bed and Unit Inventory Required for all residential projects Do not have to track day to day fluctuations New = number of dedicated CH, Vet and Youth (by age) beds Will update 0629 HIC to new standards later this winter
2.8 Site Information (Optional) IF generating HIC from HMIS then fill in this field Principal Site = location of largest inventory beds/units Geocode comes from the HUD distributed list Address for the site
2.9 Target Population (Optional) IF generating HIC from HMIS then fill in this field Target Population is set if 75% of the clients served fit the target group description Picklists = DV, HIV and NA
Universal Data Elements All HMIS participating agencies are required to complete This is any project using software as HMIS Funding is not a factor These elements are the foundation for AHAR
Universal Data Elements: Changes New Elements Destination Relationship to HoH Client Location Code Length of Time on Street, ES or SH Removed Elements Zip code of last perm address Housing Status
3.1 Name Record Creation/All Clients Adds Name Data Quality field Full Name Partial, Street Name or Code Name Client Doesn’t Know Client Refused Data Not Collected
3.2 Social Security Number Record Creation/All Clients Adds DQ picklist for Approximate or Partial SSN reported Enter DQ picklist of Client Doesn’t Know if the client does not have an SSN
3.3 Date of Birth Record Creation/All Clients If the client cannot provide the full date of birth but does give a year then approximate with 1/1/xx using the year of birth that corresponds with the age Select Client doesn’t know if the client can’t approximate within one year
3.4 Race Record Creation/All Clients Making changes to demographic table to improve workflow Currently defaults to Primary/Secondary; Races 3-5 available Can set up additional races on “Race” assessment
3.5 Ethnicity Record Creation/All Clients Making changes to demographic table to improve workflow Self identified Hispanic/Latino = Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American or other Spanish culture of origin regardless of race.
3.6 Gender Record Creation/All Clients Making changes to demographic table to improve workflow Self reported If “Other” is selected, a new text box is provided to specify
3.7 Veteran Status Record Creation/Age 18+ Record as Yes for any client who has been Active Duty in the Armed Forces Update required when client turns 18 Now a static field on the Client Table This allows the Veteran Status to “carry forward” from Project Entry to Project Entry
3.8 Disabling Condition Project Entry/All Adults Record as Yes if client meets description in Data Manual Now answered independent of Disability Type, but if a Type is identified (and the client is Adult) then Yes should be selected
3.9 Residence Prior to Project Entry Project Entry/Adults and HoH Update required when client turns 18 Residence Prior = contains new PL values Length of Stay in Previous Place = One week or less divided into “One day or less” and “Two days to one week”
3.10 - 3.11 Project Entry and Project Exit Date Project Entry Residential Start date = first date of occupancy PH-RRH = date became project participant (could be just services at first) Street Outreach = date of 1 st contact Project Exit Exit date = last service, last day of occupancy
3.12 Destination Project Exit/Adults and HoH Now a UDE New PL values including “No Exit Interview Completed” If non-housing = use same location as where client was living during project participation
3.13 and 3.14 Personal ID and Household ID Generated by the system Used to assist with de- duplication clients and households In ServicePoint, do not have to create a Household for Singles No changes to these elements
3.15 Relationship to Head of Household Project Entry/All Clients Household = group of people who apply together for assistance HoH = Primary client, Eligible Individual – not necessarily Leader of Household Only one client can be labeled “Self” If HoH exits project, new HoH must be identified and other relationships updated
3.16 Client Location Project Entry & Update/HoH Location of client for services/residential stay Uses values from PL for CoC Code [2.3] Data used to report on clients served outside the CoC/HMIS
3.17 Length of Time on Streets, ES or SH Project Entry/Adults and HoH Chronic Homelessness will be measured using this Q, Disability Status and history of homelessness 1 day of homelessness in a month = 1 month of homelessness Status Documented = record on paper in file or in HMIS of clients LOH
Program Specific Elements Characteristics of Clients, Services and Outcomes Applicability of questions varies Must refer to 2014 Data Manual for specifics
4.1 Housing Status Project Entry/Adults and HoH HOPWA, PATH and RHSP only New categories that align with Homeless Definition See 2014 Data Manual for definitions of categories
4.2 Income and Sources Project Entry, Update, Annual Assessment, Exit/Adults & HoH Required for most program types If user selects Yes for type, then must provide amount (estimate if needed) Must be updated for clients that turn 18 Now for current income sources Income sources for minors should be recorded on adult’s profile
4.3 Non Cash Benefits Project Entry, Update, Annual Assessment, Exit/Adults & HoH Required for most program types Must be updated for clients that turn 18 Now for current non-cash benefit sources Benefits for minors should be recorded on adult’s profile
4.4 Health Insurance Project Entry, Update, Annual Assessment, Exit/All Clients Required for most program types Must be updated for clients that turn 18 Now includes MEDICAID, MEDICARE, SCHIP and VA Medical Services HOPWA required to answer “No” dependant questions (5.11.3 fix pending)
4.5 – 4.10 Disabilities Project Entry, Update, Exit/All Clients Required for all but VA (HIV/AIDS not required by RHY) Additional required questions about duration, documentation, services/tmt Additional PATH Questions for Mental Health and Substance Abuse
4.11 Domestic Violence Project Entry, Update/Adults and HoH Required for all but VA and RHY Treat information with sensitivity but may be helpful for providing services/safety to client and other clients Clients with “Yes” values may be entered into HMIS; not the same as VAWA funded projects (no HMIS)
4.12 Contact Project Entry, Update, Exit/Adults and HoH Required for all Street Outreach, PATH and ESG nbn projects Record using Outreach Subassessment with each Contact Defined as an interaction between worker and client
4.13Date of Engagement Update/Adults and HoH Required for all Street Outreach, PATH and ESG nbn projects Record only one for each Entry/Exit (May be null) Defined as a deliberate client assessment or beginning of case plan On or before PATH Status for PATH
4.14 Services Provided Requires: Date, Service Type, (Service Transaction) Types triggered from Provider Grant Type Services Crosswalk on C-Go PATH HoH/Adults RHY/HOPWA/SSVF All Clients
4.15 Financial Assistance Provided Requires: Date, Service Type, Amount, (Service Transaction) Types triggered from Provider Grant Type Financial Assistance Crosswalk on C-Go HOPWA HoH/Adults SSVF All Clients
4.16 Referrals Provided Requires: Date, Referral Type, (Service Transaction) Types triggered from Provider Grant Type Referral Crosswalk on C-Go PATH HoH/Adults, requires Outcome Field RHY HoH/18 or older youth
4.17 Residential Move in Date Project Entry, Update/All Clients RRH projects only – CoC, ESG, SSVF If the client is NOT housed at Entry then record a No and at Update change the No to a Yes and enter the Move-In Date Will be used to assist with RRH PIT data for HIC
4.18 Housing Assessment Disposition Project Exit/HoH Coordinated Assessment projects only – CoC, ESG Records the client’s disposition following a housing crisis assessment
4.19 Housing Assessment at Exit Project Exit/All Clients Homelessness Prevention projects only – CoC, ESG, HOPWA Determines whether clients remain stably housed after Homelessness Prevention services
PATH Program Projects are either Street Outreach or Services Only Scripting for historic PATH data available with 5.11.4 No 2013 PATH Transition Report Changes PATH workflow available on C-Go PATH grantees encouraged to use HMIS by end of 2016 Full HMIS reporting by January 2017
PATH Program – Pending Elements HHS seeking approval from OMB for changes to PATH report – at discretion of the grantee Income and Sources Non-Cash Benefits Health Insurance HIV/AIDS Connection with Soar
4.20 PATH Status Update/Adults and HoH Yes if client consents to participation in PATH Project No and reason if not enrolled Date of Engagement must be before or on the date of PATH enrollment
4.21 Connection with SOAR Exit/Adults and HoH Yes if client has a connection to a SOAR project Not required until after OMB approval
RHY Program Joint Communication from HHS and HUD is expected Grantees will be “encouraged” to begin using HMIS as of 11/15/14 Reporting occurs in October of April each year No report is anticipated to be required in April of 2015
RHY Data Elements All clients on or after Entry 4.22 RHY BCP Status Project Entry/HoH and Clients 18+ 4.23 Sexual Orientation 4.24 Last Grade Completed 4.25 School Status 4.31 Formerly…Child Welfare/Foster Care 4.32 Formerly…Juvenile Justice System 4.33 Young Person’s Critical Issues 4.34 Referral Source 4.35 Commercial Sexual Exploitation
RHY Data Elements Project Entry and Exit/HoH and Clients 18+ 4.26 Employment Status 4.27 General Health Status 4.28 Dental Health Status 4.29 Mental Health Status
RHY Data Elements Project Entry and Update/All Females 4.30 Pregnancy Status Project Exit/HoH and 18+ 4.36 Transitional, Exit Care, or After Care Plans and Actions
RHY Data Elements Project Exit/HoH and Youth 4.37 Project Completion Status 4.38 Family Reunification Acheived
HOPWA Program APR and CAPER report specifications and workflow documents pending 4.39 Medical Assistance is recorded at Project Entry, Update and Project Exit for all household members with HIV/AIDS No further updates from HUD at this time as to requirement for HMIS participation and reporting
RHSP Program Program not funded by HUD at this time RHSP rule released in draft form, final pending 4.40 Worst Housing Situation is for All Clients at Project Entry
SSVF Program Funds Rapid Re-Housing and Homelessness Prevention These MUST be set up as two separate projects in HMIS New grant year started 10/1/14 November export (of October data) will be required in csv Awaiting further information from the VA
4.41 Veterans Information Record Creation or first Project Entry/All Veterans Previously 4.15E (optional) Per HUD, mapping of old values is neither required nor recommended If client has served in more than one branch, select the one with the most time served
4.42 Percent of AMI Project Entry/HoH Field used to help determine SSVF eligibility Should not be calculated from Income and sources, must be manually entered by user
4.43 Last Permanent Address Project Entry/Adults and HoH Address of client’s last residence of 90 days or longer (not ES address) Street address, city, state and Address Data Quality Changes to Sub-Assessment label coming in 5.11.3
Meta Data Elements Data About Data Date Created Date Updated Data Collection Stage Information Date Project Identifier Project Entry Id User Id
Available Resources Available on Collaborango: 2014 HMIS Data Dictionary Changes 7_14_14 2014 DD Master Assessment Document v3 2014 Project Descriptor Data Elements v1 5.11.0 Release Preview Webinar FAQ 2014 DD Summary and Picklist Value Changes v1 Link to 5.11.0 Release Preview Webinar Training Video on “HUD Verification” Service/Referral/Financial Assistance Crosswalks FAQ 2
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