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Scoping, part 2 Steve White, MURP Oregon Public Health Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "Scoping, part 2 Steve White, MURP Oregon Public Health Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scoping, part 2 Steve White, MURP Oregon Public Health Institute

2 Session Agenda 1.Questions from yesterday’s scoping work 2.Quick review of Scoping outcomes 3.“How” Case Study Example Lake Oswego to Portland HIA 4. “How” Exercises Workbook worksheets

3 Scoping Outcomes 4.A brief summary and logic model of the pathways through which the population’s health and health determinants could be affected and the health effects to be addressed. 5.A description of the health determinants and outcomes that will be assessed in the HIA, as well as the rationale for why they were selected over others

4 Scoping Outcomes 7.A description of the research questions, data sources, and methods to be used. 8.Identification of apparent data gaps and of data collection that could be undertaken to address the gaps or a rationale for not undertaking data collection. 9.A timeline of assessment activities, including who is responsible for completing each activity

5 Scoping Exercises 1.Pathway Diagrams 2.Research questions, data needs, and possible methodologies

6 Metro (MPO)-led DEIS focusing on evaluating 3 transit alternatives for the Hwy 43 corridor No-build Enhanced Bus Streetcar Key Decision: Selection of a “Locally-Preferred Alternative” Lake Oswego to Portland Transit Study Example

7 DECISIONDIRECT IMPACTSHEALTH DETERMINANTSHEALTH OUTCOMES Choice of transit alternative Streetcar Enhanced bus No build Example: Lake Oswego to Portland Transit Study

8 DECISIONDIRECT IMPACTSHEALTH DETERMINANTSHEALTH OUTCOMES Choice of transit alternative Streetcar Enhanced bus No build New infrastructure Improved transit level-of-service Example: Lake Oswego to Portland Transit Study

9 DECISIONDIRECT IMPACTSHEALTH DETERMINANTSHEALTH OUTCOMES Choice of transit alternative Streetcar Enhanced bus No build New infrastructure Improved transit level-of-service Concentration of Outdoor Air Pollutants Safety from Crashes Access to Health- supportive Resources Opportunities for Physical Activity Noise Disposable Income Example: Lake Oswego to Portland Transit Study

10 DECISIONDIRECT IMPACTSHEALTH DETERMINANTSHEALTH OUTCOMES Choice of transit alternative Streetcar Enhanced bus No build New infrastructure Improved transit level-of-service Concentration of Outdoor Air Pollutants Safety from Crashes Access to Health- supportive Resources Opportunities for Physical Activity Noise Disposable Income Lung Cancer Asthma Decreased Lung Function Heart Disease Emphysema Bronchitis All-cause Mortality Colon and Breast Cancer Diabetes Stroke High Blood Pressure Joint and Muscle Function Heart Disease All-cause Mortality Multiple Mental Health Outcomes Injuries Death Multiple Beneficial Mental and Physical Outcomes Example: Lake Oswego to Portland Transit Study


12 Instructions Scoping worksheet 5: Research questions, data needs, and assessment methodology, by health determinant* Project:LOPT Transit StudyGeographic Scope: Local, Hwy 43 corridor Health Determinant/Outcome: Concentration of outdoor air pollutants Temporal Scope: Short term, construction phase Research Questions: Existing Conditions (of health determinants and health outcomes) Research Questions: Potential Impacts (on health determinants and health outcomes) Possible IndicatorsData SourcesMethodology Priority (High, Medium, Low) What are current levels of diesel engine -related air pollutants in the Hwy 43 corridor? How will concentration levels of these pollutants change as a result of the different scenarios? Modeled existing concentration levels of key air toxics; Gallons of diesel used in construction DEQ’s PATS database, DEIS projections for diesel use in construction, EPA/OSHA reports on construction AQ Project emissions from construction activity based on different fleet scenarios Med/ high How do rates of asthma or other respiratory illnesses compare with regional averages? Would these conditions likely be exacerbated by construction activity? Hospitalization rates ??? Look for possible local studies. Lit. ReviewMed/ low *Adapted from Human Impact Partners “Scoping Worksheet”

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