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Our community continuum of care has been developing a Coordinated Assessment System for homeless persons in our community for the past year.

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Presentation on theme: "Our community continuum of care has been developing a Coordinated Assessment System for homeless persons in our community for the past year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our community continuum of care has been developing a Coordinated Assessment System for homeless persons in our community for the past year.

2 Recently, the Veteran’s Administration chose 25 Cities to assist in this effort, our Orlando area being one of them.

3 The 25 Cities San Diego Tampa San Francisco Phoenix Tucson Las Vegas Orlando Houston Atlanta Detroit Denver New Orleans New York Miami Boston Washington Baltimore Philly Fresno Honolulu Chicago Seattle Portland Riverside Los Angeles The 25 Cities Project


5 This effort involves the use of a Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement system (abbreviated CAHP) in conjunction with our developing Continuum of Care Coordinated Assessment System through Homeless Services Network using HMIS.

6 The 25 Cities initiative uses CAHP to create the parts of the system that are easier to implement. We will be participating in a special 100-day “Rapid Results” effort aimed at helping us quickly start this system.

7 The effort focuses, initially, on moving the chronically homeless and homeless veterans living in downtown Orlando and East Orange County, from street to home. Once the new system is up and running, it will then be brought to other geographic areas in our continuum of care and then extended to the remaining homeless populations in our continuum of care.

8 Implementation Approach: Rapid Results 100-day project cycles – Each project a complete cycle: design, build, and use – Learning-though-implementing: adjust/refine processes and policies, and build/reinforce new habits and behaviors “Shrink the Change” – Start with one population and/or geography, build from there “Designers are Implementers” – Front line staff design and implement each 100 day project – Leaders scale-up innovations, based on recommendations provided by front-line teams

9 We are here Pre-Project Community Design Workshop Implement Day 1Day 50Day 100 Jun 4 th -5 th Midpoint Review Sustainability Review Challenge: Build a pilot CAHP system for Veterans and Chronically Homeless living in Orange County & Orlando, in 100 days


11 Without a CAHP Lots of passion & hard work, but… It’s a “Maze” that many clients and case workers can not navigate System resources are not optimally utilized Hardest to serve get left behind ? ? ! ? ? ! Graphic created by Chris Ko, United Way of Greater LA

12 Our Vision Link each person to the right housing for their needs Lower admin costs, increase efficiency and speed Ease collaboration among providers With a CAHP System Graphic created by Chris Ko, United Way of Greater LA

13 Building the CAHP System Engine Case Conferencing Housing Navigation Prioritization Common Assessment Coordinated outreach Vacancy notification MATCHING! Inventory of available housing resources Eligibility matching Front End Most vulnerable entered into the system, prioritized and ready for housing Back End Housing supply identified and vacancies entered into the system

14 Key Changes that a CAHP Requires of Provides Providers of Outreach and Case Management Services….. Use of common assessment tool (VI-SPDAT) Participation in Case Conferencing & Coordinated Outreach Groups Enter data into common data-base (PMCP) Providers of Housing Selection/Assignment of residents from single community-wide list (when allowed by funding parameters) Enter vacancies into common database (PMCP)

15 Visualizing The common data-base: Performance Management and Communications Platform (PMCP) Common Assessment Tool Aggregate Client Tracker Case Conferencing Tool Match Initiation Form Housing Vacancy Forms Housing Vacancy Trackers Client Profile

16 Benefits to our Community? Providers of Outreach and Case Management Services….. Better, more efficient collaboration across organizations Easier time finding out what housing is available and what requirements are Less paper work Easier time finding out who is most vulnerable/chronic Providers of Housing Better, more efficient collaboration across organizations Reduced vacancy times: Instantly know which clients qualifies for your housing Greater assistance from other orgs in helping clients get documents in order

17 We are here Pre-Project Community Design Workshop Implement Day 1Day 50Day 100 Jun 4 th -5 th Midpoint Review Sustainability Review Challenge: Build a pilot CAHP system for Veterans and Chronically Homeless living in Orange County & Orlando, in 100 days

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