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Cool Portland Campaign A partnership between Global Action Plan and the City of Portland, Oregon.

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Presentation on theme: "Cool Portland Campaign A partnership between Global Action Plan and the City of Portland, Oregon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cool Portland Campaign A partnership between Global Action Plan and the City of Portland, Oregon

2 A public-private partnership Global Action Plan –a nonprofit organization founded in 1989 that empowers citizens to create sustainable lifestyles and livable neighborhoods through partnerships with government agencies City of Portland –First local government in U.S. to adopt a CO 2 -reduction plan (1993) –Tradition of citizens active in government, strong neighborhoods, and commitment to a livable community

3 Transit ridership has increased 60%. Per capita CO 2 emissions in Portland have decreased 5% since 1990. The solid waste recovery rate has risen from 34% to 54%. Progress in Portland since 1993 CO 2 plan

4 Portland’s goal: 10% reduction in emissions from 1990 by 2010 Global warming plan revised in 2001 New plan adds education and outreach as a primary component –25 organizations took part in initial partner- ship workshop

5 Cool Portland Campaign Phase I: Design and test program in Portland 1.Does the issue of climate change resonate with Portland residents? 2.Can households reduce CO 2 emissions by 5,000 pounds each? 3.Can a program like this attract support from businesses, government, and foundations?

6 The Low Carb Diet 1.Workbook program with 17 crafted actions 2.Delivered through neighborhood, workplace, and faith- based groups 3.Three meetings over 30 days 4.On-line calculator to determine CO 2 footprint and create and action plan

7 Results of Pilot Phase 1.Of households contacted, 43% chose to take part in the program. 2.Participating households reduced their CO 2 emissions by an average of 6,700 pounds each—23%—on an annual basis. 3.Government, businesses, and foundations expressed strong support for the program, with 11 partners contributing financially or in-kind.

8 Phase II: Going to Scale in Portland Political will and leadership Local character Proven empower- ment tools and leadership A compelling story Environmental and social benefits Community mobilization strategy An idea whose time has come

9 Phase III: Cool Cities Campaign Integrate knowledge gained from the Portland pilot into technical assistance tools. Disseminate these tools to US cities through a national outreach campaign. Empower 10 cities to start campaigns in the first 12 months of outreach campaign. Provide interested cities either technical assistance or direct implementation support.

10 Michael Armstrong City of Portland Office of Sustainable Development 503 823-6053 David Gershon Global Action Plan Chairman and CEO 845 679-4830

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