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By Leila Oakley. Cary Stayner: background  Stayner was born and raised in Merced, California  His younger brother, Steven, was kidnapped by child molester.

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Presentation on theme: "By Leila Oakley. Cary Stayner: background  Stayner was born and raised in Merced, California  His younger brother, Steven, was kidnapped by child molester."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Leila Oakley

2 Cary Stayner: background  Stayner was born and raised in Merced, California  His younger brother, Steven, was kidnapped by child molester Kenneth Parnell in 1972. He held captive for more than seven years before escaping and being reunited with his family.  Felt neglected as his parents grieved over the loss of Steven. "We never really got along well after he came back. All of a sudden Steve was getting all these gifts, getting all this clothing, getting all this attention. I guess I was jealous. I'm sure I was.... I got put on the back burner, you might say."

3 Cary Stayner: background  fantasized about murdering women since the age of seven  After graduating high school, The Cedar Lodge hired him as handyman in 1997 Management found him a hard-worker and honest

4 Cary Stayner: crime  February-July 1999 he murdered four women. He was initially questioned when his first three victims were found, but he was not seriously considered as a suspect. When the fourth body was found he was questioned again and arrested by FBI Agent Jeff Rinek He eventually confessed to all four murders.

5 Cary Stayner: crime details  Feb 12, 1999, Carole Sund, daughter Juli (15), and Silvina Pelosso (16) left the Sund home in California, and for a vacation in Yosemite. Silvina was a foreign exchange student from Argentina and a friend of Juli’s

6 Cary Stayner: crime details  Feb 15 th the ladies hiked in the park and returned to the hotel for the evening. They rented movies from the lodges desk being seen for the last time.  They did early check out with out any suspicious and left the room without sign of struggle  It was not until her husband expected their arrival two days later that they were found missing.  Carole's wallet, showed up on a Modesto (Calif.) street gave signs of possible violence rather then missing persons. March 18 a hiker wandered onto the site of a burned-out red 1999 Pontiac hidden off the Highway 108 in the Stanislaus Forest region Carole Sund and Silvina Pelosso bodies were found in the trunk On March 25, Near Lake Pedro in Tuolumme County, miles away, the badly decomposed body of Juli Sund was found. The girl's throat had been cut.

7 Cary Stayner: crime  fourth victim was killed a few miles from Cedar Lodge.  Twenty-six-year-old Joie Armstrong had been employed by the Yosemite Institute.  murdered on the evening of Wednesday, July 21  Body found on the morning of July 22

8 Sentencing  Cary was again led in for questioning, immediately after the body of Miss Armstrong was found. agents detained him and forced him to answer more questions Investigators searched his truck and confiscated his backpack for examination Upon release, the FBI warned him not to leave El Portal as they probably were not through with him.  the agents also searched Stayner's apartment and discovered evidence that they determined linked him to Armstrong's murder.  Cary left El Portal and retreating to a nudist colony where the police arrested him.

9 Sentencing The death-penalty trial of Cary Stayner was moved from Mariposa County to Santa Clara County, CA.  May 2002, Stayner pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity for the murders of the three tourists in Yosemite National Park.  Mid-July of 2002, the trial began in Judge Thomas C. Hastings' courtroom with the prosecution team headed by George Williamson and the defense team headed by Marcia Morrissey.

10 Sentencing  -On Monday, July 22, the court heard his taped confession  -For the next two weeks, the court heard a group of experts testifying to Stayner's lack of criminal culpability due to brain abnormalities and mental illnesses.  -Ultimately, the closing arguments would present two very different views of Cary Stayner — a cold-blooded murdering sexual predator and a mentally ill victim of child abuse who was overcome by his disabilities.

11 Sentencing Convicted of four counts of first degree murder by a July in 2001. In 2002, during the penalty phase of his trial, he was sentenced to death. An Appeal is pending. Stayner is housed on death row at San Quentin Penitentiary in California.

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