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PTAGIS Program Review and Roadmap Focused on Portland Team for the 2014 PIT Tag Steering Committee Annual Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "PTAGIS Program Review and Roadmap Focused on Portland Team for the 2014 PIT Tag Steering Committee Annual Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 PTAGIS Program Review and Roadmap Focused on Portland Team for the 2014 PIT Tag Steering Committee Annual Meeting

2 Summary of Mark, Release, Recapture, Recovery Data Processing for 2013 2.3 million PIT-tagged fish released 30 Organizations 324 release locations

3 Summary of Observation Data Processing for 2013 11+ million observations 880 thousand unique tags 248 interrogation Sites (25 PTAGIS Sites)

4 System Upgrade Major systems upgrade completed in 2013 Except P3 tagging software Ingres database and UNIX-based systems retired Timeline: March 1 st : M4 primary data source at all PTAGIS interrogation sites April 30 th : New website and reporting promoted into production Sept 10 th : Tag Distribution and Inventory deployed Sept. 27 th : Tagging and legacy Int. Data processing Sept. 30 th : Migrated 1.4M raw data files (100GB)

5 PTAGIS Website Activity tracked by Google Analytics Usage Since 5/13: Total Visits: 27,887 Unique Visitors: 6,599 Page Views: 98,695 Pages/Visit: 3.54 Avg. Visit Duration: 5:46 % New Visits: 21% Top three cities (total visits): Portland: 3,974 Boise: 2,754 Salem: 2,165

6 2013 Summary of Advanced Reporting Usage 433 users ran at least one report 3.3 billion rows returned 82 thousand jobs ran

7 Changes to Interrogation Data Validation Reject files with File Open/Close Date set to ‘future’ Tag codes are validated against tag mask list No match observation is marked ‘Invalid Tag’ and filtered from reports by default Reject file containing ‘buffered’ observation records for legacy data submitted from MiniMon/PIFF

8 Changes to Tag Data Loading and Validation Tag data linked to project instead person Authorize sender of data submitted Date fields cannot be in future Release Date >= Tag Date (includes VRT) Notification emailed both submitter and project coordinator No data processed without active project coordinator

9 New Website Features: Interrogation Site Metadata

10 New Website Features: Interrogation Data Load Settings

11 New Website Features: Event Log Viewer for Interrogation Sites

12 New Website Features: Clip File Download

13 New Website Features: Separation-by-Code by Action Code Summary

14 New Website Features: Raw Data File Browser

15 Advanced Reporting: New Look-and-Feel

16 Advanced Reporting: Copy-and-Paste Rows from Report

17 Advanced Reporting: Share Reports via Email

18 Upgraded O&M Reports

19 Upgraded O&M Reports: TASS

20 PTAGIS RESTful API (Web API) Share or manipulate a resource between systems Uniform interface (HTTP); platform independent Example: P3 client gets validation codes from PTAGIS server Example: M4 client gets site metadata to standardize configuration Example: IDFG gets tag data for a specific tag code to display in an application

21 PTAGIS RESTful API: Interrogation Site Metadata Example

22 PTAGIS RESTful API: Tag Event by Tag Code

23 M4 Deployment for 2013 Evaluation

24 2013 Separation-by-Code (SbyC) Overview 17 projects 64 action codes (target groups) 4 million target tag codes Coordinated\implemented by online request system Evaluation made implementation complex Two issues at GRJ: Bug in M4 quota counters affected NOAA (G. Axel) study Configuration error affected Biomark experimental release/diversion of lamprey

25 2013 Program Overview 10% budget cut Upgrade deadline due to legacy server licensing Consolidate Portland lab with Kennewick Access transceivers and other equipment remotely Participated in Council’s Fish Tagging Forum (FTF) Published March and October Newsletters Completed 2011 and 2012 Annual Reports for BPA Submitted FY14 contract/budget to BPA

26 2014 Roadmap for Systems and Program Coordination (Portland staff) Info Sessions to get community feedback Refine and document upgraded systems Tag Distribution Requests M4 (retire MiniMon) Data loading (ETL) and alerting Web API (web services) Reporting and other Web features PIT Tag Forecaster Develop P4 tagging software Evolve PTAGIS data model Prepare for 2015 PIT Tag Workshop

27 PIT Tag Forecaster

28 PIT Tag Forecaster: Selected Forecast

29 PIT Tag Forecaster: Project Detail

30 PIT Tag Forecaster: ESU (Population) Detail

31 PIT Tag Forecaster: Location Detail

32 PIT Tag Forecaster: Forecast Detail

33 PIT Tag Forecaster: Reports

34 PIT Tag Forecaster: Next Steps Agency meeting next week Provide system walkthrough for BPA, NOAA, NPCC, USACE stakeholders Refine and integrate into PTAGIS website Complete validation and administration features Populate FWP and AFEP projects Identify agency users to beta test application Promote application into production Refine reporting system with production data Implement alerting system for annual updates

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