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CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 Radon Leadership Highlights David Rowson Director,

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Presentation on theme: "CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 Radon Leadership Highlights David Rowson Director,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 Radon Leadership Highlights David Rowson Director, Indoor Environments Division USEPA USEPA Region 7 Stakeholder Meeting Manhattan, Kansas March 5, 2013 NCSL Midwest Environmental Summit

2 Overview of Remarks FY 13 Budget and SIRG Getting Real Risk Reduction Results Collaboration Among States, Industry and Partners Recruit Radon Advocates It’s All About Leadership CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 NCSL Midwest Environmental Summit

3 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 FY 13 Budget and SIRG 1 st Continuing Resolution provided EPA $3.8M EPA allocated $1.8M to Regions for States; Balance of $3.8M held in reserve States’ need for funds is being monitored EPA taking prudent approach to State grant funding decisions in FY13 given Continuing Resolution and Sequestration

4 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 National Results: Homes with active working mitigation systems Over 1.1 million as of 2012 More than 700 lives saved annually Homes built with radon-resistant features Over 1.9 million as of 2011 More than 200 lives saved annually Nearly 1000 lives saved annually NCSL Midwest Environmental Summit

5 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 Regional Radon Stakeholders Meetings Regional stakeholder meetings Promote collaboration and activate joint strategy Provide training Forge new partnerships Increase radon risk reduction action FY 13: Regions 1,3,4,5,6,7,8 plan to host stakeholder meetings NCSL Midwest Environmental Summit

6 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 Federal Radon Action Plan How We’re Doing 33 total commitments from 9 federal partners More than 50% are complete Most others are on track for completion by Fall 2013 For more information, please visit: NCSL Midwest Environmental Summit

7 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012

8 AgencyGreen – CompletedYellow – On TrackRed – No Progress USDA6 DoD111 DOE22 EPA11 GSA11 HHS11 HUD31 DOI11 VA211 Multi13 TOTAL19113 33 Total Commitments NCSL Midwest Environmental Summit

9 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 Accomplishments Report at USDA -- new guidance to all field office housing, community, loan and outreach programs to promote radon mitigation and new construction DOI’s National Park Service -- performed radon tests in 3,223 residential units and now engaged in follow up testing followed by mitigation HHS -- 27 CDC sponsored state five-year cancer plans now include radon and trying to expand DOE -- trained 650+ weatherization program administrators

10 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 New HUD Policy “Advancing Healthy Housing: A Strategy for Action" Unifies federal activities to advance healthy housing Shows the connection between housing conditions and residents’ health, Promotes strategies to control and prevent major housing- related hazards New requirement for radon testing and mitigation for HUD Multifamily Financing Toolbox available at

11 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 EPA Highlights Building Sustainability and Institutionalizing Radon Action Codes Standards Radon in Healthy, Green, and Energy Efficient Homes and Buildings Recruit New Radon Advocates NCSL Midwest Environmental Summit

12 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 Building Sustainability and Institutionalizing Radon Action: Standards Development Measurement in Schools and Large Buildings Device Protocols (Quality) Mitigation in Multifamily Housing Mitigation in Schools and Large Buildings

13 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 Building Sustainability and Institutionalizing Radon Action: Building Codes Multi-Family Buildings Educational Use Buildings Radon in Codes International Code Council (ICC) IRC-International Residential Code, RRNC in Appendix F (voluntary) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Radon in State/Local Building Codes

14 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 Radon in Healthy, Green, and Energy Efficient Homes and Buildings Green Communities NAHB IAP LEED NCSL Midwest Environmental Summit

15 CRCPD 22 nd National Radon Training Conference AARST International Radon Symposium October 14-17, 2012 It’s All About Leadership and the Paradigm is Shifting State Radon Programs AARST CRCPD CanSAR Not-for-profit NGOs Training Centers and Radon Educators Other Federal Agencies People/Leaders NCSL Midwest Environmental Summit

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