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Literacy Work Stations Workshop. Successful Reading Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Literacy Work Stations Workshop. Successful Reading Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literacy Work Stations Workshop

2 Successful Reading Programs

3 Gradual Release of Responsibility Teacher Student More Less Teacher Control Modeling Handholding Independence

4 Why Use Literacy Work Stations? Comprehension Fluency Writing Vocabulary Phonics

5 What is Literacy Work Stations?

6 Literacy Work Stations Verses Traditional Centers Literacy Work Stations Materials are taught with Stations remain up all year Visit work stations daily Differentiated materials Teacher and students create together Teacher works with a small group Traditional Centers New Material are added Centers are changed weekly Used if work is finished All students do the same work Teacher prepares everything Small groups do the same activity

7 Management of Independent Work Time Quiet Independent Practice Independent reading Reading Response Active Independent Practice Literacy work stations Small groups

8 Management Space Time Grades Floors Walls Corners Desks Make a compromise Traditional grades LWS Grades

9 Mini-lessons Introducing a work station Adding something new Reviewing or reteaching

10 Please click to watch a video of a successful mini-lesson of asking questions while

11 Management Boards Pocket charts Posters Bulletin boards Computers Walls

12 Frequently Asked Questions How many students in one LWS? How many work stations? What work stations should I have? Where do I get the materials? How long should my students be in a LWS? What is some students finish early?

13 Answers! 2 students Up to 8 or 10 stations Student needs and content Materials you already have 20-30 minutes This will not happen!

14 I Can Lists! I can… Read the news articles first. Circle the main idea of one article. Write a summary about it. Then use the pens to do the activities on the last page. If you finish, choose another article to read. Clean up when finished. Close the pen tightly. (Diler, 2005, p. 29)

15 Classroom Library Reading, writing, and talking about authors Recommending books Responding to books Keeping a reading log

16 Writing Work Station Write a variety of things Write a description Author’s purpose Expert writing Picture books Write summaries

17 Easy to Set up Work Stations Listening Buddy Reading SpellingOverheadComputerHandwriting

18 Newspaper Work Station Want ads and articles Headlines, pictures, and articles match Student newspapers

19 Word Study Work Stations Scrabble Sorts Make words Words within words Word webs Illustrate words Dictionary work Crossword puzzles Wordy study games

20 Poetry Read Write Perform Copy Illustrate Compare Respond to Memorize

21 Drama Guess the emotion Working with mood Write a script Add motions to poems

22 Differentiated Activities Strategic Intervention On LevelAdvanced

23 What Should the Teacher be doing? Assisting, guiding, and overseeing stations Small groups

24 Why should I teach in Small Groups? Please click to see what Debbie Diller says about small

25 Managing Small Groups size of each group number of days per week each group attends number of minutes per day type of lesson structure for each group content and level of the lesson (Kosanovich, Ladinsky, Nelson, & Torgesen, n.d.)

26 Organizing Small Groups MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday GroupStars, CirclesDiamondsStarsDiamondsCircles ActivityLeveled readers Syllable patterns High frequency words Mystery word Notes

27 With your group, come up with an example of a table of how you implement small groups. Come up with groups and activities.

28 Watch! Spotlight on Small Groups Part 1 Part 2

29 Putting it All Together Vocabulary Phonics Comprehension Fluency Writing

30 Evaluating Your Students Literacy Work Stations  Checklist  Observations  Grades Small Groups  Checklist  Observations  Assessments

31 How Would You Use Literacy Work Stations? Now you are going to get a chance to create your own class literacy work stations! Listen for further instructions!

32 References Diller, D. (2003). Literacy work station: making stations work. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers. Diller, D. (2005). Practice with purpose: literacy work stations for grades 3-6. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers. Diller, D. (November 11, 2009). Spotlight on small groups: part 1. Stenhouse Publishers. Retrieved July 20, 2010, from Diller, D. (November 11, 2009). Spotlight on small groups: part 1. Stenhouse Publishers. Retrieved July 20, 2010, Diller, D. (July 20, 2009). Why teach small groups. Stenhouse Publishers. Retrieved July 20, 2010, from Kosanovich, M., Ladinsky,K., Nelson, L., & Torgesen, J.(n.d.). Differentiated reading instruction: small group alternative lesson structures for all students. Florida center for reading research. Retrieved July 15, 2010, from Literacy work stations. (2009). Kyrene School District No. 28. Retrieved August 5, 2010, from sorge/litworkstations/Literacy%2520Work%2520Station.ppt+literacy+work+stations&cd=2&hl=en& ct=clnk&gl=us&ie=UTF-8 sorge/litworkstations/Literacy%2520Work%2520Station.ppt+literacy+work+stations&cd=2&hl=en& ct=clnk&gl=us&ie=UTF-8 Maiers, A. (February 21, 2010. 1 st grade mini-lesson. Retrieved July 20, 2010, from

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